(The planetary hours)


Download "Vjyotish-exl" to calculate the most accurate planetary horas (planetary hours) for any place on this earth.

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Each planet governs certain hours of the day. They will give their main
results at these times. Auspicious planets in your chart will give good
results during their hours; inauspicious planets will cause difficulty.
Influences will be according to the favourable or unfavourable nature of
the planet ruling the day (like the Sun for Sunday) and its relationship
with the planet ruling the hour.

The best time to initiate activity related to any house is the hora or
weekday ruled by the lord of the house. Extending this principle to birth
chart, the houses that would flourish or the activity that would flourish
would be indicated by houses ruled by the lord of the hora and weekday of



Download "Vjyotish-exl" to calculate the most accurate planetary horas (planetary hours) for any place on this earth.