Dear Mr.
Thank you
very much for trusting in my astrological services and
giving me the opportunity to analyze your birth chart.
I have prepared this report for you on
the basis of your Vedic birth-chart calculated for the following
birth-data: |
Date of birth : |
09 August 1981 |
Time of birth
: |
17:20 hrs (Zonal Standard Time in 24 hrs. format)
Place of birth : |
Agra (UP), India |
(027N10'59; 078E01'00) |
5:30 hrs ahead of GMT |
Applicable Day Light Saving Time (DST):
0.00 hr |
As per the above birth-data, your Vedic
(sidereal) ascendant is Sagittarius ('Dhanu'),
the Vedic Moon sign ('Rashi') is Scorpio ('Vrashchik')
and Janma-nakshatra (birth-star) is Anuradha
(pada-3). Please be reminded that do not
confuse it with your tropical (Western)
ascendant and tropical Moon-sign, which may be
same or a sign higher (in your case, tropical
ascendant is 'Capricorn').
Note: In this chart, 'True
positions' of Rahu & Ketu have been
considered. It may differ some times from
'Mean positions', which are used by some
astrologers and software. |
I must
congratulate you for asking very specific questions
which covers wide spectrum of issues concerning your
business. I have analyzed your birth-chart through very
sophisticated Vedic Jyotish techniques. I have avoided
writing all the astrological details of logics applied
to keep this report short and simple and to let you
remain focused on the main issues only. |
Q01: You have written that you are
presently doing or wish to enter into following
businesses. Which of these businesses are more suitable for
a. |
Petrol pump |
b. |
Export business - Handicrafts, mosaic lamps,
hand made zardozi products, decoratives ,
fashion jewellery. |
The Second house is
the house of livelihood. It relates to earning capacity and
our ability to provide for ourselves in life. Wealth &
Property, Status, Fortune, financial condition, ability to
acquire material resources, self acquisition are signified by
Second house in general.
The Eleventh is the house of gains. It shows income or what
brings us increase. Gain of money, accomplishments, income,
prosperity, hopes, wishes, aspirations, ambitions, attainment
of welfare etc. are signified by eleventh house.
The Ninth House is the prime house of grace, fortune, and
luck, and gives sudden and unexpected gains in life. Those who
win lotteries or races usually have good influences from this
The fifth house is 9th from the 9th house and therefore is
another house of wealth and fortune. As such it shows our
capacity to gain through speculation (like the stock market),
how we can gain through our productions, creations,
recreation, and imagination.
Therefore, to
assess the suitability of various businesses or
occupations, properly, we need to check 'Inclined
Beneficence' of various planets towards above described
houses in a horoscope. The 'Inclined Beneficence' is
primarily based on relation of a planet with concerned
houses, their lords and their dispositors. Planet's own
dignity, exaltation and some other factors also affect
the beneficence values.
Beneficence of 9 planets towards your Wealth & Fortune
related houses: |
Houses : 2nd 5th 9th 11th TOTAL
Sun : 54.1 62.1 45.4 41.6 = 203.33
Moon : 40.5 52.7 34.4 40.5 = 168.11
Mars : 41.5 59.2 34.1 31.1 = 165.94
Mercury: 48.6 62.8 41.1 54.1 = 206.59
Jupiter: 51.1 69.4 58.7 55.7 = 234.99
Venus : 47.6 50.4 33.9 49.6 = 181.60
Saturn : 75.7 63.0 50.3 58.3 = 247.39
Rahu : 74.8 52.9 63.8 53.9 = 245.31
Ketu : 60.0 46.9 52.3 54.6 = 213.77
ranking of various planets, based upon their
inclination values towards Wealth & Fortune
related houses, in declining order, are as
follows: |
Saturn, Rahu, Jupiter, Ketu, Mercury, Sun, Venus,
Moon, Mars |
Petrol pump is signified by Mars (Fuel) & Moon
(Liquid). Handicrafts, decoratives, fashion
jewellery etc comes under the domain of Venus.
As you may see in above table that Mars is
ranked lowest and Venus is at 7th rank among
nine planets. These businesses will not give you
wealth and prosperity. |
am planning to start a new business. City situated
in which direction of India would suit me most for
business purpose? |
It really
can make a difference where on the globe you live or
work! Changing one’s locale can substantially change
the prevailing conditions of one's life or career
circumstances. The ancient tool of Vedic Jyotish can
truly help a person in this matter.
