Products and Services
What is important to you in your life right now?

Make your choice amongst our
extensive range of comprehensive astrological products.


Customized forecasts for each Hour, Date & Year


Date wise predictions for each and every area of your life. Know the bullish and bearish phases for each life-aspect. Based on your personal astral signatures.

[Available reports and samples]

The mysterious "Panch-pakshi"

Know your intra-day golden moments, through "Panch-pakshi", for ensuring success. Get precise knowledge of your strength and weakness for a particular hour of a particular day.

[View Report sample]

Dasha Vichar (Analysis of Vimsottari periods for whole life)

Get analysis of the different planetary periods and what effect they will have on your life. Know about the most Important Dasas in your life. Get overview of bullish and bearish phases in your life-journey. What you may expect and remedial measures to adopt.
Graphical Analysis of astrological trends in various life aspects         

The graphical analysis of your personal astrological signatures, for the given period, is done with the help of our proprietary "Vjyotish Index" methodology, also called "AstroGraphs". An AstroGraph comprises a set of graphical depictions indicating the positive and negative influences in specific areas of your life. Significant spheres of life are integrated in this amazing astrological device. All displayed graphs are derived from an in-depth evaluation of your birth chart, where exhaustive mathematical calculations go into the development of the grids and scorings.

Different AstroGraphs are your daily, weekly and monthly guide in various life-spheres that helps you differentiate and channelize all your scattered energies in a more effective manner during any particular day of the month.
 Astrological trends in life during coming years             

The report evaluates the potentials and trends in various aspects of your life, in an easy to understand analytical format through Vjyotish index method. The innovative is the 'concept' and 'method' of drawing a net astrological conclusion in precise numerical terms, called as "net astrological effect", by mathematically quantifying various key astrological parameters. The "Best dates" and "Worst dates" for each specific life aspect are clearly marked.
Get answers for your "specific questions" concerning your Fortunate dates and lucky intra-day timings

In-depth astrological analysis is done for your "specific questions" concerning your Fortunate dates and lucky intra-day timings related issues. A list of sample questions is available to guide you.
 "Bhrigu-Bindu" transit analysis                      [Under development]

The report is based on the mysterious "Bhrigu Nandi Nadi", which is a unique system of astrology developed by great sages, centuries and centuries back. This report can also be used by those who know their accurate birth date but birth time is approximately known.
 Sarvatobhadra Chakra Vedha Analysis of a day

Sarvatobhadra chakra is a chart that shows all-round well-being and all kinds of auspicious and inauspicious results with precision on daily basis. It is based on Swarodaya (and Swar Shastra Jyotish) and transits of planets in various Nakshatras. The knowledge of SBC was one of the most secretly guarded secrets by learned Maharishis.

Profession, career and occupation

Which Profession/Occupation suits you most?

This report measures suitability (and non-suitability) of various professions and occupations for you, based on astrological signatures present in your birth-chart. It checks "Inclined Beneficence" of various planets towards the Second house (house of livelihood), the Eleventh (house of gains or income), the Ninth House (prime house of grace, fortune, and luck) and the Fifth house (another house of wealth and fortune). It may be an extremely helpful document for you while making profession or career related decisions.
The business suitability report

The report answers your business related specific questions and concerns. Your astral signatures would be analyzed through very sophisticated Vedic Jyotish techniques in the light of your questions focused on the main issue of business.
Vjyotish Index of Wealth and Prosperity (for 365 days)
Identify your Lucky and Unlucky days for Wealth & Prosperity during the next 365 days with the help of Vjyotish Index, which is a dynamic model for predictions, based on Vedic Astrology principles. It draws a net astrological conclusion in precise numerical terms by mathematically quantifying various relevant key astrological parameters.
Get answers of your specific questions concerning Career, Job & Profession

In-depth astrological analysis is done for your "specific questions" concerning Career, Job & Profession. A list of sample questions is available to guide you.
Get answers of your specific questions concerning Finance, Money & Wealth

In-depth astrological analysis is done for your "specific questions" concerning Finance, Money & Wealth. A list of sample questions is available to guide you.
Get answers of your specific questions concerning Business related issues

In-depth astrological analysis is done for your "specific questions" concerning Business related issues. A list of sample questions is available to guide you.

