We value our prime customers

Avail price-discounts on longer time duration reports

The price of every market forecast report for the "Basic unit of time duration"
(BUTD) has been mentioned on all concerned pages itself. Normally it is ONE MONTH (30 days) from the indicated start date. (For example, if you order a one month report, preferring the start-date as 14th April 2008. The report would be sent for a duration of 14th April 2008 and 13th May 2008).


"The Basic unit of time duration" (BUTD) indicates the minimum time duration for which a particular report must be ordered at least. Shorter duration reports (less than BUTD) are not available.

However, if you opt to place an order for a longer time duration (say, for 90 days, instead of the basic 30 days report), you become eligible for discounts, as listed below:

Report duration

For example Applicable discount %

Please take note that these discounts are available only for those reports where links to this page have been specifically provided.

Not all of our products and services are eligible for these discounts.

  Basic unit of time duration (BUTD) 30 days 0%
  2 times of the BUTD 60 days 5%
  3 times of the BUTD 91 days 10%
  6 times of the BUTD 182 days 15%
12 times of the BUTD 365 days 25%

The above mentioned discounts are applicable only if the "Single order" for desired duration has been placed for a particular commodity, metal or stock.
Staggered orders would not attract discounts. For example, if you place six orders continuously for six months (but, each time for one month duration only). Such orders would not attract any discount. However, if the single order for "Six month's duration" would be placed initially itself, only then, the discount would become applicable.
Similarly, if you place several orders for reports of different commodities, metals or stocks for shorter durations, the duration of these various reports would not be combined together to apply discount.

For example, if you place four orders (say, for Gold, Silver, Copper and Coffee reports), for a duration of three months each, these four orders would not be combined together to calculate discount. Only such discount, which is applicable to the concerned reports individually, would be available.
If you have any questions or feeling any difficulty in understanding the above price structure, please contact us for clarifications.