Here-in-below, the "Directional strengths",
"Directional beneficence" and the cardinal
directions of various planets in your horoscope have
been calculated as per "Fixed Zodiac System" ("Sthirachakra")
as enunciated in Jyotish classic "Prashnamarga".
cardinal directions of planets in your
horoscope are as follows: |
Directions | Posited planets
SOUTH : Sun, Mercury, Venus, Rahu
SOUTH-WEST : Jupiter, Saturn
WEST : Moon
NORTH : Ketu
the following table, "Directional strength"
and "Directional beneficence", both, of each
of the eight directions have been calculated
by two separate methods simultaneously, for
your birth chart. The first method involves
calculation of "Direction strength" and the
second method calculates "Accrued planetary
beneficence" for each direction due to
placement of various functional benefic and
malefic planets. |
Direction | Accrued beneficence| NET |
%Share Strength | Value Percent | RESULT |
EAST : 15.356 [ 90.80%] | 0.00 [ 50.00%] | 70.40%|
SOUTH-EAST : 11.573 [ 36.75%] | -186.32 [ 26.71%] | 31.73%|
SOUTH : 11.128 [ 30.39%] | -31.56 [ 46.06%] | 38.22%|
SOUTH-WEST : 14.688 [ 81.26%] | -213.57 [ 23.30%] | 52.28%|
WEST : 9.792 [ 11.32%] | -123.82 [ 34.52%] | 22.92%|
NORTH-WEST : 13.798 [ 68.55%] | 0.00 [ 50.00%] | 59.27%|
NORTH : 12.240 [ 46.29%] | 0.68 [ 50.08%] | 48.19%|
NORTH-EAST : 12.908 [ 55.83%] | 0.00 [ 50.00%] | 52.91%|
** N O T
E **
The directions should be considered from your
The beneficence values for various planets are
reached after intricate calculations for a horoscope
which takes into consideration several principles
for determining the functional nature of different
planets, as benefics and malefics, as told by sage
Parashara, and the principles told in various
streams of Vedic Jyotish to measure the exact nature
of the planets. The importance of various
astrological parameters have been calibrated very
carefully - as told in ancient Vedic Jyotish texts.
However, at times, some special Jyotish principles
may over-shadow the net result obtained through the
normally used Parashari principles to determine the
beneficence of a planet. In such cases, these
special principles have been found prevailing and
they may reduce (or enhance) beneficence of a planet
considerably. This report considers these special
principles also.
In the first method, we have calculated the the
"Directional strengths". The average share of each
of the eight direction in "Directional strength" is
12.5% (i.e. 100/8 = 12.5%). If a direction gets
higher share, its strength increases correspondingly
and it becomes more beneficial for you. Directions
receiving lesser share (less than 12.5%) should be
avoided. Directions getting 12.5% share are just
"Average in strength" (or, 50% strong). The above
table shows both values, i.e., "Share%" and
"Strength%". Both are inter-related. The strong
directions (strength more than 50% in column "b")
will yield success and prosperity to you. The
results obtained through this method have been shown
under columns (a) and (b) of the above table.
The second method measures "Directional beneficence"
and is based on the principle found in Jyotish
classic "Prashnamarg", which states that if a
direction is otherwise strong and benefic planets
are also associated with that direction, the
prosperity knows no bounds for native in that
direction. Through the second method, we have
calculated the net planetary beneficence accumulated
through various planets posited in that direction.
The net "Directional beneficence" of each of the
eight directions has been shown under column (c).
The value range under this method is between -500
and +500. Thus a "zero" in column (c) is considered
"Average Directional beneficence" (i.e., column "d"
would show 50% beneficence) in this test. Higher
positive values denote higher directional
beneficence, and vice-versa. The directions, which
accumulate high negative values, should be
considered non-suitable and it will be very
difficult for you to prosper in such directions. The
results obtained through this method have been shown
under columns (c) and (d) of the above table.
