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Price-list and order form

Redefining your perception of astrological guidance

Intraday Astrological Forecasts

Delivery mode: 
Through WhatsApp/ Email

Delivery period:
12 hrs before

Report sample

Intraday Astrological Forecasts available for NIFTY/ BSE Sensex/
Gold/ Silver/ Copper/ Crude Oil/ Crypto Currencies/ Other Markets

Kindly take your time when filling the form and re-check it again, carefully, before submitting it to us. 

Name & Contact details    [Your contact information shall be kept strictly confidential]   Privacy policy

First name

Last name



Write your email ids and WhatsApp/ Mobile number very carefully. They are the most vital communication links between us.

Alternate E-mail:

WhatsApp/ Mobile no:


Current Location:



We provide minute-wise intraday astrological view of the desired market for any chosen date. The report can provide minute-wise astroloical values for 7 hrs. maximum at a time. You may choose any "7-Hour duration" for a date. Please write your clear instructions about report duration.

For example:, The report timings for BSE-Sensex and NIFTY would be  from 9:15 hrs to 15:30 hrs IST. You may choose a different time slot (of max. 7 hrs) for other markets (like Gold, Silver, Copper, Crude etc). We will prepare the report as per your individual choice of timings.

If you need report for a longer duration it will be considered as:
* 2 reports for duration > 7 hrs but < 14 hrs
* 3 reports for duration > 14 hrs but < 21 hrs
* 4 reports for reports > 21 hrs

Price list and order details



Please choose any one of the following popular modules:

     Report Duration                                                         

5 Trading days (Approx. 7 Cldr. Dates)




USD $   40.00

10 Trading days (Approx. 14 Cldr. Dates)




USD $   75.00


20 Trading days (Approx. 28 Cldr. Dates)




USD $   140.00

60 Trading days (Approx. 84 Cldr. Dates)




USD $ 390.00


120 Trading days (Approx. 168 Cldr. Dates)




USD $ 720.00


Write Specific Dates for which the reports are needed in box below

Please write specific dates, for which reports are needed, very clearly in alpha-numeric mode, in the above input box, to avoid any confusion about holidays etc in the desired period. [Example: 15Dec2023, 18Dec2023, 19Dec2023 etc.]


Forecasts needed for which market?

Write in the box below name of the desired market: eg: NIFTY/ BSE Sensex/ Gold/ Silver/ Copper/ Crude Oil/ Crypto Currencies/ [Other Markets]

Payment options

We accept all major credit cards, money orders, international bank drafts in US dollars and bank wires. You may also send money through Western Union Money Transfer. If living in India, you may also directly deposit the amount in our bank account (on-line/cash/cheque).

 Credit/Debit card

Your payment will be accepted through SSL protected VeriSign certified Highly Secured Payment Gateway.

International Credit card holders will be charged prices equivalent to Indian Rupees.



You may also send payments through "PayPal".


Guarantee of Secure Transaction

We accept payments through a Verisign Secure gateway.


If you experience any problems during payment process  -  contact us.

   The orders against payment through bank drafts shall be executed on receipt of the draft.

  The orders against cheques will be executed only after the cheque is cleared and credited to our account

Other payment modes

Contact address


I understand that astrological forecasts are indicative which may be treated with discretion and astrology can only provide potential and contingencies as a matter of opinion and this site does not guarantee any of its forecasts and disclaims any responsibility for consequences resulting from decisions based on such predictions.

Please re-check the form carefully for the correctness of all details before submitting it to us.


Please be patient after pressing the "Submit" button. It may take some time in connecting to the Secured  payment Gateway.



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