Dear Mr. ABC
Thank you very much for trusting in my astrological
services and giving me the opportunity to analyze
your birth chart for identifying the Bullish and Bearish
phases in your life-journey.
It is not Vedic Astrology’s purpose to replace an
individual’s responsibility to decide for themselves
or to present a fait accompli forecast for the future.
I believe that you control and shape your own destiny
by your Karma and your efforts. However, this
report tells you, how much and when the planets will
be supportive for you or they will be challenging and
can create obstacles and difficulties on your path.
I have prepared this exhaustive "Dasha-Vichaar" report
for you on
the basis of your Vedic birth-chart calculated for the following
birth-data: |
Date of birth : |
August 13, 1968 |
Time of birth
: |
hrs (Zonal Standard Time in 24 hrs. format)
Place of birth : |
(M.P.), India |
(024N27'00; 077E12'00) |
5:30 hrs ahead of GMT |
Applicable Day Light Saving Time (DST) was 0.00
hrs. |
As per the above birth-data, your Vedic (sidereal)
ascendant is Cancer ('Kark'), the Vedic Moon sign ('Rashi') is
Pisces ('Meen') and
Janma-nakshatra (birth-star) is Reoti
(pada-2). Please be reminded that do
not confuse it with your tropical (Western) ascendant and tropical
Moon-sign, which may be same or a sign higher (in your case, tropical
ascendant is 'Leo'). |
In this report, I would analyze the different planetary periods and what effect they will have on your life. Every planet has a general influence
on a person throughout life but there are certain influencing periods during
which a planet predominates over others, this period is known as 'Dasha'.
According to Vedic astrology, theoretical life of an individual is taken
to be 120 years and this entire life span is divided into different main periods ('Mahadasa') of planets and within this main period, there
are sub-periods ('Antardasa') of all the planets and then each sub-period can
be further divided into sub-sub-periods ('Pratyantar dasa') of
planets. This is called 'Vimshottari dasha'.
This follows a predetermined sequence, but the starting point of - 'Which period at the time of birth?' - is determined by the sidereal longitude of
Moon at the time of birth. This is unique to Vedic astrology and we call
it "Dasha Vichar" or Period Analysis.
The 'Vimshottari dasha' is calculated on the basis of the nakshatra in which Moon is placed at the time of birth. Your Moon is placed in 'Reoti' nakshatra (pada-2), the lord of which is Mercury (Buddha). At the time of your birth, Moon's exact sidereal longitudes were 352.5440 degrees. |
It is often seen that the Dasha of favourable planets puts a person on top
in all spheres whereas Dasha of malefics give all kinds of troubles.
However what exactly constitutes a benefic (favourable) or a malefic
(unfavourable) planet in your chart is something only intricate
calculations can tell. To prepare this report, exhaustive calculations,
based on various principles told by sage Parashara as well as some special
Jyotish principles told in other streams of Vedic
Jyotish, have been done to gauge the exact benefic and
malefic nature of the planets in your natal chart.
The 'Overall Functional Beneficence' (OFB) values of
various planets is arrived at after consolidation and
quantification of various key astrological factors. It
is, in fact, much more than just considering the house
lordships of the various planets. If you are willing to
go in details of astrological factors considered to
arrive at these 'OFB values', you may visit following
page of my website:
You will get the answers to the following questions in this analysis: |
a. |
What are the most important
'Dasas' in your life?
b. |
Table of bullish and bearish phases in your life-journey.
c. |
For How much time will it run? When will it end?
d. |
Significations of which houses would be affected most in any given
e. |
What will be the 'Net' possible effects of each
f. |
What you may expect during important combinations of
g. |
Remedial measures for periods of your most unfavourable planets.