The conclusion is that the best suitable directions
for you are those which are strong in “Directional
strength” (above 50% in column "b") and also
accumulate high positive values for "Directional
beneficence" (above 50% in column "d"). Same way,
the worst directions are those which are weak in
“Directional strength” (below 50% in column "b") and
also accumulate high negative values for
"Directional beneficence" (below 50% in column "d").
The "Net result" of this whole analysis has been
summarized under column "e" Directions showing
50%, or above, under column "e", should be
considered "auspicious" and vice-versa.
best directions for you, in declining order,
are as follows: |
1. East
2. North-West
3. North-East
4. South-West |
directions should be considered from your
"Birth-place". Even if you have to choose a street
in your birth place itself, you will be more luckier
on a street which is situated in your best
direction. Therefore, if you have to buy a real
estate, buy it in your strong directions only. |
Which CITY or COUNTRY would be "Most
Suitable" in my benefic direction? |
In a benefic
direction, as decided by above directional
suitability analysis, there may be several cities/
countries. But, not all the places in that direction
would remain equally suitable for you. To get the
answer of this question, you will need Vedic astro-numerology
based "Lucky Number analysis" also additionally.
cities and countries, which return one of the
"Excellent" or "Good" categorized primary root
numbers (indicated in your astro-numerology report)
in their names and are also situated in your benefic
direction, as told above, will remain more suitable
for you than the cities and countries which, though,
are situated in your benefic direction but are
returning one of the "Poor" or "Worst" categorized
primary root numbers in their name.
The Vedic astro-numerology report is neither based
on your "Birth-date" nor on your "Sun-sign", as is
usually done in popularly used Western numerology.
Instead, it is based on the planetary configurations
present in your birth-chart, and therefore, highly
customized. It is quite different from Western
numerology based reports in its approach. Though,
planetary rulership through nine primary numbers and
Chaldean (Kabbalistic) numeric equivalents to Roman
alphabets are same. BUT, the similarity ends here.
In Vedic numerology, we deal with numbers from one
to nine, the seven luminaries, plus Rahu and Ketu,
the nodes of the Moon.
The primary root number of not only your own name
but your company name and brands are also very
important indicators of your success. Even, the
names of your employees, business associates and
borrowers can give early warnings if compared
against your own best and worst primary root
You may calculate primary root numbers of desired
entity or City from the following Chaldean master
table of numbers:
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
U |
O |
F |
I |
K |
G |
M |
H |
V |
Z |
P |
J |
R |
L |
T |
N |
W |
Q |
S |
X |
Y |
Master table of
Chaldean numerology |
on the left is
the master table of Chaldean numerology.
Letters are assigned numeric values, from 1 to
8, based on their vibrational value (and not
in the sequence of alphabets). The number 9 is considered "sacred" and is not
assigned to any letter.
example, primary root numbers of few cities have
been calculated below: |
464211 = 18 = 9 (root number NINE)
556 1722 = 28 = 1 (root number ONE)
315 821531337 = 42 = 6 (root number SIX)
way, you may calculate primary root number for
name of any place or person with the help of
above table. |
Any indications for syllable suitability for my
Company’s name or product’s name? |
Under Vedic
system, every syllable is said to confirm to a
definite pattern of sound ('Dhwani'). Vedic
astrology suggests that certain patterns of sound
are more in harmony with the instance of your birth.
Letters/ alphabets with friendly vibrations may be
used for purposes such as choosing your own name,
naming your business, a product, naming your house
and even pets. The following syllables have the
utmost harmony with your birth star.
'Say', 'So', 'Daa', 'Dee'
[As pronounced in: Sewagram, Somalia, Datia, Deesa]
'Ke', 'Ko', 'Haa', 'Hee'
[As pronounced in: Keti, Komilla, Hawai, Hissar]
'Tee', 'Too', 'Tey', 'To'
[As pronounced in: Teista, Tulsa, Tejpur, Toledo]
'Naa', 'Nee', 'Noo', 'Nay'
[As pronounced in: Nashville, Needham, Nuh, Newark]
'Du', 'Tha', 'Jhaa', 'Un'
[As pronounced in: Durg, Thane, Jharia, ........]