Compatibility, relationship and marriage

Comprehensive horoscope compatibility analysis with your would-be-spouse (much beyond 'Ashtkoot matching')

Relationships are the source of our greatest joys and greatest woes. They are so complex and mysterious. Relationships that truly flourish are one of life's greatest treasures. Don't take compatibility lightly. Compatibility reports allow us to see our relationships more objectively.
Are you "Mangali"?  What's the exact "dosha" intensity?

Checking the "Mangal-dosha" (or, "Kuja-dosha") in a birth-chart is perhaps one of the most misunderstood area while measuring the marital compatibility. Report calculates "exact intensity" of "Mangal-dosha"/ "Kuja-dosha" in pure numerical terms in your birth-chart.
Know the "Best Time" for a matrimonial-interview

With this report, you can find the best time, astrologically, for your first date/ interview with your would be spouse and his/her family. It is very essential on such occasions that
your physical and mental performance should be at it's peak. You must look charming, be seductive in speech, fascinating in your mannerisms and gestures.
Multi-angle in-depth analysis of a matrimonial proposal

The natal-promises are pre-written in our horoscopes. The natal promises are independent of compatibility checks. This report provides insights into the strengths and the weaknesses, in the horoscope of the prospective spouse, concerning his/her health, career, marital-life, prospects of progeny and several other vital areas. Also, the good and bad periods in coming 10 years in his/her life.
Timing of marriage (Probable period/dates of marriage)

Know the probable period of your marriage with various checks on your horoscope, based on astro-axioms for timing marriage.
Check for "Visha Kanya dosha" in your prospective spouse's chart

It is said that anyone who marries a girl with "Vish-kanya dosha" in her chart,  will have to share her unluck and sadness. Actually it is the very reason because of which she is called 'Visha kanya' (The Poison-damsel).
Get answers of your specific questions concerning Horoscope compatibility related issues

.In-depth astrological analysis is done for your "specific questions" concerning Horoscope compatibility related issues. A list of sample questions is available to guide you.

Reports on various other important life-aspects


Specific need-based astrological solutions

Something is "Most important" to you right now. But you are feeling "lost" while trying to make your choice amongst our extensive range of comprehensive astrological products, listed here. Be guided about our various products which are most relevant to your current needs.
Get answers for your "specific questions" concerning Health, diseases & physical sufferings related issues

In-depth astrological analysis is done for your "specific questions" concerning Health, diseases & physical sufferings related issues. A list of sample questions is available to guide you.
Get answers for your "specific questions" concerning Honour, awards, name & fame related issues

In-depth astrological analysis is done for your "specific questions" concerning Honour, awards, name & fame related issues. A list of sample questions is available to guide you.
Get answers of your specific questions concerning Progeny prospects and new-born related issues

In-depth astrological analysis is done for your "specific questions" concerning progeny prospects and new-born related issues. A list of sample questions is available to guide you.
Planning for conceiving a healthy & intelligent child

The time of conception ("Garbhadhaana") is very important and should be carefully planned. The birth of Ved Vyaas, the great scholar and the author of Mahabharata is believed to have been the culmination of a union at a time when planetary positions were conductive to produce a philosopher.  

The Best dates & intra-day timings for trying the conception

The report suggests some dates and intra-day time slots - when the couple is most likely to succeed in their effort to conceive naturally. Nuptials on suggested dates and during suggested time-slots for the purpose of conception will ensure that all possible good cosmic vibrations are centered such that the energy generated would nullify all other unfavourable factors and enhances the chances of success of the effort. Wife and husband are thus enabled to remove, neutralize, counter-act or overcome the evils indicated by their respective horoscopes.

