How The Knowledge of Astrological Beneficence of
Primary Root Numbers may be Utilized in Daily Life?

Knowing your Lucky Number(s) for Each Date

Using Astrology can help you win money in Lotteris and Casino



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The power of Beej Mantras has been acknowledged since time immemorial. The single digit primary numbers, 1 to 9, represent nine planets (Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu & Ketu) and work like their single digit numeric "Beej Mantra". The Vedic language is based upon an earlier more primordial language of seed (bija) mantras. These are single syllable sounds or roots like OM that have multiple meanings and indications depending upon their intonation and the intention with which they are used.
The "Primary Root Number" table, provided in lottery related astrology reports, tells you that what "Single Digit Number" suits you best on a particular date. All analysis continues to be based on purely Vedic Jyotish methods. Do not confuse it with numerology or Western astrology. Each single core number, from 1 to 9, is represented by one of the planets. This report calculates the beneficence value of each planet for your own chart - on daily basis.
For larger numbers, reduce them by adding the digits together until the sum achieved is one of the core numbers. Merely add the components of the larger number together (repeatedly, if necessary) until a single digit results. Though, a number may be found most suitable in your natal chart generally, but it is not necessary that the number is also suitable on a particular date. Same way, a most unsuitable number may be found suitable on certain dates.
You may apply these primary root numbers in various ways:
(a) You should buy a lottery ticket with primary root number which has been indicated "Excellent", "Good" or "Fair" on concerned date.

For Example, suppose, lottery ticket no. is:
 98 79 46 87
9+8+7+9+4+6+8+7 = 58
5+8 = 13
1+3 = 4

The Primary Root number of this lottery ticket is "
(b) Decide Ticket of which lottery should be purchased?

If y
ou have a choice of Lotteries in your area, you should buy ticket of such lottery, name of whom returns a primary root number which is lucky for you on the draw date.

The underlying premise of Chaldean numerology is that every Roman Alphabet has a unique vibration. Alphabets are assigned numeric values, from 1 to 8, based on the vibrational value. The number 9 (nine) is considered 'sacred' and is not assigned to any letter. Numeric equivalents to Roman alphabets are same in Chaldean System of numerology and Vedic numerology.

Click here to view the Master Table of Chaldean Numerology

Here-in-below are the Primary Root Number Calculations for some American Lotteries, calculated as examples:

(c)  If you buy tickets from a shop/ vendor/ dealer, you may decide from which vendor/ dealer you should buy the ticket on a given date. You can prepare a table of various dealers, selling lottery tickets in your area and calculate their names primary root numbers. It can be done in similar way as explained  above in para (b). Buy the ticket from a dealer whom primary root number is shown "Excellent" or "Good" in your own table on the date of ticket purchase.

(d) If you buy multiple tickets, you may buy tickets in a quantity representing your "Excellent" primary root number. Suppose, number "5" is shown "excellent" in your table on the date of ticket purchase; then, you may buy five tickets of a lottery.

The above are some of the examples to illustrate the use of the table of "Primary Root Numbers" provided in your report. You may apply same principle anywhere else also.

A Typical Table in your report will look like as follows

Remember that though a number may be found most suitable in your natal chart generally, but it is not necessary that the number is also suitable on a particular date. Same way, a most unsuitable number as per your birth chart may be found suitable on certain dates.

The dates are written in "dd/mm/yyyy" (date/month/year) format. That means, if written "09-10-2010", it means 9th October 2010. Thereafter, the nine columns show results for nine numbers, starting from number 1, then number 2, and so on. The last column shows result for number 9. The results have been categorized in seven categories, as "Excellent", "Good", "Fair", "Average", "Inadequate", "Poor" and "Very Poor".

You should buy a lottery ticket with root number which has been indicated "Excellent", "Good" or "Fair" on concerned date.

     01-04-2016  Fair   Inade  Fair   Fair   Inade  Fair   Inade  Inade  Inade
     02-04-2016  Inade  Good   Fair   Inade  Inade  Fair   Good   Inade  Inade
     03-04-2016  Inade  Avera  Fair   Inade  Avera  Fair   Avera  Inade  Inade
     04-04-2016  Inade  Fair   Fair   Inade  Avera  Fair   Fair   Inade  Inade
     05-04-2016  Inade  Avera  Fair   Inade  Inade  Fair   Avera  Inade  Inade
     06-04-2016  Good   Inade  Fair   Good   Inade  Fair   Inade  Inade  Inade
     07-04-2016  Good   Fair   Fair   Good   Fair   Inade  Fair   Inade  Inade
     08-04-2016  Good   Inade  Fair   Good   Fair   Inade  Inade  Inade  Inade
     09-04-2016  Good   Fair   Fair   Good   Fair   Inade  Fair   Inade  Inade
     10-04-2016  Avera  Fair   Fair   Avera  Fair   Avera  Fair   Inade  Inade
     11-04-2016  Avera  Avera  Fair   Avera  Avera  Avera  Avera  Inade  Inade
     12-04-2016  Avera  Good   Fair   Avera  Avera  Avera  Good   Inade  Inade
     13-04-2016  Avera  Good   Fair   Avera  Avera  Avera  Good   Inade  Inade
     14-04-2016  Avera  Fair   Fair   Avera  Good   Avera  Fair   Inade  Inade
     15-04-2016  Avera  Avera  Fair   Avera  Good   Avera  Avera  Inade  Inade
     16-04-2016  Avera  Good   Fair   Avera  Good   Inade  Good   Inade  Inade
     17-04-2016  Avera  Inade  Fair   Avera  Inade  Inade  Inade  Inade  Inade
     18-04-2016  Avera  Fair   Fair   Avera  Inade  Inade  Fair   Inade  Inade
     19-04-2016  Avera  Poor   Fair   Avera  Inade  Poor   Poor   Inade  Inade
     20-04-2016  Avera  Very   Fair   Avera  Good   Poor   Very   Inade  Inade
     21-04-2016  Good   Inade  Fair   Good   Good   Poor   Inade  Inade  Inade
     22-04-2016  Good   Good   Fair   Good   Good   Inade  Good   Inade  Inade
     23-04-2016  Good   Good   Fair   Good   Good   Inade  Good   Inade  Inade
     24-04-2016  Good   Inade  Fair   Good   Good   Inade  Inade  Inade  Inade
     25-04-2016  Good   Poor   Fair   Good   Good   Good   Poor   Inade  Inade
     26-04-2016  Good   Fair   Fair   Good   Good   Good   Fair   Inade  Inade
     27-04-2016  Good   Inade  Fair   Good   Good   Good   Inade  Inade  Inade
     28-04-2016  Good   Good   Fair   Good   Good   Fair   Good   Inade  Inade
     29-04-2016  Fair   Fair   Fair   Fair   Good   Fair   Fair   Inade  Inade
     30-04-2016  Fair   Avera  Fair   Fair   Good   Fair   Avera  Inade  Inade

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