Your child's name should not be an accident of fate

Price:     INR 2,100   /  USD $ 41






Name suggestions for Son of Mr. Sujit Agrawal

List of Hindu names with harmonious sound syllables and confirming to child's lucky primary root number

As told earlier too, in the main-report, the initial letter of your child's name should normally begin with the exact syllable representing child's Moon rashi-nakshatra. However, you may also choose other sound syllables from the group of syllables having the utmost harmony with child's birth star.

I have a database of approx. 15,000 Hindu names, for both genders combined, along with an elaborate computer program to select appropriate Hindu names with utmost accuracy, which fulfills all desired astro-numerological parameters for naming the child.

Here-in-below is a detailed report, suggesting you various Hindu names from the huge name data base, picking only those names which fulfills all desired astro-numerological parameters.

Quick links for the three parts of this report:
1. The Main Analytical Report

2. Suitability of various sound syllables for the child
3. Some suggested "Hindu" names confirming to astrological parameters Currently, you are viewing.
In the main analytical report, following Primary Root Numbers have been identified as the "Best" and "Second Best" numbers on the basis astrological beneficence acquired by them in child's horoscope.
(a) Primary root number "6" .. best
(b) Primary root number "8" .. 2nd best
Here-in-below, I have listed various "First names" for the child, starting from harmonious sound syllables, which would also return one of the above mentioned lucky primary root numbers, when added with child's "Last name".



Last Name:

