Tarun Kumar Kansal

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          Tarun Kansal
                            Name and spelling suggestions based on Vedic numerology

          Root number 5: Excellent  [85.71% to  100% ]
          Root number 3: Excellent  [85.71% to  100% ]
          Root number 6: Good       [71.42% to 85.71%]
          Root number 7: Average    [42.84% to 57.13%]
          Root number 9: Inadequate [28.55% to 42.84%]
          Root number 4: Poor       [14.28% to 28.55%]
          Root number 1: Poor       [14.28% to 28.55%]
          Root number 2: Worst      [00.00% to 14.28%]
          Root number 8: Worst      [00.00% to 14.28%]

          *---- KANSAL AGROTECH PVT.LTD. :
            FName:  KANSAL AGROTECH               [Alphabet count: 14]
                    215313 13274535  = 45 = 9
            MName:  PVT.LTD.                      [Alphabet count: 6]
                    86403440         = 29 = 2  [ 11 = 2 ] 
            LName:  [Blank]                       [Alphabet count: 0]
                                     =  0 = 0
            # The primary root number for this spelling is 2 (TWO).
            # Total alphabets in this spellings are 20 [root no: 2]. 

          *---- AISHWARYA OVERSEAS :
            FName:  AISHWARYA                     [Alphabet count: 9]
                    113561211  = 21 = 3
            MName:  OVERSEAS                      [Alphabet count: 8]
                    76523513   = 32 = 5  [  8 = 8 ] 
            LName:  [Blank]                       [Alphabet count: 0]
                               =  0 = 0
            # The primary root number for this spelling is 8 (EIGHT).
            # Total alphabets in this spellings are 17 [root no: 8]. 

 FName:  NYADER MAL   
          511452 413   = 26 = 8
  MName:  REOTI SARAN   
          25741 31215  = 31 = 4  [ 12 = 3 ]
                       =  0 = 0
  # The primary root number for this spelling is 3 (THREE).


  FName:  SAFED MUSLI   
          31854 46331  = 38 = 2
                       =  0 = 0  [  2 = 2 ]
                       =  0 = 0
  # The primary root number for this spelling is 2 (TWO).


          55227613175  = 44 = 8
                       =  0 = 0  [  8 = 8 ]
                       =  0 = 0
  # The primary root number for this spelling is 8 (EIGHT).


          These letters form average harmony with your birth star:

          "Kansal Agro tech",  "Aishwarya overseas"

          'Bhe', 'Bho', 'Jaa', 'Jee'
          [As pronounced in: Bhendkhal, Bhopal, Japan, Jind]

          'Aa', 'Ee', 'U / Oo', 'A'
          [As pronounced in: Arpita, Eeshu, Ummed, Andrew]

          'Ttey', 'Tto', 'Paa', 'Pee'
          [As pronounced in: Texas, Torrington, Panama, Petersburg]

          'Gaa', 'Gee', 'Goo', 'Gay'
          [As pronounced in: Gargi, Geeta, Guwahati, Geylord]

          'Vey', 'Vo', 'Kaa', 'Kee'
          [As pronounced in: Venkat, Volkswagen, Kaamta, Keerti]

          'Pay', 'Po', 'Raa', 'Ree'
          [As pronounced in: Paris, Portsmouth, Rangoon, Reno]