Conceiving a male child with the help of astrology

This personalized report provides the astrologically favourable days when masculine planets (Sun, Mars and Jupiter) are stronger in their Ashtakvarga transit in husband's natal chart, and thus, Y chromosomes are more active in his sperm. Such dates have better chances to conceive a son. Based on a very complex astrological analysis, it selects the most favourable days, the neutral days, as well as the least favorable days, during a given period of time, for the purpose. Very useful for planning pregnancy with Astrology and conceiving a male child.

The Reports - You can not afford to miss !!

Name yourself (and your baby) phonetically correct

Your own name or your baby's name should not be an accident of fate. Choose a name with the help of Vedic numerology - for which is phonetically in harmony with the instance of the birth. It is not a "Birth-date" based report. Instead, it considers the planetary configurations present in your "Birth-chart" which are analyzed through ancient Indian astrology principles.

Suitable syllables (alphabets/letters) for you

Under Vedic system, every letter is said to confirm to a definite pattern of sound ('Dhwani'). Vedic astrology suggests that certain patterns of sound are more in harmony with the instance of your birth. Letters with friendly vibrations may be used for purposes such as choosing your own name, naming your business, a product, naming your house and even pets.
Relative Astrological Suitability of the eight directions

It really can make a difference where on the globe you live or work! Changing one’s locale can substantially change the prevailing conditions of one's life or career circumstances. The ancient tool of Vedic Jyotish can truly help a person in this matter.
Get answers of your specific questions concerning Suitable Name & Spelling suggestion related issues

In-depth astrological analysis is done for your "specific questions" concerning suitable Name & Spelling related issues. A list of sample questions is available to guide you.
Which are the lucky & favourable colours for you?

Report helps you in keeping synched with your best astral vibrations in all walks of life. Use your lucky & favourable colours in your home, office, car and your personal apparel etc. Also use them on office stationary, like letter heads and business cards. Your company logo should also be designed in one of your favourable colours. Report employs very intensive calculations to measures suitability of various colours based on astrological signatures present in your horoscope.
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Space for new report, under development. To be added here.

Astrological remedies

Suitable astral-gem prescription

The use of gemstones has been found to be one of the best remedies to help to alleviate or mitigate some of the challenging energies of the planets, and to help to strengthen weak benefic energies. The report would recommend the key astral gem that would help you in most of the important affairs, along with exhaustive related notes.
Your suitable Vedic Mantra

The power of Mantras & Shlokas has been acknowledged since time immemorial. A Mantra can consist of a powerful word or a combination of words and can be used for self realization, for freedom from worries, to fulfill one's desires, to ward off the effects of malefic planets, to bring you success, peace and contentment -- the range is truly vast.

  [Know your own suitable Mantra]

Get answers of your specific questions concerning preventive & remedial measures related issues

In-depth astrological analysis is done for your "specific questions" concerning  preventive & remedial measures related issues. A list of sample questions is available to guide you.
Know your Ishta Devta and Personal Deity

Ishta Devta literally means ‘Deity to be worshiped’. Everyone must do the worship of one’s Ishta Devata and at least should know about him. Worshipping of your Ishta Devta and Personal Deity not only ensures that life is well guided, protected and taken care of, but also makes it certain that one is moving towards the path of final liberation.
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Space for new report, under development. To be added here.

All about you

Birth-chart analysis (general)

Identify the functional benefic and malefic planets. Check the strength of strong planets in the birth/rasi chart in the concerned divisional charts. Identify the close and exact afflictions. Indicate stressful results for the severely afflicted planets. Study and explain the combined effect of dasha and Ashtakvarga Transit influences for the coming period. Suggest astral remedies for strengthening of the weak functional benefic planets. Suggest propitiatory remedies for the functional malefic planets. Indicate unfavorable colors and unfavorable stones.
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Space for new report, under development. To be added here.
The Eventful years of your life

Which of the age-years of your life may be categorized as 'Good years'? When you can expect quite good results in various spheres? When you should expect unexpected negative happenings coming your way? when you should remain extra cautious?
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Space for new report, under development. To be added here.
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Space for new report, under development. To be added here.