Here-in-below follows the list of First names starting from child's harmonious sound syllables and also simultaneously confirming to lucky primary root number(s) for the native:
The following list of "First names" is based on the following inputs:
1. The Lucky root number (needed to be finally achieved): '6'
2. The Last name/Family name is 'AGRAWAL' [Root no.: 8]
3. Required syllables:  'YAA'  'YEE'  'YU'  'CHA'  'CHE'
4. Names required for a :'Male'
For the above combination of inputs, you should choose a FIRST NAME which
returns the Chaldean primary root number ' 7'. Following first-names
confirm to all of these conditions. You can choose any one of the following
first-names and append it your family-name / Last name [AGRAWAL]. The
resultant Chaldean primary root number of the complete name would be '6'.
(M)[7] Chakshu            [eye                              ]
(M)[7] Chandram           [                                 ]
(M)[7] Chandraraj         [                                 ]
(M)[7] Chiraag            [Lamp                             ]
(M)[7] Chiranjeev         [Immortal                         ]
(M)[7] Chiranjiv          [Immortal                         ]
(M)[7] Yaduraj            [Lord Krishna                     ]
(M)[7] Yashvardhan        [                                 ]
(M)[7] Chayan             [                                 ]
(M)[7] Chittiz            [                                 ]
(M)[7] Chandra-gupta      [                                 ]
(M)[7] Yagya              [                                 ]
(M)[7] Chitraang          [                                 ]
(M)[7] Yagya Dutt         [                                 ]
(M)[7] Yogansh            [                                 ]
(M)[7] Chiradeep          [                                 ]
(M)[7] Yugaansh           [                                 ]
(M)[7] Yashu              [                                 ]
(M)[7] Yash Vardhan       [                                 ]
(M)[7] Yomesh             [                                 ]
(M)[7] Chetanya           [                                 ]
(M)[7] Yati               [                                 ]
(M)[7] Charit             [                                 ]
(M)[7] Chandradeep        [                                 ]
(M)[7] Chakit             [                                 ]
(M)[7] Chitwan            [                                 ]
The following list of "First names" is based on the following inputs:
1. The Lucky root number (needed to be finally achieved): '6'
2. The Last name/Family name is 'AGRAWAL' [Root no.: 8]
3. Required syllables:  'HOO'  'HAY'  'HO'  'HE'  'THA'
4. Names required for a :'Male'
For the above combination of inputs, you should choose a FIRST NAME which
returns the Chaldean primary root number ' 7'. Following first-names
confirm to all of these conditions. You can choose any one of the following
first-names and append it your family-name / Last name [AGRAWAL]. The
resultant Chaldean primary root number of the complete name would be '6'.
(M)[7] Haardik            [Full of love                     ]
(M)[7] Harendra           [                                 ]
(M)[7] Harinarayan        [                                 ]
(M)[7] Harsh              [Joy                              ]
(M)[7] Hemanta            [Winter                           ]
(M)[7] Himaghna           [                                 ]
(M)[7] Himanish           [                                 ]
(M)[7] Hiranya            [Lord Vishnu                      ]
(M)[7] Hirdesh            [                                 ]
(M)[7] Hirdeshwar         [                                 ]
(M)[7] Hitaansh           [                                 ]
(M)[7] Toyesh             [                                 ]
(M)[7] Teerth             [                                 ]
(M)[7] Hirdayanshu        [                                 ]
(M)[7] Hemendu            [                                 ]
(M)[7] Hardesh            [                                 ]
The following list of "First names" is based on the following inputs:
1. The Lucky root number (needed to be finally achieved): '6'
2. The Last name/Family name is 'AGRAWAL' [Root no.: 8]
3. Required syllables:  'NA'  'NEE'  'NOO'  'NAY'  'NO'
4. Names required for a :'Male'
For the above combination of inputs, you should choose a FIRST NAME which
returns the Chaldean primary root number ' 7'. Following first-names
confirm to all of these conditions. You can choose any one of the following
first-names and append it your family-name / Last name [AGRAWAL]. The
resultant Chaldean primary root number of the complete name would be '6'.
(M)[7] Naman              [Renowned                         ]
(M)[7] Namdev             [poet, saint                      ]
(M)[7] Nanda              [foster-father of Lord Krishna, hu]
(M)[7] Narayan            [Lord Vishnu                      ]
(M)[7] Narendra           [King of man                      ]
(M)[7] Nayakan            [hero                             ]
(M)[7] Nihaal             [content                          ]
(M)[7] Nipun              [Expert                           ]
(M)[7] Nirahankar         [Without false ego                ]
(M)[7] Nirmal             [bright, clean, pure, unblemished ]
(M)[7] Nitin              [New                              ]
(M)[7] Nitya Sundara      [good-looking                     ]
(M)[7] Neerendra          [The God of water                 ]
(M)[7] Nirendra           [The God of water                 ]
(M)[7] Nishaant           [                                 ]
(M)[7] Nishchaya          [                                 ]
(M)[7] Niyantran          [                                 ]
(M)[7] Nirmesh            [                                 ]
(M)[7] Naval              [                                 ]
(M)[7] Navindra           [                                 ]
(M)[7] Navdeep            [                                 ]
(M)[7] Nepatthya          [                                 ]
(M)[7] Nishnaat           [                                 ]
(M)[7] Nitaansh           [                                 ]
(M)[7] Nikhar             [                                 ]
(M)[7] Nirdesh            [                                 ]
(M)[7] Navkaant           [                                 ]
(M)[7] Nihit              [                                 ]
(M)[7] Nivesh             [                                 ]
(M)[7] Navjyot            [                                 ]
(M)[7] Ninad              [                                 ]
(M)[7] Nisarga            [                                 ]
