BSE-Sensex Intraday Astrology

Past results show relation between Sensex and planets

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Astrological test on BSE-Sensex intraday movement

28th July  2006

Graph of actual intra-day market behaviour

See below the astrological graph created for predicting the intra-day Sensex behaviour


Due to space constraints, our intraday astro-graph has been plotted at a time interval of 10 minutes, making exact predicted timings of market tops and bottoms somewhat unclear in the above graph. However, still, you may compare and note following significant points:

  Comparative behaviour of the two graphs:

Prediction Right/Wrong

Astro-graph shows market rise around 10:00 for few minutes. Actual market rises from 09:58, till 10:01.

Astro-graph shows sudden decline around 10:55. Market makes a bottom at 11:02 (difference of 7 minutes).

Astro-graph shows further slight decline between 11:15 and 11:25. Market makes a short bottom at 11:25.

Astro-graph shows rise from 11:27. Market rises from 11:27 till 11:45. (Astro-graph remains flat between 11:27 and 12:05, while market declines up to 12:00).

(Partly wrong)

At 12:03, astrograph rises and remains in elevated position till 12:57. Market also rises continually between 12:00 and 12:57.

Astro-graph shows quantum decline at 12:57. Market also falls substantially from 12:57

Astro-graph shows substantial rise at 13:30. Market makes a minor peak at 13:30.

Partially correct

Astro-graph remains flat between 13:45 and 13:58. Market actually fell during this period.

Partially wrong

Astro-graph shows substantial rise at 13:58 and remain in elevated position till 14:54. Market also rises 13:58 and makes minor peaks and bottoms till 14:50

Astrograph suddenly falls substantially at 14:54 and remains depressed state till 15:13. Market actually makes Day's bottom exactly at 15:00 hrs. (However, market shows substantial up-trend from 15:00 hrs which astrograph didn't show).

(Partly wrong)

Astrograph shows sudden uprise at 15:25.