A. |
The Dasa of the
Perhaps the most important dasa to run in your life would be the dasa (main
and sub-periods, both) of the lord of the Lagna (1st house), the Moon. This
dasa represents the blossoming of oneself, truly becoming the individual we
each are. During this dasa, you may discover more about your true desires,
gifts, and nature, and/or may make a greater commitment to realize your
authentic hopes and dreams. Because many people do not run their Lagnesh's
dasa (main-period) either at all or at a productive age, the sub-periods of
the Lagnesh (Moon) can be looked at for similar results. The sub-periods of
Moon, under the main periods of various planets, would come in your life as
per the following table:
Merc-Moon: Aug.13, 1968 to Aug.15, 1969 (for 368 days)
Ketu-Moon: Jan.21, 1980 to Aug.21, 1980 (for 214 days)
Venu-Moon: Jun.17, 1989 to Feb.16, 1991 (for 609 days)
Sun -Moon: Jun.04, 2005 to Dec.03, 2005 (for 183 days)
Moon-Moon: Feb.15, 2011 to Dec.15, 2011 (for 304 days)
Mars-Moon: Jul.24, 2027 to Feb.14, 2028 (for 206 days)
Rahu-Moon: Aug.04, 2043 to Feb.02, 2045 (for 548 days)
The main period (Mahadasa) of Moon would be between 15 February 2011 and 13
February 2021, for (10 yrs).
B. |
The Main/sub periods of the 9th Lord
(Jupiter) and 10th Lord
(Mars): |
Whether it is the main-period of the 9th lord (Jupiter) and the sub-period
of the 10th lord (Mars) or vice versa, this period can represent a very
major turning point in your life. It can represent a shift into greater
status, grounding in life, breakthroughs in achievement, or simply a very
significant life change.
The Ninth house is the prime house of grace, fortune, and luck, and gives
sudden and unexpected gains in life. It also gives honor, recognition,
acceptance, prestige and power in life, usually of a beneficent nature. The
9th Lord Jupiter's sub-periods, under the main periods of various planets,
would come in your life as per the following table:
Merc-Jupi: Mar.04, 1973 to Jun.10, 1975 (for 828 days)
Ketu-Jupi: Feb.07, 1982 to Jan.14, 1983 (for 341 days)
Venu-Jupi: Apr.21, 1995 to Dec.20, 1997 (for 974 days)
Sun -Jupi: Mar.08, 2007 to Dec.25, 2007 (for 293 days)
Moon-Jupi: Jan.17, 2014 to May.19, 2015 (for 487 days)
Mars-Jupi: Aug.02, 2022 to Jul.09, 2023 (for 341 days)
Rahu-Jupi: Oct.28, 2030 to Mar.23, 2033 (for 877 days)
Jupi-Jupi: Feb.14, 2046 to Apr.02, 2048 (for 779 days)
The main period (Mahadasa) of Jupiter would be between 14 February 2046 and
13 February 2062, for (16 yrs).
The Tenth is the house of karma, which means action. It is the main house
for showing our effect upon the world generally. It shows the success in
career and vocation and the effect of our actions upon the world, the
status we are able to achieve in life. It shows the position we are able to
attain in life and the power that goes with it. It is an important house
for determining political, social, or worldly power. The Tenth house
measures our mark upon the world. The 10th Lord Mars's sub-periods, under
the main periods of various planets, would come in your life as follows:
Merc-Mars: Aug.16, 1969 to Aug.13, 1970 (for 363 days)
Ketu-Mars: Aug.22, 1980 to Jan.18, 1981 (for 150 days)
Venu-Mars: Feb.17, 1991 to Apr.18, 1992 (for 427 days)
Sun -Mars: Dec.04, 2005 to Apr.11, 2006 (for 128 days)
Moon-Mars: Dec.16, 2011 to Jul.16, 2012 (for 214 days)
Mars-Mars: Feb.14, 2021 to Jul.12, 2021 (for 149 days)
Rahu-Mars: Feb.03, 2045 to Feb.13, 2046 (for 376 days)
The main period (Mahadasa) of Mars would be between 14 February 2021 and 14
February 2028, for (7 yrs).