(M)[7] Nainesh            [                                 ]
(M)[7] Naindeep           [                                 ]
(M)[7] Naksh              [                                 ]
(M)[7] Navesh             [                                 ]
The following list of "First names" is based on the following inputs:
1. The Lucky root number (needed to be finally achieved): '6'
2. The Last name/Family name is 'AGRAWAL' [Root no.: 8]
3. Required syllables:  'DEE'  'DOO'  'DAY'  'DU'  'JHA'
4. Names required for a :'Male'
For the above combination of inputs, you should choose a FIRST NAME which
returns the Chaldean primary root number ' 7'. Following first-names
confirm to all of these conditions. You can choose any one of the following
first-names and append it your family-name / Last name [AGRAWAL]. The
resultant Chaldean primary root number of the complete name would be '6'.
(M)[7] Dakshi             [The glorious                     ]
(M)[7] Dashrath           [Father of Lord Ram               ]
(C)[7] Daya               [Compassion                       ]
(M)[7] Deepak             [Lamp                             ]
(M)[7] Deva               [Divinity                         ]
(M)[7] Devaang            [From God                         ]
(M)[7] Dharm              [religion; way of good living; dut]
(M)[7] Dipak              [lamp                             ]
(M)[7] Divyesh            [Full of divinity                 ]
(M)[7] Durjaya            [difficult to conquer             ]
(M)[7] Jaideep            [Victory to the light             ]
(M)[7] Jaidip             [Victory to the light             ]
(M)[7] Jayesh             [Victor                           ]
(M)[7] Jaygopal           [Victorious Lord Krishna          ]
(M)[7] Dwarka             [                                 ]
(M)[7] Dhairyaa           [ Patience                        ]
(M)[7] Dhyey              [Goal                             ]
(M)[7] Jainendra          [                                 ]
(M)[7] Deepanakar         [                                 ]
(M)[7] Deeprishi          [                                 ]
(M)[7] Dipender           [                                 ]
(M)[7] Deepender          [                                 ]
(M)[7] Deven              [                                 ]
(M)[7] Jauhar             [                                 ]
(M)[7] Jai Prakash        [                                 ]
(M)[7] Jyotir             [                                 ]
(M)[7] Divya Kant         [                                 ]
(M)[7] Deepaankar         [                                 ]
(M)[7] Digwanta           [                                 ]
(M)[7] Divyalok           [                                 ]
(M)[7] Jeeten             [                                 ]
(M)[7] Jaagruk            [                                 ]
(M)[7] Deekshant          [                                 ]
(M)[7] Deobrat            [                                 ]
(M)[7] Dipaankar          [                                 ]
(M)[7] Deshank            [                                 ]
(M)[7] Dikshant           [                                 ]
(M)[7] Divya Akash        [                                 ]
(M)[7] Dhwanil            [                                 ]
(M)[7] Jeevendra          [                                 ]
(M)[7] Dumanshu           [                                 ]
(M)[7] Dixhant            [                                 ]
(M)[7] Dular              [                                 ]
(M)[7] Dhurendra          [                                 ]
The following list of "First names" is based on the following inputs:
1. The Lucky root number (needed to be finally achieved): '8'
2. The Last name/Family name is 'AGRAWAL' [Root no.: 8]
3. Required syllables:  'YAA'  'YEE'  'YU'  'CHA'  'CHE'
4. Names required for a :'Male'
For the above combination of inputs, you should choose a FIRST NAME which
returns the Chaldean primary root number ' 9'. Following first-names
confirm to all of these conditions. You can choose any one of the following
first-names and append it your family-name / Last name [AGRAWAL]. The
resultant Chaldean primary root number of the complete name would be '8'.
(M)[9] Chandish           [                                 ]
(M)[9] Chandrakumar       [                                 ]
(M)[9] Chandranath        [                                 ]
(M)[9] Chitta             [Mind                             ]
(M)[9] Yadunath           [Lord Krishna                     ]
(M)[9] Yajna              [Fire offering                    ]
(M)[9] Yamir              [Moon                             ]
(M)[9] Yashovarman        [                                 ]
(C)[9] Chandramauli       [                                 ]
(M)[9] Chandra Pratap     [                                 ]
(M)[9] Chandra Mauli      [                                 ]
(M)[9] Chirantan          [                                 ]
(M)[9] Chirayush          [                                 ]
(M)[9] Yugendra           [                                 ]
(M)[9] Yashendra          [                                 ]
(M)[9] Chirayoo           [                                 ]
(M)[9] Yugank             [                                 ]
(M)[9] Chakkshu           [                                 ]
(M)[9] Yuvraaj            [                                 ]
(M)[9] Yashaagra          [                                 ]
(M)[9] Chitrak            [                                 ]
The following list of "First names" is based on the following inputs:
1. The Lucky root number (needed to be finally achieved): '8'
2. The Last name/Family name is 'AGRAWAL' [Root no.: 8]
3. Required syllables:  'HOO'  'HAY'  'HO'  'HE'  'THA'
4. Names required for a :'Male'
For the above combination of inputs, you should choose a FIRST NAME which
returns the Chaldean primary root number ' 9'. Following first-names
confirm to all of these conditions. You can choose any one of the following
first-names and append it your family-name / Last name [AGRAWAL]. The
resultant Chaldean primary root number of the complete name would be '8'.
(M)[9] Hanuman            [Son of the god of wind           ]
(M)[9] Hari               [Lord Krishna                     ]
(M)[9] Haroon             [Hope                             ]
(M)[9] Hemraj             [King of wealth                   ]
(M)[9] Hetal              [Cheerful                         ]
(M)[9] Hitendra           [Well wisher                      ]
(M)[9] Hiren              [                                 ]
(M)[9] Twarit             [                                 ]
(M)[9] Hemeshwar          [                                 ]
