Rajdeep |
Thank you
very much for trusting in my astrological services and
giving me the opportunity to analyze your birth chart.
I have prepared this report for you on
the basis of your Vedic birth-chart calculated for the following
birth-data: |
Date of birth : |
5th May 1975 |
Time of birth
: |
5:00 hrs (Zonal Standard Time in 24 hrs. format)
Place of birth : |
(Punjab), India |
(031N19'00; 075E34'00) |
5:30 hrs ahead of GMT |
Applicable Day Light Saving Time (DST):
0.00 hr |
As per the above birth-data, your Vedic
(sidereal) ascendant is
Aries ('Mesh'), the Vedic Moon
sign ('Rashi') is
Aquarius ('Kumbha') and
Janma-nakshatra (birth-star) is
(pada-1). Please be reminded that do not
confuse it with your tropical (Western)
ascendant and tropical Moon-sign, which may be
same or a sign higher (in your case, tropical
ascendant is 'Aries'). |
A horoscope is like a map, it shows you the planetary
placements as they were captured at a particular moment
in time. The placement of the planets in the houses of
your natal horoscope is dependent upon the physical
location in space where you were born. Think of this as
freezing the planets at that moment. Your birth chart is
a snapshot of the sky when and where you were born.
It really
can make a difference where on the globe you
live or work! Changing one’s locale can substantially
change the prevailing conditions of one's life
or career circumstances. The ancient tool of Vedic Jyotish
can truly help a person in this matter.
which matters this report is useful?
This report is especially useful while choosing the
best place for higher education, career, business,
romance, family, creativity, and overall spirituality.
The report is also useful while planning to acquire
"Things of permanent nature", such as, your own house
or any other permanent property, lands etc.
Directional suitability should be checked for
completion of any undertaking of a long standing or
permanent nature. You may find fame and glory coming
to you in your strong and benefic directions.
The cardinal directions of planets in your
In this report, the "Directional strengths",
"Directional beneficence" and the cardinal
directions of various planets in your horoscope have
been calculated as per "Fixed Zodiac System" ("Sthirachakra")
as enunciated in Jyotish classic "Prashnamarga". |
The cardinal directions of planets in your horoscope
are as follows: |
Directions | Posited planets
EAST : Sun, Mercury, Ketu
SOUTH-EAST : Venus, Saturn
WEST : Rahu
NORTH : Moon, Mars
NORTH-EAST : Jupiter
In the following
table, "Directional strength" and "Directional beneficence",
both, of each of the eight directions have been calculated by
two separate methods simultaneously, for your birth chart. The
first method involves calculation of "Direction strength" and
the second method calculates "Accrued planetary beneficence"
for each direction due to placement of various functional
benefic and malefic planets. |
Direction | Accrued beneficence| NET |
%Share Strength | Value Percent | RESULT |
EAST : 11.573 [ 36.75%] | -348.34 [ 6.46%] | 21.60%|
SOUTH-EAST : 9.347 [ 4.96%] | -408.31 [ 0.00%] | 2.48%|
SOUTH : 11.573 [ 36.75%] | 0.00 [ 50.00%] | 43.38%|
SOUTH-WEST : 13.353 [ 62.19%] | 0.00 [ 50.00%] | 56.09%|
WEST : 12.240 [ 46.29%] | -64.50 [ 41.94%] | 44.11%|
NORTH-WEST : 13.353 [ 62.19%] | 0.00 [ 50.00%] | 56.09%|
NORTH : 15.579 [ 93.98%] | 27.61 [ 53.45%] | 73.72%|
NORTH-EAST : 12.018 [ 43.11%] | 191.95 [ 73.99%] | 58.55%|
Green = Auspicious
direction |
Red = Inauspicious
direction |
(Rest of the directions are
moderate) |
** N O T E **
The directions
should be considered from your "Birth-place". A detailed note
about it is written at the end of this report.
The beneficence values for various planets are reached after
intricate calculations for a horoscope which takes into
consideration several principles for determining the
functional nature of different planets, as benefics and
malefics, as told by sage Parashara, and the principles told
in various streams of Vedic Jyotish to measure the exact
nature of the planets. The importance of various astrological
parameters have been calibrated very carefully - as told in
ancient Vedic Jyotish texts. However, at times, some special
Jyotish principles may over-shadow the net result obtained
through the normally used Parashari principles to determine
the beneficence of a planet. In such cases, these special
principles have been found prevailing and they may reduce (or
enhance) beneficence of a planet considerably. This report
considers these special principles also.
In the first method, we have calculated the the "Directional
strengths". The average share of each of the eight direction
in "Directional strength" is 12.5% (i.e. 100/8 = 12.5%). If a
direction gets higher share, its strength increases
correspondingly and it becomes more beneficial for you.
Directions receiving lesser share (less than 12.5%) should be
avoided. Directions getting 12.5% share are just "Average in
strength" (or, 50% strong). The above table shows both values,
i.e., "Share%" and "Strength%". Both are inter-related. The
strong directions (strength more than 50% in column "b") will
yield success and prosperity to you. The results obtained
through this method have been shown under columns (a) and (b)
of the above table.
