SBC can be successfully & scientifically applied for
prediction of the individual’s future events on
Yearly, Monthly, Fortnightly or Daily basis.
For yearly predictions, concerned person's Annual
Solar Return Chart ("Varshphala Chart") is used. The
birthday is the most important day in a person's life
every year. The exact time of one's Birthday is a
sacred annual event for each individual. It happens at
only one specific moment each year. It is at that
moment - and only that moment - in which the Earth/Sun
relationship is exactly the same as when you were
born. Such a moment constitutes an *event*, and as
with all events, this one too is the basis for a
horoscope of importance.
Results of Malefic
Vedhas in Yearly SBC Chart would bring inauspicious
results for the native in that year. Here is a SBC
analysis of Solar Return Chart of year 2022 for
Volodymyr Zelensky, The President of Ukraine. This
year, Russia attacked Ukraine and President Zelensky
had to run away from his country. |