Testimonial from Vinay Aditya
Author of most read book on "Ashtakvarga"

Mr. Vinay Aditya's views about Shyam's work ...

" I think you have done a great job. Ashtakvarga is probably the only subject in astrology which is ideally suited to computerization. In that direction you have taken a couple of very important steps. You have done a wonderful analysis of the day and it may be extremely useful for an astrologer to make use of the data presented by your program in a meaningful way. Your effort is most commendable and useful for a discerning astrologer.. "  

- Vinay Aditya

Vinay Aditya - Author of "Dots of Destiny - Application of Ashtakvarga"

Vinay Aditya
Author of
"Dots of Destiny: Applications of Ashtakvarga"
B.Tech (IIT Kanpur), Jyotish Visharad
A globally known Vedic astrologer

Foreword printed in the inaugural issue of "Stellar Symphony" journal


About Shyam