'Hoo', 'Hay', 'Ho', 'Ddaa'
[As pronounced in: Hooghly, Hayward, Hollywood, Dallas]
Try to
choose a company/ firm name and/or product name
which start from any of the above syllables and
it’s name spelling returns a primary root number
which is also categorized as "Excellent" or
"Good" in your Vedic astro-numerology report. |
it would be more appropriate to do business at home
or nearby city or in a distant city? |
The Fourth
House is the house of home. It relates to the mother
and to the domestic situation. The planet Moon
signifies our mother and also home.
The Ninth house signifies long journeys and foreign
travels, foreigners & foreign trade. The Twelfth
house signifies Foreign connections and tie-ups;
journeys to distant lands and life in foreign lands.
Thus 4th House and Moon, both represent "Mother
Land". If fourth house is strong in Sarvaashtakvarga,
unafflicted and its lord also strong and unafflicted;
the Moon is also strong and properly placed - then,
you will prosper in your home land or nearby cities.
On the contrary, if your fourth house and its lord
are afflicted; Moon is weak or afflicted, then you
should consider moving to a distant place.
In your birth chart, fourth house is being
aspected by Saturn. Saturn is not only a strong
natural malefic but also the worst functional
malefic in your chart, with lowest OFB value
(-272.41). It has got moderate benefic points
(29) in Sarvaashtakvarga.
The Fourth lord Jupiter is also posited with
Saturn. However, saving grace is that Jupiter
has got excellent Ashtakvarga status with 6
benefic points and that too in a contrutor's
kakshya. It is posited in a strong sign having
33 Sarvaashtak points.
The Fourth lord Jupiter is aspecting 4th house,
which is a protecting factor. |
Now about the Moon. The status of Moon is not
good in your birth chart. It is debilitated and
posited in 12th house. The Twelfth is the house
of loss & expense. It shows decrease, wastage
and decay. We tend to lose or waste away the
traits of the planets located in this house.
The Moon is also afflicted by the 3rd aspect of
Saturn. |
The inter-personal relationship of your 4th
house and the Moon is also not very good. |
analysis makes it very clear that you will do
much better in your business if you are based in
a distant place, away from your mother land
(birth city) or your business mostly relates
with clients who are either foreigners or from
distant cities within India. |
partnership in the business suits me or I should do
business all alone? |
The Seventh
house of a horoscope is well known as the house of
the partner. For a company 7th house signifies
business partners and Strategic alliances. If the
7th house is strong and unafflicted; 7th lord is not
debilitated and not in association of malefics and
placed in good houses, then only, native should
think of business partnerships. Otherwise, a
business done in partnership would end up in a
disaster. Either business will suffer losses or
partner will cheat the native.
In your
birth-chart, 7th house is highly afflicted. Mars
is posited in it and Saturn is aspecting it.
There is no benefic aspects on the 7th House.
7th Lord (Mercury) is combust, posited in an
inimical sign, in 8th house. 7th Lord is highly
afflicted too without any benefic aspect. |
Partnership will not suit you. |
If I
have to choose a business partner, any notes about
the "Cast" of the partner? |
Mercury and Moon signifies caste “Vaishya” or
persons coming from traditional business
communities. Sun represents persons linked with
Royal or administrative families (for example
belonging to a Jamindar family or son of a
Government officer etc). Mars signifies martial
races or persons in police or military. Jupiter
and Venus, both are Guru. They represent persons
of "Brahmin" cast and/or persons coming from
highly educated background or in spiritual field.
Saturn represents persons belonging to Scheduled
Castes and Tribes or coming from very poor family
back-ground. Rahu represents foreigners and
scavengers. Ketu represents persons of Muslim
You should opt to choose a partner who is
represented by a planet which has excellent or
good inclination towards your house of
partnership. I have prepared the following table
in which inclination of various planets towards
your house of partnership is represented in
percentage terms. 50% is average. Higher than 50%
indicate good inclination and vice-versa.
Sun: |
42% |
Mercury: |
73% |
Saturn: |
48% |
Moon: |
18% |
Jupiter: |
56% |
Rahu: |
55% |
Mars: |
54% |
Venus: |
53% |
Ketu: |
42% |
should avoid entering into partnerships with
those personswho are represented by such
planets which have very low inclination
towards your house of partnership in above
table. |
Can Jyotish also guide me about the suitability and
unsuitability of castes of my employees? |
The Sixth
House in our horoscope represents employees,
servants, inferiors, tenants and agents. I have
already mentioned the "caste" of various planets in
previous question.