Customized reports meant for Stocks and commodity market related people

Stock Compass - An unique personalized astrological planner for the stock markets

A most valuable astrological tool in your hands for scheduling the critical financial decisions in day-to-day life. Know whether the natal chart of a corporate entity is in astral harmony with your's? Match your horoscope with that of more than a thousand corporate charts. Is the day suitable for speculative actions?       
Know the "best personal moments" for trading decisions

With this report, your count of erroneous decisions would come down significantly. It provides you the precise knowledge of your strength and weakness for a particular hour of a particular day. It can identify whether you are in a proper mental state at a particular moment to take a vital decision.    
Does your horoscope permit speculative trading?

Out of thousands of speculators involved in the markets a very small percentage of them are successful. Some people seem to have the natural talent for speculation and mint money everyday easily. Several others seem to struggle and loose money consistently. The element of Speculative Luck potential is ingrained in our Natal Chart. By analysis of your Natal Chart, this report will make you aware that whether you are the appropriate person to enter speculation, or not.
Which Industry sectors are suitable (or unsuitable) for you?

The report measures suitability of various Industry sectors for you, based on astrological signatures present in your horoscope. It may be an extremely helpful document for you while making investment decisions in stock market.
Get answers of your specific questions concerning Stocks, commodity & Forex trading specific issues

In-depth astrological analysis is done for your "specific questions" concerning Stocks, commodity & Forex trading specific issues. A list of sample questions is available to guide you.
Vjyotish Index of Wealth and Prosperity (for 365 days)

Identify your Lucky and Unlucky days for Wealth & Prosperity during the next 365 days with the help of Vjyotish Index, which is a dynamic model for predictions, based on Vedic Astrology principles. It draws a net astrological conclusion in precise numerical terms by mathematically quantifying various relevant key astrological parameters.

Useful guiding reports

The Yearly predictions (Year report)

The Vedic Astrology based "Year Report" is for a particular year. It is a highly personalized report generated from YOUR Birth Chart details. It tells you - How the year ahead will be in terms of Marriage, Finance, Health and Job? Will the Year ahead bring bliss in terms of success, health and happiness?   and much more ..
Birth-chart analysis of newborn baby - Personality profile, Guidance, Precautions & Remedies


The report provides personality profile, guidance, precautions & remedies. The report consists of readings concerning various aspects of child's life, like, Nature, Temperament and Physical characteristics, Learning and Education, What makes him special, The Way - child will act, The things - child may love, Health, Career, Wealth & Property, Home & Away, The Good & Bad colours for child, Some Dos and Dont's, The "Yantra" to ward off evils, Directional un-suitability among the eight directions, etc. etc.
Natal Readings (Detailed)


A comprehensive interpretation of the Vedic natal horoscope. This reading includes a psychological and personality profile; an evaluation of the potentials of various aspects of life (e.g. Health, Family & Friends, Property & Wealth, Spirituality, Home & Away, etc.); Trends and Events related to various aspects of life in coming three years analyzed through Vjyotish index methodology; Identification of the eventful years of your life ("Best" and the "Worst" age-years); . Analysis of Vimshottari dashas to analyze the different planetary periods and what effect they will have on your life; Overview of bullish and bearish phases in your life-journey. Also, you will be told about "The Astrological Suitability of Eight Directions" which will be useful while choosing the best place for higher education, career, business, investing in property and overall happiness and spirituality.
Birth-day report and your "Sacred Birthday moment"

Your birthday is the most important day in your life every year. The exact time of one's Birthday is a sacred annual event for each individual. It happens at only one specific moment each year. What should one do at this moment? Overall Assessment of the year based on Varsha Phal chart. How you may seek blessings of Varsh-Nakshatra's Lord & Deity?
Your Unlucky days during Chandraashtam transits