C. |
The Main/sub periods of the 4th Lord
(Venus) and 5th Lord
(Mars): |
The Main/sub periods of the 4th and 5th lords (Venus & Mars) would be an
echo of the results as mentioned above under pair of '9th lord/ 10th lord', and perhaps represent a significant, but somewhat lesser, personal life
turning point.
The 5th is the house of creativity in general. On a higher level, it showscreative intelligence, our capacity for original thinking. Like the Ninth
house, it is a house of grace and, even more so than the Ninth, it is a
house of good karma and shows the resources and merits (or lack of them) we
bring into life, our blessing and curses. Being 9th from 9th house, it is
another house of wealth and fortune. As such it shows our capacity to gain
through speculation (like the stock market), how we can gain through our
productions, creations, recreation, and imagination. The 5th Lord Mars's
sub-periods, under the main periods of various planets, would come in your
life as follows:
Merc-Mars: Aug.16, 1969 to Aug.13, 1970 (for 363 days)
Ketu-Mars: Aug.22, 1980 to Jan.18, 1981 (for 150 days)
Venu-Mars: Feb.17, 1991 to Apr.18, 1992 (for 427 days)
Sun -Mars: Dec.04, 2005 to Apr.11, 2006 (for 128 days)
Moon-Mars: Dec.16, 2011 to Jul.16, 2012 (for 214 days)
Mars-Mars: Feb.14, 2021 to Jul.12, 2021 (for 149 days)
Rahu-Mars: Feb.03, 2045 to Feb.13, 2046 (for 376 days)
The main period (Mahadasa) of Mars would be between 14 February 2021 and 14
February 2028, for (7 yrs).
The 4th Lord Venus's sub-periods, under the main periods of various
planets, would come in your life as follows:
Ketu-Venu: Jul.14, 1978 to Sep.13, 1979 (for 427 days)
Venu-Venu: Feb.14, 1985 to Jun.15, 1988 (for 1217 days)
Sun -Venu: Feb.21, 2010 to Feb.14, 2011 (for 358 days)
Moon-Venu: Dec.22, 2018 to Aug.21, 2020 (for 609 days)
Mars-Venu: Jan.14, 2026 to Mar.16, 2027 (for 427 days)
Rahu-Venu: Sep.07, 2039 to Sep.07, 2042 (for 1096 days)
The main period (Mahadasa) of Venus would be between 14 February 1985 and
13 February 2005, for (20 yrs).
Now, I will tabulate the main-periods and sub-periods of different planets,
as they would be operative at various stages. I have tried to capture the
bullish and bearish periods of your life and summarized my opinion in a
'Single word' (like: 'Excellent', 'Good', Poor' etc.), written after each
period, in the following table. These are the expected results in
'nut-shell', which you may expect during concerned dasa periods. The
results are based on determination of functional benefics and malefics in
your chart through well established Jyotish principles, as told by sage
Parashara and in various other streams of ancient Vedic astrology.
In the following table, if a period has been marked
"Excellent" or "Good",
that period will normally bring desirable results for most of your
life-aspects. Same way, a period, which has been marked
"Worst" or "Poor",
will generally be your trying periods in most of your life areas. However,
please remember that under a certain planetary period, not all the areas of
your life will get affected in the same direction. During a certain dasa,
you may have positive results for some aspects of the life, while at the
same time, for some aspects - you may feel negativity. Rest of the areas
may even remain totally un-affected. |
At the time of your birth, main period ('Mahadasa') of Mercury was
operating and 9 years 6 months and 2 days were remaining as balance, out of
the total period of 17 years assigned to Mercury as 'Mahadasa lord'.
** Mercury Mahadasha: August 13, 1968 to February 14, 1978
(bal. 9.51 yr)
The Vimshottari dasa of Mercury will mostly affect the significations of
following houses (in declining order of listing):
The Second house, The Tenth house, The Eighth house, The Third house.
*- Antar-dashas between age 0 yrs. 0 mths. and 9 yrs. 6 mths.