You should
employ a person who is represented by a planet which
has excellent or good inclination towards your 6th
house. I have prepared the following table in which
inclination of various planets towards your 6th
house is represented in percentage terms. 50% is
average. Higher than 50% indicate good inclination
and vice-versa.
Sun: |
54% |
Mercury: |
60% |
Saturn: |
66% |
Moon: |
47% |
Jupiter: |
61% |
Rahu: |
54% |
Mars: |
54% |
Venus: |
61% |
Ketu: |
62% |
should avoid employing persons who are
represented by such planets which have very low
inclination towards your house of sub-ordinates/
employees in the above table. |
it a proper time to venture into new businesses? If
it is not a proper time now, them when should I
start the new businesses? |
You are
currently under the Vimshottari period of
Mahadasa of Venus started on 3rd Nov. 2012. Venus is
your 6th and 11th lord and a functional malefic for
Antardasa of Mars started on 3rd Nov. 2018. Mars is
your 5th and 12th Lord. Though it is your
Panchmesh (considered good), but its overall
placement in your chart is not good and will not
give favourable results. It will last till 4th
January 2020.
Pratyantardasa of Rahu started on 28th Nov 2018.
Rahu is posited with 9th lord Sun and 10th Lord
Mercury. Its Ashtakvarga status is also very good.
Though posited in 8th house, it will normally give
good results to you. Rahu Pratyantar will last till
31st January 2019.
Conclusion: |
Mars Antardasa
last till 4th January 2020. As I wrote you
earlier that though Mars is your 5th Lord
(considered good) but its overall placement in
your chart is not good and will not give
favourable results. Therefore you should not
invest more to expand your existing business or
start a new business during Mars's vimshottari
From 4th January 2020, Rahu Antardasa will start
and will last till 3rd January 2023. As already
written above, Rahu is posited with 9th lord Sun
and 10th Lord Mercury. Its Ashtakvarga status is
also very good. Though posited in 8th house, it
will normally give good results to you.
This will be the
perfect time to go into new business or
expand your existing business. |
property dealing suits me as a business – can you
guide me that what type of properties should I deal
more? |
The Fourth
House shows land and property, and our ability to
acquire them. Quality of residence, Village, assets,
landed and ancestral properties, Orchards etc. are
also signified by this house.
On the other hand, planet Mars signifies property &
buildings. Mars provides strength of taking risks.
All courageous actions, using strength and will,
forceful, violent, aggressive actions (litigations,
arguments, combats, competitions, etc.), impulsive
and rash actions are ruled by Mars.
Therefore, if the 4th house is strong and unafflicted;
4th lord is not
debilitated and not in association of malefics and
placed in good houses, then only, native should
think of "Property dealing" as a business. Planet
Mars should also be properly placed and strong to be
successful in the business of real estate. Otherwise,
dealing in real-estate business would end up in
financial losses.
Your 4th house is being aspected by 3rd lord
Saturn (which acts as 12th lord for the 4th
house related matters). The 4th Lord Jupiter is
posited in Hasta Nakshatra, lord of which is
Moon. Moon owns 8th house in your birth-chart.
The 8th house signifies defeat or insult,
accidents, severe mental sorrow, blame,
hindrances or obstructions, disappointments,
misfortunes and all sorts of problems. |
The inclined beneficence of Mars towards your
Wealth & Fortune related houses (Second,
Eleventh, Ninth & fifth houses) is lowest among
the nine planets. |
Conclusion: |
You should
normally avoid dealing in real estate as a
business. Though, you may get occasional
profits in your good planetary periods but
as soon as planetary periods of your
functional malefics would commence, you may
suffer huge losses in property dealings.
Therefore, it is better that you avoid
investing in real estate if you intend to
sell it later on. |
I hope, my analysis in this report helps you in taking
some of those vital business decisions about which you
might have been concerned. I will really appreciate your
feedbacks in future about the effects felt by you due to
adopting my above written recommendations
& precautions.
Wishing you very best in your Business. May Goddess
Lakshmi's grace shine on you !!