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Intraday Astrological Forecasts available for various markets in similar format.
NIFTY/ BSE Sensex/ Gold/ Silver/ Copper/ Crude Oil/ Crypto Currencies etc.

Financial Astrology by Shyam S Kansal

The horizontal bottom line of the graph shows time slots between between chosen 7 hrs duration (approx). The Graph pattern indicates possible intraday Ups and Downs or possible intraday reversals in the market trend during trading hours.

The vertical column at the left side shows some astrological values - which have been used to generate this graph. It has no relation with the market price levels. Therefore, you may ignore these values.
We provide minute-wise intraday astrological view of the desired market for any chosen date. The report can provide minute-wise astroloical values for 7 hrs. maximum at a time. You may choose any "7-Hour duration" for a date. Please write your clear instructions about report duration.

For example:, The report timings for BSE-Sensex and NIFTY would be from 9:15 hrs to 15:30 hrs IST. You may choose a different time slot (of max. 7 hrs) for other markets (like Gold, Silver, Copper, Crude etc). We will prepare the report as per your individual choice of timings.

If you need report for a longer duration it will be considered as:

* 2 reports for duration > 7 hrs but < 14 hrs
* 3 reports for duration > 14 hrs but < 21 hrs
* 4 reports for reports > 21 hrs
Testimonials from Vedic Jyotish Scholars

About Shyam S Kansal

About Shyam S Kansal

Testimonials from Vedic Jyotish Scholars

Shyam S Kansal is a Vedic Astrology Counsellor, based in Bulandshahr (U.P.), India, having experience in Vedic Astrology of more than three decades. He is considered an expert in Ashtakvarga system, Sarvatobhadra chakra and Panch Pakshi shastra. He is fascinated in discovering the forgotten secrets of Jyotish and in love with ancient scriptures. He believes in restoring the original spiritual roots to the science of Vedic astrology.

He’s also a trusted advisor to traders, entrepreneurs, and creative individuals who want to maximize peace, personal wealth and abundance of every kind in their lives. He has earned a vast array of practical experience and cutting-edge expertise to his work with innovative businesses and highly motivated individuals.
Shyam launched his Jyotish web-portal "howisyourdaytoday.com", in the year 2000. That was one of the very few astrology websites at that time. He has developed very comprehensive software on "Sarvatobhadra-chakra", which is the only one of it's kind till date on this highly complicated Swara-shastrabased subject. The "Sarvatobhadra-chakra" has always been shrouded in mystery due to its complexity. Most of the astrology softwares do not dare to touch this subject at all.

Testimonials ..

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of Sarvatobhadra Chakra