The Chandraashtam transit report is used to identify your unlucky days. These are the bad days for auspicious activities.  The report marks unfortunate days for speculation, gambling and betting. During such days, the possibility increases for accident and physical risks; depression and stress; fears and anxiety; conflicts and disagreements for the native.
Planetary transits in 'Trishula Nakshatras' of the native
The 1st, 9th, 15th and 21st nakshatra (set of 4 nakshtras) from that occupied by the natal Sun are called 'Trishula nakshatra' as they are based on the sharp points of the trident of Shiva. They are very important in determining health, longevity and obstacles. Affliction to these nakshtras in transit by malefic planets adversely affect the longevity and health of the native. More the affliction [all the nakshtra are afflicted] more the trouble will be.
(Space for new report)  
Space for new report, under development. To be added here.

Personal Jyotish consultations

Telephonic consultations

Many times, you feel more comfortable with a consultant if you can talk to him, in person, over telephone. Discuss your problems, remove your doubts and know remedial measures from none other than Shyam himself.  (Read what other client's are saying )
Specific Query Related Jyotish Services

In-depth astrological analysis is done for your "specific questions" and answer is sent through email. Fees are on "Per Question" basis. Sliding discounts are applicable depending upon the number of questions. A list of sample questions, covering all major aspects of life, is available for your guidance.
Consultation through Video Conference

The consultation about your birth chart would be conducted through Video Conference (Zoom etc). Video recordings of the complete consultation session will also be provided to you for your future reference. Discuss your problems, remove your doubts and know remedial measures from none other than Shyam himself.
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Space for new report, under development. To be added here.
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Space for new report, under development. To be added here.


Astrology reports meant for those - who  are interested in lottery, gambling and horse-racing

Horse Racing

Know your "Golden moments" on a given day

The mysterious system of Vedic astrology, propounded by ancient Tamil Sidha Saints thousands of years ago, has been considered a golden key in the hands of man. The system is said to be 'unfailing'. It's extra-ordinary utilities lies in providing you the precise knowledge of your strength and weakness for a particular hour of a particular day.  
Know your Lucky days for sudden fortunes

Using Astrology can help you win money. Timing is everything. Really everything. The report is short, simple, and very powerful. It clearly indicates your luckiest days when odds will be in your favour, and the unluckiest days as well. Many winning dates are now fairly easy to see. Look for a day when there has been a buildup of good transit activity.
Gambling Astrology - knowing the winning colours and directions

The report tries to identify probable winners on the basis of dominant colour of player's outfit (clothing, cap etc.) and his/her seated direction in the playing room. If, for a player, both these parameters matches with the prepared table, chances of his/her winning, during a particular time slot, increases considerably.
Lucky time slots for you to buy lottery tickets

A highly customized report, based on some time tested mysterious Vedic Jyotish principles, propounded by learned ancient seers of India, marks intra-day lucky time slots for you when you may buy lottery tickets. These timings being your 'Lucky timings', chances increase that your selection of ticket will automatically be correct. Same way, you may use these time slots for gambling or playing in Casino etc too.
Get answers of your specific questions concerning Sudden fortunes, Lotteries & Games of chance

In-depth astrological analysis is done for your "specific questions" concerning Sudden fortunes, Lotteries & Games of chance specific issues. A list of sample questions is available to guide you.
Consolidated Minute-wise Astrological Auspiciousness

This report is ultimate in measuring auspiciousness levels for you by consolidating calculations for three important astrology parameters (Planetary-hora, Ashtakvarga and Panch-pakshi) for each minute of the day. It is highly customized report, based on Vedic astrology (Jyotish) principles and considers the planetary configurations present in your horoscope. The quality of operating "Planetary Hora" is determined through calculating "Overall Functional Beneficence" of various planets in your chart.