(M)[9] Hiradyesh          [                                 ]
(M)[9] Himank             [                                 ]
(M)[9] Hastakshar         [                                 ]
(M)[9] Hansal             [                                 ]
(M)[9] Tuhir              [                                 ]
(M)[9] Hemenndra          [                                 ]
(M)[9] Hupendra           [                                 ]
The following list of "First names" is based on the following inputs:
1. The Lucky root number (needed to be finally achieved): '8'
2. The Last name/Family name is 'AGRAWAL' [Root no.: 8]
3. Required syllables:  'NA'  'NE'  'NU'  'NAY'  'NO'
4. Names required for a :'Male'
For the above combination of inputs, you should choose a FIRST NAME which
returns the Chaldean primary root number ' 9'. Following first-names
confirm to all of these conditions. You can choose any one of the following
first-names and append it your family-name / Last name [AGRAWAL]. The
resultant Chaldean primary root number of the complete name would be '8'.
(M)[9] Narahari           [                                 ]
(M)[9] Naveen             [New                              ]
(M)[9] Navin              [New                              ]
(M)[9] Neel               [blue in colour                   ]
(M)[9] Nikaash            [horizon                          ]
(M)[9] Nirbheek           [Fearless                         ]
(M)[9] Nirbhik            [Fearless                         ]
(M)[9] Nirupam            [peerless, unequalled, unparalled ]
(M)[9] Nishikant          [                                 ]
(M)[9] Nityanand          [Perennially happy                ]
(M)[9] Nalinkant          [                                 ]
(M)[9] Neilesh            [                                 ]
(M)[9] Naveen / Navin     [New                              ]
(M)[9] Narrayan           [                                 ]
(M)[9] Nishesh            [                                 ]
(M)[9] Nirmalya           [                                 ]
(M)[9] Nivedan            [                                 ]
(M)[9] Neelanchal         [                                 ]
(M)[9] Nirdosh            [                                 ]
(M)[9] Neelaabh           [                                 ]
(M)[9] Nitendra           [                                 ]
(M)[9] Nishkinchan        [                                 ]
(M)[9] Nilottpal          [                                 ]
(M)[9] Nilaadri           [                                 ]
(M)[9] Nisshant           [                                 ]
(M)[9] Nijhu              [                                 ]
(M)[9] Nyaya              [                                 ]
(M)[9] Nirvesh            [                                 ]
(M)[9] Nischint           [                                 ]
(M)[9] Nishkarsh          [                                 ]
(M)[9] Nilaabh            [                                 ]
(M)[9] Netesh             [                                 ]
(M)[9] Navniet            [                                 ]
(M)[9] Nijay              [                                 ]
(M)[9] Nimendra           [                                 ]
(M)[9] Nisshchay          [                                 ]
(M)[9] Nisshchai          [                                 ]
(M)[9] Nirmalendu         [                                 ]
The following list of "First names" is based on the following inputs:
1. The Lucky root number (needed to be finally achieved): '8'
2. The Last name/Family name is 'AGRAWAL' [Root no.: 8]
3. Required syllables:  'DEE'  'DOO'  'DU'  'DAY'  'JHA'
4. Names required for a :'Male'
For the above combination of inputs, you should choose a FIRST NAME which
returns the Chaldean primary root number ' 9'. Following first-names
confirm to all of these conditions. You can choose any one of the following
first-names and append it your family-name / Last name [AGRAWAL]. The
resultant Chaldean primary root number of the complete name would be '8'.
(M)[9] Dattatreya         [a son of Atri (a God)            ]
(M)[9] Devak              [Divine                           ]
(M)[9] Divaakar           [the sun                          ]
(M)[9] Dulaal             [Loved one                        ]
(M)[9] Jaidev             [                                 ]
(M)[9] Jawaahar           [Gem                              ]
(M)[9] Jayin              [Conqueror                        ]
(M)[9] Jeeva              [Soul / One of Lord Chaitanya's as]
(M)[9] Digant             [                                 ]
(M)[9] Jaydev             [                                 ]
(M)[9] Jaivardhan         [                                 ]
(M)[9] Debgiri            [                                 ]
(M)[9] Devpriy            [                                 ]
(M)[9] Divyaansh          [                                 ]
(M)[9] Devaditya          [                                 ]
(M)[9] Jay Shiv           [                                 ]
(M)[9] Devaanshu          [                                 ]
(M)[9] Divyyansh          [                                 ]
(M)[9] Devpal             [                                 ]
(M)[9] Devik              [                                 ]
(M)[9] Deepam             [                                 ]
(M)[9] Dhritiman          [                                 ]
(M)[9] Dipangshu          [                                 ]
(M)[9] Divvyaank          [                                 ]
(M)[9] Dakssh             [                                 ]
(M)[9] Devrishi           [                                 ]
(M)[9] Jayan              [                                 ]
(M)[9] Jeevant            [                                 ]
(M)[9] Darshak            [                                 ]
(M)[9] Jaagrut            [                                 ]
(M)[9] Dhruvakant         [                                 ]
(M)[9] Dinank             [                                 ]
(M)[9] Dishansh           [                                 ]
(M)[9] Digvijay           [                                 ]
(M)[9] Deepaanjan         [                                 ]
(M)[9] Divya Aaakash      [                                 ]
(M)[9] Jeewant            [                                 ]
(M)[9] Dhruvesh           [                                 ]
Get ready to harness the power of Vedic Astro-numerology to get luck working for your beloved child's health, wealth, prosperity and peaceful life.

God Bless your child !!

Shyam S Kansal
(Vedic Astro-numerologist)

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