Merc-Moon: Aug.13, 1968 to Aug.15, 1969 Fair (Slightly positive)
Merc-Mars: Aug.16, 1969 to Aug.13, 1970 Average (Mixed results)
Merc-Rahu: Aug.14, 1970 to Mar.03, 1973 Fair (Slightly positive)
Merc-Jupi: Mar.04, 1973 to Jun.10, 1975 Inadequate (Slightly negative)
Merc-Satu: Jun.11, 1975 to Feb.14, 1978 Poor (Negative)
of Mahadasa |
** Ketu Mahadasha: February 15, 1978 to February 13, 1985
(7 yrs)
The Vimshottari dasa of Ketu will mostly affect the significations of
following houses (in declining order of listing):
The Third house, The Ninth house.
*- Antar-dashas between age 9 yrs. 6 mths. and 16 yrs. 6 mths.
Ketu-Ketu: Feb.15, 1978 to Jul.13, 1978 Poor (Negative)
Ketu-Venu: Jul.14, 1978 to Sep.13, 1979 Worst (Very negative)
Ketu-Sun : Sep.14, 1979 to Jan.20, 1980 Poor (Negative)
Ketu-Moon: Jan.21, 1980 to Aug.21, 1980 Fair (Slightly positive)
Ketu-Mars: Aug.22, 1980 to Jan.18, 1981 Average (Mixed results)
Ketu-Rahu: Jan.19, 1981 to Feb.06, 1982 Good (Positive)
Ketu-Jupi: Feb.07, 1982 to Jan.14, 1983 Inadequate (Slightly negative)
Ketu-Satu: Jan.15, 1983 to Feb.24, 1984 Inadequate (Slightly negative)
Ketu-Merc: Feb.25, 1984 to Feb.13, 1985 Worst (Very negative)
of Mahadasa |
** Venus Mahadasha: February 14, 1985 to February 13,
(20 yrs)
The Vimshottari dasa of Venus will mostly affect the significations of
following houses (in declining order of listing):
The Second house, The Eighth house, The Eleventh house.
*- Antar-dashas between age 16 yrs. 6 mths. and 36 yrs. 6 mths.
Venu-Venu: Feb.14, 1985 to Jun.15, 1988 Worst (Very negative)
Venu-Sun : Jun.16, 1988 to Jun.16, 1989 Poor (Negative)
Venu-Moon: Jun.17, 1989 to Feb.16, 1991 Fair (Slightly positive)
Venu-Mars: Feb.17, 1991 to Apr.18, 1992 Average (Mixed results)
Venu-Rahu: Apr.19, 1992 to Apr.20, 1995 Fair (Slightly positive)
Venu-Jupi: Apr.21, 1995 to Dec.20, 1997 Inadequate (Slightly negative)
Venu-Satu: Dec.21, 1997 to Feb.19, 2001 Poor (Negative)
Venu-Merc: Feb.20, 2001 to Dec.22, 2003 Worst (Very negative)
Venu-Ketu: Dec.23, 2003 to Feb.13, 2005 Poor (Negative)
of Mahadasa |
** Sun Mahadasha: February 14, 2005 to February 14, 2011
(6 yrs)
The Vimshottari dasa of Sun will mostly affect the significations of
following houses (in declining order of listing):
The First house, The Seventh house, The Second house.
*- Antar-dashas between age 36 yrs. 6 mths. and 42 yrs. 6 mths.
Sun -Sun : Feb.14, 2005 to Jun.03, 2005 Poor (Negative)
Sun -Moon: Jun.04, 2005 to Dec.03, 2005 Fair (Slightly positive)
Sun -Mars: Dec.04, 2005 to Apr.11, 2006 Average (Mixed results)
Sun -Rahu: Apr.12, 2006 to Mar.07, 2007 Good (Positive)
Sun -Jupi: Mar.08, 2007 to Dec.25, 2007 Inadequate (Slightly negative)
Sun -Satu: Dec.26, 2007 to Dec.07, 2008 Inadequate (Slightly negative)
Sun -Merc: Dec.08, 2008 to Oct.15, 2009 Worst (Very negative)
Sun -Ketu: Oct.16, 2009 to Feb.20, 2010 Poor (Negative)
Sun -Venu: Feb.21, 2010 to Feb.14, 2011 Worst (Very negative)
of Mahadasa |
** Moon Mahadasha: February 15, 2011 to February 13, 2021
(10 yrs)
The Vimshottari dasa of Moon will mostly affect the significations of
following houses (in declining order of listing):
The Ninth house, The Third house, The First house.
