Are you "Mangali" ? Exact "Mangal-dosha" intensity calculation in your chart
Rs. 500 INR $ 12 USD
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Birth details
Your name has no bearing while casting a horoscope. Therefore, you may write any of your name (birth-name or currently popular name)
For example, if you were born on 28th January 1954 write it here as 28-01-1954
Give it as your country's / state's "Standard Time
(in 24 hrs. clock mode)
For example, if your time of birth is 5:00 a.m. write it here as 05:00 hrs., but if your time of birth is 5:00 p.m. write it here as 17:00 hrs.
If your place of birth is a small place, please tell us the name of a nearby well-known place. Otherwise, you may leave it blank. [not mandatory]
Contact details
Your instructions (if any)
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