Vjyotish Report print:

Career & occupation out-look

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     Sample Lady
                                                Career & occupation out-look
     It is helpful to think of career success separate from the money earned, 
     as success is not limited to material gain. A person could be held in 
     very high esteem in his career field and not be the biggest success in 
     the money department. Also, the slice of the career pie will often 
     determine the earning potential. Of the three factors involved in
     vocation (career, money and work environment), the career itself has the
     most public impact. Here is where reputation is built, here is where one
     gains authority in one's field, and here is where ambition can be
     fulfilled. Positive values in Vjyotish indices, shown below, indicate
     comprehensive 'Career success' and not just monetary gains. Negative
     values will indicate falling monetary gains, deterioration in reputation
     and work environment.
     The various columns of this report show the values of following Vjyotish
     indices for the duration from January 01, 2004 to January 20, 2004.
     Idx01: Fortune in general
     Idx02: Honour, name & fame
     Idx03: Professional career & status
     Idx04: Over-all prosperity
     Idx05: Earning capabilities
     Idx06: Obstacles possibility
     Idx07: Favours from superiors
     Idx08: Aggregate astro net-effect
     dd/mm/yyyy  Idx01  Idx02  Idx03  Idx04  Idx05  Idx06  Idx07  Idx08
     01/01/2004  Avera  Avera  Inade  Fair   Fair   Avera  Avera  Avera
     02/01/2004  Avera  Avera  Inade  Avera  Avera  Avera  Inade  Inade
     03/01/2004  Avera  Avera  Inade  Avera  Avera  Avera  Inade  Inade
     04/01/2004  Inade  Inade  Inade  Avera  Avera  Avera  Inade  Inade
     05/01/2004  Avera  Inade  Inade  Avera  Avera  Avera  Inade  Inade
     06/01/2004  Avera  Inade  Inade  Avera  Avera  Avera  Inade  Inade
     07/01/2004  Avera  Avera  Fair   Avera  Avera  Inade  Avera  Avera
     08/01/2004  Avera  Avera  Fair   Avera  Avera  Inade  Avera  Inade
     09/01/2004  Avera  Avera  Fair   Avera  Avera  Inade  Avera  Avera
     10/01/2004  Inade  Avera  Avera  Avera  Avera  Inade  Avera  Inade
     11/01/2004  Avera  Inade  Avera  Avera  Avera  Inade  Avera  Inade
     12/01/2004  Avera  Avera  Avera  Fair   Avera  Inade  Fair   Avera
     13/01/2004  Inade  Avera  Avera  Avera  Avera  Inade  Avera  Inade
     14/01/2004  Avera  Avera  Avera  Avera  Avera  Inade  Avera  Avera
     15/01/2004  Avera  Avera  Avera  Fair   Avera  Inade  Fair   Avera
     16/01/2004  Inade  Avera  Avera  Avera  Avera  Inade  Avera  Inade
     17/01/2004  Avera  Avera  Avera  Avera  Avera  Inade  Avera  Avera
     18/01/2004  Avera  Inade  Inade  Avera  Avera  Inade  Avera  Inade
     19/01/2004  Inade  Inade  Inade  Avera  Avera  Avera  Avera  Inade
     20/01/2004  Inade  Inade  Inade  Avera  Avera  Avera  Avera  Inade

     'Vjyotish' (ver 04.01) - a creation of Shyaam Sunder Kansal
     Tel: [+91 5732] 310171, 255400, 256777
     Website: http://www.vjyotish.com 

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