*- Antar-dashas between age 42 yrs. 6 mths. and 52 yrs. 6 mths.
Moon-Moon: Feb.15, 2011 to Dec.15, 2011 Excellent( Very positive)
Moon-Mars: Dec.16, 2011 to Jul.16, 2012 Good (Positive)
Moon-Rahu: Jul.17, 2012 to Jan.16, 2014 Excellent( Very positive)
Moon-Jupi: Jan.17, 2014 to May.19, 2015 Fair (Slightly positive)
Moon-Satu: May.20, 2015 to Dec.18, 2016 Average (Mixed results)
Moon-Merc: Dec.19, 2016 to May.21, 2018 Inadequate (Slightly negative)
Moon-Ketu: May.22, 2018 to Dec.21, 2018 Average (Mixed results)
Moon-Venu: Dec.22, 2018 to Aug.21, 2020 Inadequate (Slightly negative)
Moon-Sun : Aug.22, 2020 to Feb.13, 2021 Average (Mixed results)
of Mahadasa |
** Mars Mahadasha: February 14, 2021 to February 14, 2028
(7 yrs)
The Vimshottari dasa of Mars will mostly affect the significations of
following houses (in declining order of listing):
The First house, The Eighth house, The Seventh house, The Fourth house, The
Tenth house, The Fifth house.
*- Antar-dashas between age 52 yrs. 6 mths. and 59 yrs. 6 mths.
Mars-Mars: Feb.14, 2021 to Jul.12, 2021 Fair (Slightly positive)
Mars-Rahu: Jul.13, 2021 to Aug.01, 2022 Excellent( Very positive)
Mars-Jupi: Aug.02, 2022 to Jul.09, 2023 Fair (Slightly positive)
Mars-Satu: Jul.10, 2023 to Aug.17, 2024 Average (Mixed results)
Mars-Merc: Aug.18, 2024 to Aug.16, 2025 Poor (Negative)
Mars-Ketu: Aug.17, 2025 to Jan.13, 2026 Inadequate (Slightly negative)
Mars-Venu: Jan.14, 2026 to Mar.16, 2027 Poor (Negative)
Mars-Sun : Mar.17, 2027 to Jul.23, 2027 Inadequate (Slightly negative)
Mars-Moon: Jul.24, 2027 to Feb.14, 2028 Good (Positive)
of Mahadasa |
** Rahu Mahadasha: February 15, 2028 to February 13, 2046
(18 yrs)
The Vimshottari dasa of Rahu will mostly affect the significations of
following houses (in declining order of listing):
The Ninth house, The Third house.
*- Antar-dashas between age 59 yrs. 6 mths. and 77 yrs. 6 mths.
Rahu-Rahu: Feb.15, 2028 to Oct.27, 2030 Excellent( Very positive)
Rahu-Jupi: Oct.28, 2030 to Mar.23, 2033 Fair (Slightly positive)
Rahu-Satu: Mar.24, 2033 to Jan.28, 2036 Fair (Slightly positive)
Rahu-Merc: Jan.29, 2036 to Aug.18, 2038 Inadequate (Slightly negative)
Rahu-Ketu: Aug.19, 2038 to Sep.06, 2039 Average (Mixed results)
Rahu-Venu: Sep.07, 2039 to Sep.07, 2042 Inadequate (Slightly negative)
Rahu-Sun : Sep.08, 2042 to Aug.03, 2043 Average (Mixed results)
Rahu-Moon: Aug.04, 2043 to Feb.02, 2045 Excellent( Very positive)
Rahu-Mars: Feb.03, 2045 to Feb.13, 2046 Good (Positive)
of Mahadasa |
** Jupiter Mahadasha: February 14, 2046 to February 13, 2062
(16 yrs)
The Vimshottari dasa of Jupiter will mostly affect the significations of
following houses (in declining order of listing):
The Second house, The Sixth house, The Tenth house, The Eighth house, The
Ninth house, The Seventh house.
