Sample-report |
Price: |
INR 1,130 |
USD $ 27 |
The Eventful
years of your life |
Know the Rising and Falling trends in your life |
Thank you for trusting in my astrological services and
providing me the opportunity to analyze your birth chart. |
Astrology is a unique method of interpretation of the
correlation of planetary influences. It is remarkable that
the important events of life always happen at astrologically
important moments. The ancient genius Hindu astrologers,
through their Divine insight, dwelled deep into the
Astronomical phenomena with respect to the minute concept of
time and laid down astrological rules for different events
in the life of human beings.
This report is an extremely important tool that can manage
your future and your life. It may depict your astrological
autograph from birth to the end of your life. According to
Vedic Astrology, your life in this world is the sum total of
the effects of your Karma from all your past lives and the
effects of your Karma in this life. Through this report, you
may gauge the rising and falling trends in your life at
various stages and take necessary precautionary and remedial
measures when negative trends are indicated. |
birth-data has been considered while preparing this
report: |
Name: |
Rajdeep Bansal |
Date of birth: |
5th May 1975 |
Time of birth: |
5:00 hrs
(24 hrs. format) |
Standard Time Zone: |
5:30 Hrs ahead of GMT |
DST: 00:00 hrs |
Place of birth: |
(Punjab), India |
031N19'00; 075E34'00 |
per the above birth-data, your Vedic (sidereal) ascendant
is Aries ('Mesh'), the Vedic Moon sign ('Rashi') is
Aquarius ('Kumbha') and Janma-nakshatra (birth-star) is
Shatbhisha (pada-1). Please be reminded that do not
confuse it with your tropical (Western) ascendant and
tropical Moon-sign, which may be same or a sign higher (in
your case, tropical ascendant is 'Aries').
First of
all, we would make a broad classification - dividing
your complete life-span into three major segments.
Average human life these days is of about 80 yrs.
Therefore, each of the three life-segments would be
of around 27 yrs. Thus, the first life segment would
be up to the age of about 27 yrs. The second segment
would start, thereafter, at about 27 yrs. of age and
would last up to the age of about 53 yrs. Then would
start the third and last segment at the age of about
53 yrs. The segment-wise broad results, deduced from
your natal chart and calculated through methods
described in Jyotish classics, are as follows: |
» The BEST & MOST FAVOURABLE life-segment: |
The third segment will be the best
segment of your life. You will be able
to reap fruits of your hard work, done
in the first two segments, in your
life's third segment only. It also
signifies that you will lead your old
age with much peace and calm in general. |
» The LEAST-FAVOURABLE life-segment: |
The first segment will be the least
favourable segment of your life. It
also signifies that your childhood may
remain somewhat turbulent. The
astrological signature for this life
segment indicate sudden unexpected
misfortunes and losses. Such events
which are not expected, strike suddenly
and seem to be unavoidable, may occur.
This period of your life may bring
you defeat or insult, accidents, severe
mental sorrow, blame, hindrances or
obstructions, disappointments,
misfortunes, all sorts of problems,
lethargic ness, disgrace and
degradation, loss of material, troubles
transit and enemy fear. These results
will be particularly more visible in
age years classified as 'Worst years' of
your life in following part of
this report and also falling in this
segment. |
» The AVERAGE / NON-TURBULENT life-segment: |
Your life's second segment is expected
to remain calm and non-turbulent
mostly with average mix of joys and
sorrows. During major part of this
segment, your ratio of successes and
failures would be almost equal. Except
some particular age-years, which are
falling in this segment, but marked
exceptionally 'Good' or 'Bad' otherwise
in following part of this report,
nothing very 'memorable' is expected to
happen. Just routine
life-happenings would be taking place.
Turbulence of quick 'Ups' and
'Downs' or major successes and failures
will be felt least. |
Till now,
these were the results based on broad classification
providing you a bird's eye-view of your life journey. Now
I will proceed to pin-point exact age years which may be
significant and 'memorable', either in positive or
negative sense. As mentioned already, these are the
results of past Karmas and Destiny and which probably
cannot be altered by our own efforts. However, one can
make contingency plans through one's efforts to minimize
the impact. |
Astrological beneficence: Above 65% |
age-years will be some of the "Best years" in
your life. You will get favourable and auspicious
results when these age-years of your life commences.
What we call Raja Yogas, which are certain special
dispositions of planets affecting the combined
radiation at the particular moment of birth in such
a way that the native would become great, famous and
outstanding. These yogas may fructify during the
following years: |
11, 23, 35, 47, 59, 71 |
Astrological beneficence: Between 55% and 65% |
age-years of your life may be categorized as "Good
years". You can expect quite good results in
various spheres during these particular years of
your life. Your efforts will prove profitable and
productive. But remember that your astrological
signatures during this period would be just shade
above the average line and therefore you should not
expect astrological favours beyond reasonable
limits. |
1, 10, 13, 22, 25, 34, 37, 46, 49, 58, 61, 70, 73 |
Astrological beneficence: Between 45% and 55% |
following age-years may be categorized
astrologically "Average" in general. During
these years of your life you should expect a mixed
bag of results in various fields of your life,
neither very sweet nor very sour, that is what you
should expect. |
4, 6, 7, 8, 9,
12, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21, 24, 28, 30, 31, 32, 33, 36,
40, 42,
43, 44, 45, 48, 52, 54, 55, 56, 57, 60, 64, 66, 67,
68, 69, 72, 76, 78, 79, 80 |
Astrological beneficence: Between 35% and 45% |
following age-years of your life will remain "Somewhat
unfavourable". You may find unexpected negative
happenings coming your way during these years of
your age. You will feel getting less or no desirable
results. Your efforts will remain unproductive or
meet with delays. |
2, 3, 5,
14, 15, 17, 26, 27, 29, 38, 39, 41, 50, 51, 53, 62,
63, 65, 74, 75, 77 |
Astrological beneficence: Below 35% |
age-years may prove some of the "Most
Unfavourable years" coming in your life. Your
astrological signatures would be at rock-bottom
during these years and you should remain extra
cautious when you are about to enter these years of
your age. You may perform very poorly. You may be
overwhelmed by obstacles and difficulties. Crisis
may appear or prove unmanageable. You may feel
vulnerable or fearful. Make attempts to maintain a
low profile and try not to take important decisions
in crucial matters during the indicated years. You
should not be unduly proactive and should observe
extreme prudence and caution. |
** None of the age years was found eligible to
be put in this category.
(having astrological beneficence below 35%). |
The planets do act as
referees and critics in this cosmic drama being enacted in
our lives. They announce prizes, penalties and sometimes
also put a break. Through the above analysis what I have
tried here is to get a better understanding of the rules
of the game of our individual life. By knowing the nature
of planets, their strength and weaknesses in the
horoscope, one can gain a little insight into one's life.
Your ordained life script scores for various "Age-years"
have been computed from your Vedic Astrology birth chart.
Now, being aware of your 'Good' and 'Bad' times, you have
the option to choose the strategic steps that you can take
at any point in your life to minimize the negative trends
or strengthen the positive ones.
While going through the above report, it should be borne
in mind that events happen only when the right time comes
depending on the back -ground. Here the three 'S'
analogies of seed, soil, and season can be understood
profitably. The seed pattern will be the same but when the
correct soil and season come into operation only the seed
will grow and bloom into a tree. Similarly the human seed
would be the same depending on one’s genes and past life
deeds and one’s life pattern will grow accordingly when
required circumstances come into play at the required
time. Through this report, I have tried to predict the
'Seasons' and 'Circumstances' part of this analogy,
applicable to your life. |
Please acknowledge the receipt of this analysis. |