The second method measures "Directional beneficence" and is
based on the principle found in Jyotish classic "Prashnamarg",
which states that if a direction is otherwise strong and
benefic planets are also associated with that direction, the
prosperity knows no bounds for native in that direction.
Through the second method, we have calculated the net
planetary beneficence accumulated through various planets
posited in that direction. The net "Directional beneficence"
of each of the eight directions has been shown under column
(c). The value range under this method is between -500 and
+500. Thus a "zero" in column (c) is considered "Average
Directional beneficence" (i.e., column "d" would show 50%
beneficence) in this test. Higher positive values denote
higher directional beneficence, and vice-versa. The
directions, which accumulate high negative values, should be
considered non-suitable and it will be very difficult for you
to prosper in such directions. The results obtained through
this method have been shown under columns (c) and (d) of the
above table.
The conclusion is that the best suitable directions for you
are those which are strong in “Directional strength” (above
50% in column "b") and also accumulate high positive values
for "Directional beneficence" (above 50% in column "d"). Same
way, the worst directions are those which are weak in
“Directional strength” (below 50% in column "b") and also
accumulate high negative values for "Directional beneficence"
(below 50% in column "d"). |
The "Net result" of this whole analysis has been summarized
under column "e". Directions showing 50%, or above, under
column "e", should be considered "auspicious" and vice-versa. |
How to determine various directions?
As already mentioned above, all directions
should be determined with reference to your
"Birth-place" only. To determine direction of a
place/ city or country, with reference to your
birth-place, take a map of your city/ country/
World-map (as the case may be) and mark your
birth-place as it’s central point. Now draw one
horizontal and one vertical line crossing each
other at 90 degrees angle exactly at this
central-point (your birth place). These lines
will denote four main directions - North, South,
East and West; from your birth place. Now,
sub-divide these four main directions again into
8 directions by drawing dividing lines at 45
degrees also. These additional lines will show
North-East, North-West, South-East and
South-West. Now you can easily verify the
direction of cities/ countries of your interest
on this map (from your birth-place), and check
it’s suitability for career, education, business
or residence purposes. |
Permissible deviation from the exact latitude of a
"Direction" |
There are eight directions within 360 degrees and
each direction is allotted 45 degrees equally.
Thus you may safely deviate up to 22.50 degrees on
both sides of exact line depicting the middle of a
"direction". |
Which CITY or COUNTRY would be "Most Suitable" in
chosen direction?
In a
suitable/benefic direction, there may be several
cities/ countries. Not all the places would be
equally suitable. The Vedic “Swara-shastra” based
"Phonetic suitability analysis" is a great help in
this regard. Vedic Numerology based following
recommendations has been made after careful study of
your birth chart. It is based on the vibratory
resonance of each number and planetary rulership
through nine primary numbers. The recommendations
are completely based on Vedic Jyotish principles. It
is neither based on your "Birth-date" nor on your
"Sun-sign", as is usually done in popularly used
Western numerology. Instead, it is based on the
planetary configurations present in your
birth-chart, and therefore, highly customized. It is
quite different from Western numerology based
reports in its approach. Though, planetary rulership
through nine primary numbers and Chaldean (Kabbalistic)
numeric equivalents to Roman alphabets are same.
BUT, the similarity ends here. In Vedic numerology,
we deal with numbers from one to nine, the seven
luminaries, plus Rahu and Ketu, the nodes of the
Moon. Every name is reduced to a single digit, so
even if you get a compound number for a name, such
as "Twenty one", when reduced to a single digit,
becomes a "Three" (2+1="3"). |
The cities and countries, which return one of the
primary root number among
2, 3, 9 in their names and
are also situated in your benefic direction, as told
above, will remain more suitable for you than the
cities and countries which, though, are situated in
your benefic direction but are returning one of the
primary root number among
1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 in their name. |
may calculate primary root numbers of desired cities
or countries from the following Chaldean master
table of numbers: |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
U |
O |
F |
I |
K |
G |
M |
H |
V |
Z |
P |
J |
R |
L |
T |
N |
W |
Q |
S |
X |
Y |
Master table of
Chaldean numerology |
on the left is
the master table of Chaldean numerology.
Letters are assigned numeric values, from 1 to
8, based on their vibrational value (and not
in the sequence of alphabets). The number 9 is considered "sacred" and is not
assigned to any letter.
For example, primary root numbers of few cities have been calculated below: |
464211 = 18 = 9 (root number NINE) |
556 1722 = 28 = 1 (root number ONE) |
315 821531337 = 42 = 6 (root number SIX) |
This way,
you may calculate primary root number for name of any
place with the help of above table. |
I will really appreciate your feedbacks in future about
the effects felt by you due to adopting my
recommendation concerning suitability of eight
directions. Your strong and auspicious directions would help you in achieving significant
accomplishment in all areas of life. Those directions will keep you in good
health, aid you in
career/business, will enhance honour, fame and recognition. Auspicious
enhance domestic harmony and conjugal bliss (if married). Your strong
and auspicious directions will energize you physically, mentally, and spiritually. You
will feel inner peace and happiness in those directions.
Wishing you very best in your life. May Jupiter's grace shine on you !!