*- Antar-dashas between age 77 yrs. 6 mths. and 93 yrs. 6 mths.
Jupi-Jupi: Feb.14, 2046 to Apr.02, 2048 Average (Mixed results)
Jupi-Satu: Apr.03, 2048 to Oct.16, 2050 Inadequate (Slightly negative)
Jupi-Merc: Oct.17, 2050 to Jan.21, 2053 Poor (Negative)
Jupi-Ketu: Jan.22, 2053 to Dec.29, 2053 Inadequate (Slightly negative)
Jupi-Venu: Dec.30, 2053 to Aug.30, 2056 Poor (Negative)
Jupi-Sun : Aug.31, 2056 to Jun.20, 2057 Inadequate (Slightly negative)
Jupi-Moon: Jun.21, 2057 to Oct.21, 2058 Good (Positive)
Jupi-Mars: Oct.22, 2058 to Sep.27, 2059 Fair (Slightly positive)
Jupi-Rahu: Sep.28, 2059 to Feb.13, 2062 Good (Positive)
of Mahadasa |
** Saturn Mahadasha: February 14, 2062 to February 13, 2081
(19 yrs)
The Vimshottari dasa of Saturn will mostly affect the significations of
following houses (in declining order of listing):
The Seventh house, The Tenth house, The Twelfth house, The Eighth house,
The Fourth house.
*- Antar-dashas between age 93 yrs. 6 mths. and 112 yrs. 6 mths.
Satu-Satu: Feb.14, 2062 to Feb.16, 2065 Inadequate (Slightly negative)
Satu-Merc: Feb.17, 2065 to Oct.28, 2067 Poor (Negative)
Satu-Ketu: Oct.29, 2067 to Dec.07, 2068 Poor (Negative)
Satu-Venu: Dec.08, 2068 to Feb.07, 2072 Worst (Very negative)
Satu-Sun : Feb.08, 2072 to Jan.20, 2073 Poor (Negative)
Satu-Moon: Jan.21, 2073 to Aug.23, 2074 Good (Positive)
Satu-Mars: Aug.24, 2074 to Oct.02, 2075 Fair (Slightly positive)
Satu-Rahu: Oct.03, 2075 to Aug.09, 2078 Good (Positive)
Satu-Jupi: Aug.10, 2078 to Feb.13, 2081 Average (Mixed results)
of Mahadasa |
** Mercury Mahadasha: February 14, 2081 to August 11, 2088
7 Y:5 M:28 D
The Vimshottari dasa of Mercury will mostly affect the significations of
following houses (in declining order of listing):
The Second house, The Tenth house, The Eighth house, The Third house.
*- Antar-dashas between age 112 yrs. 6 mths. and 119 yrs. 11 mths.
Merc-Merc: Feb.14, 2081 to Jul.12, 2083 Worst (Very negative)
Merc-Ketu: Jul.13, 2083 to Jul.09, 2084 Poor (Negative)
Merc-Venu: Jul.10, 2084 to May.11, 2087 Worst (Very negative)
Merc-Sun : May.12, 2087 to Mar.18, 2088 Poor (Negative)
Merc-Moon: Mar.19, 2088 to Aug.11, 2088 Fair (Slightly positive)
of Mahadasa |
Now, I'll write some possible results during periods of some important
combinations of Mahadasa and Antar-dasha lords.
