Rahu Kala

The dreaded inauspicious time
to be avoided for any auspicious action


Download "Vjyotish-exl" to calculate most accurate Rahu-kaal (Rahu kalam) for any place on this earth.

It has been believed from the Vedic Age and has been observed even presently that there are certain times of the day called 'Rahu Kalam', which is believed to be an ill-omened time period of the day. During this time frame one should avoid any auspicious action such as investments, business transactions, asset purchases, journeys, relationships, meetings and medical treatments. It is believed that work done during this period does not bring successful results.It is a normal practice in South India.

'Rahu Kalam' (or, 'Rahu-kaal') is an inauspicious time period for a particular day. It is one-eighth part of the difference between the Sun set and Sun rise time (approx. 90 minutes) of a particular place for specific day of a week. The Rahu Kalam time period and its order vary from day to day.

Download "Vjyotish-exl" to calculate most accurate Rahu-kaal (Rahu kalam) for any place on this earth.