"Pancha-pakshi Shastra"
Useful even if exact birth-time not known

Many people know their Date of Birth but do not know their Time of Birth. They often query whether the ancient Jyotish technique of Panch Pakshi can be used by them or not?


Here is the answer:

The "Panch-pakshi" system can be comfortably used by even those persons, in most of the cases, who know only their date of birth but do not know their exact birth-time.

Reason being that Panch Pakshi is a Nakshatra based technique and not an ascendant based technique. A Nakshatra remains for approx. 27 hrs.; while duration of an ascendant is only 2 hrs (approx). Therefore, accuracy of birth time is required in the ascendant based techniques.

Further, a Stellar Bird represents a "Group of Nakshatras" placed in continuity. Therefore if you know your Date of Birth only, then, your Stellar Bird in Panch Pakshi can be easily ascertained.

Therefore, there is no need of accurate birth time at all to calculate and prepare your Panch Pakshi reports. If you know your approximate birth time or even do not know your birth time, that is perfectly O.K. to get prepared your Panch Pakshi reports.