During periods of Moon-Sun / Sun -Moon (the 1st and 2nd lords), you will
develop deeper values. Commitment to the family increases. You will invest
yourself in your work more fully. You will be expressing, through your
voice, more authentically.
The periods of Moon-Mercury / Mercury-Moon (the 1st and 3rd lords) will see
beginning of an important new project or enterprise. It may start a physical training regime. You may invest yourself deeply in an artistic
Venus-Moon / Moon-Venus (the 1st and 4th lords) periods indicates deepening
of your connection with yourself. You will become more conscious of your
needs and stand-up for yourself more.
The periods of Moon-Mars / Mars-Moon (1st and 5th lords) will see you
scaling new peaks in self-expression. You may undertake creative projects.
The Moon-Jupiter / Jupiter-Moon (1st and 6th lords) periods may be spent in
dealing with health issues. You may have to change your work or health
The periods of 1st and 7th lords (Moon-Saturn / Saturn-Moon) may be a major
time for primary relationships. You may be working to end a relationship or
relationship pattern, and/or to start a new relationship or way of
The Moon-Saturn / Saturn-Moon periods (of 1st and 8th lords) will be a
potent time of self-analysis or self-work. It may be a time for the
breaking down of your ego. A positive breakthrough in intimacy or negative
loss of appropriate boundaries is indicated.
The periods of 1st and 9th lords (Moon-Jupiter / Jupiter-Moon) will let you
hear your soul's calling. You may be committed to a spiritual path. You may
even become interested in teaching of some sort.
The periods of 1st and 10th lords (Moon-Mars / Mars-Moon) will see you
taking major actions in your life. You will be attempting greater
achievements. You may change careers to become more true to yourself.
During periods of Moon-Venus / Venus-Moon (1st and 11th lords), you will be
awakening to your deepest wishes and aim towards greater fulfillment. You
will see yourself presenting to a larger audience.
The periods of Moon-Mercury / Mercury-Moon (1st and 12th lords) will be for
the relinquishment of ego and spiritual breakthroughs (on positive side). You may face some sort of breakdowns or addictions (on negative side).
The Sun -Venus / Venus-Sun periods (2nd and 11th lords) indicate changes
in your financial status. You might be making money in new ways. Increase
in your family is also indicated.
During periods of Mercury-Mars / Mars-Mercury (3rd and 10th lords), you
will be making major efforts to advance your career. You may also begin an art or writing project.
The periods of 4th and 10th lords (Venus-Mars / Mars-Venus ) will be spent
in balancing of issues concerning the personal and professional life.
The periods of Mars-Saturn / Saturn-Mars (5th and 7th lords) will see the
start or evolution of a personal intimate relationship. A significant change in your relationship to your child may also occur.
The Mars-Jupiter / Jupiter-Mars periods (of 5th and 9th lords) will bring
spiritual breakthroughs. You will be becoming more aware of the patterns
passed from your father. Travel, higher education, and your becoming a
teacher of some kind, is indicated.
The periods of 7th and 8th lord (Saturn-Saturn ) indicates dealing with
major issues in relationship. The period will not be very good for
relationship with your spouse.
During the Saturn-Mercury / Mercury-Saturn periods (of 7th and 12th lords),
you may change your orientation towards pleasure, addiction, overindulgence
and sexual issues. Possible loss of relationship or deepening of union is
Charity is *always* a good thing. If you engage in enough charitable giving, you can probably offset almost any bad Karma seen in your chart.
The Vedic tradition also delineates classes of people and classes of
animals who are the ideal recipient of your charity. This maximizes the
effects of your charitable giving. |
The main dasa periods or sub-periods, which are governed by Venus, shall
not remain favourable for most of your life aspects. Jyotish quality gem
'Diamonds ('Heera')' could be used for appeasing Venus. It is called
'Ratna-arpana' or DONATING a fine gem for a bad planet to a specified
recipient, at a specific time, with a specific mantra. Donate it to a poor
young woman. The alternate (somewhat cheaper) astral-gems for Venus are -
White quartz, zircons, goshenites, white topaz, white sapphires and other
colorless gemstones with clear transparency.