Love forecast and Soul-mates report

Get answers of your specific questions concerning Love, marriage and relationship related issues

In-depth astrological analysis is done for your "specific questions" concerning Love, marriage and relationship related specific issues. A list of sample questions is available to guide you.
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Space for new report, under development. To be added here.
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Space for new report, under development. To be added here.
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Space for new report, under development. To be added here.
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Space for new report, under development. To be added here.

Corporate Astrology & Numerology

Corporate Astrology


The best time to start a new Company or project. Check astrological suitability of senior managers and astro-scan of employees, Choosing Personnel for Top Jobs, Partnership analysis, Selecting the line of business, Suggesting time for investment decisions, Timing of initial public offer/Project Finance, Naming the new Company and new brands, Productivity index of employees, the lucky dates and intra-day timings to enter into partnerships, for new product launch, mergers and franchising etc. and much more ...
Corporate Numerology


Select Fortunate and Lucky Names for the Company, Business or Brands, Films and TV Serials; Auspicious date to launch a new product/start a new business; Help with the colour of your company/brand logo
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Space for new report, under development. To be added here.
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Space for new report, under development. To be added here.
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Space for new report, under development. To be added here.

Business astrology (Financial astrology)

The desire to predict the future is one of the characteristics of mankind. Everyone is continually making predictions, for every decision one makes involves a prediction. The dictionary defines "prediction" as the art of foretelling the future. Financial Astrology is a time tested way to look into the future and have clues as to what psychological changes may be approaching and affecting the market trends.


[Under construction]

Muhurtas (auspicious times) for various activities

Get answers of your specific questions concerning "Muhurtas" (selecting the auspicious time) related issues

Get answers for your "specific questions" concerning "Muhurtas" (selecting the auspicious time) specific issues.
Auspicious Muhurtas to buy a Car


This highly customized report provide the astrologically favourable days and exact timings (Muhurta) for you to buy a car. Based on a very complex astrological analysis of your horoscope, it marks the most favourable days, the neutral days, as well as the least favorable days, during required time frame, for the purchase of a Car.
The Caesarean Muhurta for best possible horoscope of child

Select the date & time for a caesarean operation, through very extensive astrological calculations, to ensure the "Best possible" horoscope of new born child during given duration around expected date of delivery.
The Best Caesarean Muhurta around Expected Date of Delivery

The report identifies the "Best Possible Date", astrologically, within a given period (of about 10 days) around the due delivery date. Once the "Best Possible Date" is identified, thereafter, "Best Possible time slot" (Best Ascendant) on selected date is searched.
Auspicious Muhurtas for Wearing Your Astral Gem

Muhurta is essentially a measure of time which refers to the application of Vedic astrology wisdom in determining the auspicious time for starting an event. This report tries to identify the "Best Possible Date" and "Time" within a given duration (of about 90 days) for wearing your suggested lucky astral gem stone.
The Auspicious Dates for Marriage (Wedding Muhurtas)
The report suggests you some good and auspicious dates within the selected duration of your choice for the marriage of the prospective couple based on the birth-data of both the persons (bride & groom). It is quite a tedious process based on Vedic Jyotish principles, propounded by learned ancient seers of India.
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Space for new report, under development. To be added here.

Computer generated horoscopes

The intricate mathematics of Vedic Astrology are the source of its amazingly accurate predictive power. Modern computer technology is perfectly suited for working with these mathematical calculations. In this section the horoscopes are generated through World's best Vedic astrology software and there are no Manual Interpretations involved here. You can now get your Horoscope calculations, Dasha interpretations, Yearly Predictions, Sade Saati (Saturn Transit) details, know what kind of effects various planetary configurations in your chart will cause? Life Interpretation report providing insight about each aspect of your life, know about various "Yogas" found in your chart, read about references found in Jyotish Classics about your chart etc .. etc.  

Online Astrology Courses & Classes

Learn Sarvatobhadra Chakra
Short Term Astrology Course for Traders

Something is "Most important" to you right now. But you are feeling "lost" while trying to make your choice amongst our extensive range of comprehensive astrological products, listed above. Click here for guidance about our various products which are most relevant to your current needs.  