The gems for Venus should be donated, during waxing Moon ('Shukla-paksha'),
on a Friday. It would be excellent Muhurta to donate the gem if Moon is
transiting in either Bharani, Poorvashadha or Poorva-phalguni Nakshatra on
a Friday. The diamond (or it's substitutes) should be donated in night
(after dinner). It can be worn at any time during the whole night after
dinner.. Before donating the gem, light lamp and incense stick and meditate
on your God. Clean the gem in fresh milk and then Ganga water. Recite
following 'Beej-mantra' (Seed mantra), for Venus, 16 times:
"Om dram drim draum sah shukraya namah"
After donating the gem you should give alms of the items belonging to
Venus, such as - Rice, Sugar, Candy, Fragrance, Curd, White Sandal, Milk,
Silver, White cloth, preferably to a poor young woman.
For your convenience, all sub-periods of Venus have also been sorted and
tabulated here-in-below. The above mentioned remedial measures should be
taken at the start of Venus's sub-periods.
Ketu-Venu: Jul.14, 1978 to Sep.13, 1979 (for 427 days)
Venu-Venu: Feb.14, 1985 to Jun.15, 1988 (for 1217 days)
Sun -Venu: Feb.21, 2010 to Feb.14, 2011 (for 358 days)
Moon-Venu: Dec.22, 2018 to Aug.21, 2020 (for 609 days)
Mars-Venu: Jan.14, 2026 to Mar.16, 2027 (for 427 days)
Rahu-Venu: Sep.07, 2039 to Sep.07, 2042 (for 1096 days)
The main dasa periods or sub-periods, which are governed by Mercury, shall
also not remain favourable for most of your life aspects. The Jyotish
quality gem 'Emerald ('Panna')' could be used for appeasing Mercury. Donate
it to a poor student. The alternate (somewhat cheaper) astral-gems for
Mercury are - Peridot, green tourmaline, diopside, green jade, tsavorite
and other natural green gems of flawless quality. The gems for Mercury
should be donated, during waxing Moon ('Shukla-paksha'), on a Wednesday. It
would be excellent Muhurta to donate the gem if Moon is transiting in
either Ashlesha, Jyeshtha or Revati Nakshatra on a Wednesday. The emerald
(or it's substitutes) should be donated in 'Sandhya-kaal' or 'Gau dhuli
vela', i.e. before dinner.. Before donating the gem, light lamp and incense
stick and meditate on your God. Clean the gem in fresh milk and then Ganga
water. Recite following 'Beej-mantra' (Seed mantra), for Mercury, 9 times:
"Om bram brim braum sah budhaya namah"
After donating the gem you should give alms of the items belonging to
Mercury, such as - Moong, Glucose, Ivory, Camphor, Fruit, Ghee, Bronze,
Green cloth, preferably to a poor student.
For your convenience, all sub-periods of Mercury have also been sorted and
tabulated here-in-below. The above mentioned remedial measures should be
taken at the start of Mercury's sub-periods.
Ketu-Merc: Feb.25, 1984 to Feb.13, 1985 (for 355 days)
Venu-Merc: Feb.20, 2001 to Dec.22, 2003 (for 1035 days)
Sun -Merc: Dec.08, 2008 to Oct.15, 2009 (for 311 days)
Moon-Merc: Dec.19, 2016 to May.21, 2018 (for 518 days)
Mars-Merc: Aug.18, 2024 to Aug.16, 2025 (for 363 days)
Rahu-Merc: Jan.29, 2036 to Aug.18, 2038 (for 932 days)
Jupi-Merc: Oct.17, 2050 to Jan.21, 2053 (for 828 days) |
I hope that the above analysis will prove to be the most important strategic tool to manage your life. By analyzing your
Vimshottari dashas,
you may gauge the rising and falling trends in your life aspects very
clearly and minimize the negative trends of your astral signatures by
adopting required remedial measures. |