Sample report |
Price: INR 2,121 |
USD $ 41 |
Dear Mr.
Thank you for trusting in my astrological services. You have submitted the
following birth-data of your daughter:
Date of birth: 09 March 1987 Time of birth: 6:08 hrs
place of birth: Hapur, India (028N43'00; 077E47'00)
As per the above birth-data, her Vedic (sidereal) ascendant is Aquarius ('Kumbha'), the Vedic Moon sign ('Rashi') is Gemini ('Mithun') and Janma-nakshatra (birth-star) is Aardraa (pada-2). |
Judging the Timing of marriage:
The timing of marriage is judged by planetary transits, Dasas and
Ashtakavarga method. Marriage can take place when the yoga karka planets
operate as dasa or bhukti. The dasa and bhukti of the 7th lord or the
planets with it or Venus are favourable for marriage.
Lagna and 2nd lord dasas are also significators for marriage. The 9th and
10th lord, when they operate as dasa bhukti reciprocally or when Jupiter
crosses the lagna lord in the
navamsa chart, these are all trigger times
for marriage.
In this report, it has been assumed (as per currently prevailing social
norms) that marriage probability starts for the native at the completion of
25 years of age at the earliest (i.e., from March 08, 2012 onwards) and
lasts till the completion of 30 years of age at the most (i.e., till March
08, 2017). Therefore, Vimshottari dasas and transits etc. during this time
frame only have been taken into account.
Now I will analyze each concerned astrological factor, which may have any
role to play in timing of marriage, in very minute detail before reaching a
logical conclusion as per the tenets described by our ancient seers. The
basic underlying principle is that concerning houses, their lords and
natural significator planets should be strong and without afflictions for
an early/timely and happy marriage. Vice-versa, if concerned planets are weak, afflicted or combust, they fail to deliver marriage during their
operating dashas. Similarly, if concerned houses and their lords are weak
or afflicted, marriage may be distant or denied.
To make it easier, most of the considered factors have been properly standardized in this report and their results may be seen in precise
percentage terms. This approach of checking each individual component
through several intricate Jyotish principles gives the advantage of seeing
the strengths (and weaknesses) much more precisely than if it would have
been seen through just one or two principles. Here, you may find weakness
shown by one check being compensated by the strength shown in the other
check. Or, vice-versa, you may also find weakness shown by one check being
confirmed by the other checks. The results of this analysis are
simultaneously shown beneath the Vimshottari dasa periods of each concerned
planet. |
the following report,
malefic and benefic
influences on concerned
planets have been
carefully quantified and
summed-up. If the total
quantum of 'benefic
planetary influences' (by
natural and conditional
benefics) is more than the
total quantum of 'malefic
planetary influences' (by
natural and conditional
malefics), the 'Net
result' will be a positive
value. Vice-versa to it,
the 'negative net values'
will indicate that
concerned planets are
accumulating 'afflictive
planetary influences' in
greater quantum than the
'benefic planetary
A planet may have three
types of influences to
make it 'authorized' to
affect the subject matters
related to a house. The
first type is 'Direct
influences on a house'.
Such influences may occur
if a planet is posited in
that house; or/and is it's
lord itself; is aspecting
that house and/or is it's
natural significator. The second type is 'Influences on the Lord of
concerned house'. Such influences may occur if a planet is posited with the
lord of concerned house or aspecting it. The third type is 'Influences on
the Natural Significator of the concerned house'. Such influences may occur
if a planet is posited with the 'Natural Significator' of concerned house
or aspecting it.
Besides the above mentioned 'Types' and 'Modes' of influences of a planet
over a house, there are certain other situations in which a planet may
acquire 'authority' to influence the matters governed by a certain house.
However, not all of the above listed factors have equal weightage. For
example, if a planet is aspecting a house, it will have more authority than
the planet which is aspecting the lord of the same house.
The Seventh is well known as the house of the partner- the wife in a man's
chart, the husband in that of the woman. It is the main house for judging
marriage and male/female relationship. As the house opposite the Ascendant,
the Self, the Seventh house, or Descendant, represents one's opposite or complement, the other. The Seventh represents more long-term, committed
relationship rather than romantic infatuations, which are better
represented by the Fifth house.
To make the whole concept of 'weighted planetary influences on 7th House'
simple for you, I have prepared the following table to exactly quantify the
authority of nine planets, acquired by them due to various portfolios, of
varying caliber, held by them in relation to the 7th house of her chart.
Sun : 40.50 |
Moon : 0.00 |
Mars : 5.40 |
Mercury: 29.75 |
Jupiter: 15.30 |
Venus: 15.30 |
Saturn : 25.20 |
Rahu : 8.40 |
Ketu : 3.00 |
The figures in the above table shows the 'Sum of calibrated authority' got
by nine planets due to various portfolios acquired by them in relation to
her 7th house. The quantification has been done in proportionate ratios of
importance of various portfolios. Almost all major and minor factors have been taken into consideration to get this 'Quantified Authority Index' to
gauge the planet's overall direct and indirect influences on the 7th House.
Now, a very clear picture emerges. In the above table, you can see that the
Sun (Surya) has got maximum authority to influence the subject matters
related to the 7th house. Next to it is the Mercury (Buddha) which is
having the second highest 'Authority'. Thus, these two planets are most
capable to trigger the event of her marriage at 'appropriate time'. The
'appropriate time' will be during their own Vimshottari dasas (Main, Sub or
Sub-sub periods) and when Jupiter transits or aspects either one of these
planets. When such 'appropriate time' will come for her, I will discuss it little later.
The maximum authority on 7th House is got by Sun. It's Vimshottari dasa
periods are most likely to see native get married.
The Vimshottari sub-periods ('Antardasha') of Sun in her life, under main-periods ('Mahadasha') of different planets, between the marriageable
age duration of March 08, 2012 and March 08, 2017, will come during the
following dates:
~ No sub-period(s) of Sun during the considered duration ~
The sub-sub periods ('Pratyantardasa') of Sun, under sub-periods of various
planets, as listed below, during the considered time duration, may also
provide marriage:
From 17th December 2012 to 3rd January 2013
Strength & affliction status for Sun :-
~ Exaltation: 74.57% [Good] / SHTR
~ Total 'Shadbala' (Six sources of strength): 1.07
~ Weakness due to 'Combustion': Not Applicable
~ Affliction/ Benefic influences: -(9/525) = 2% Afflictive influences
# (Bnfc.influ: 0.00 Affl.influ: 8.95 NET: -8.95)
~ Ashtakvarga status in posited sign: 3i31
# Event triggering capacity of/ probability by Sun: 75.00%
The second next planet, having maximum authority on 7th House, is
Mercury. It's Vimshottari dasa periods are also quite capable of causing native's
The Vimshottari sub-periods ('Antardasha') of Mercury in her life, under main-periods ('Mahadasha') of different planets, between the marriageable
age duration of March 08, 2012 and March 08, 2017, will come during the
following dates:
~ No sub-period(s) of Mercury during the considered duration ~
The sub-sub periods ('Pratyantardasa') of Mercury, under sub-periods of
various planets, as listed below, during the considered time duration, may
also provide marriage:
From 14th August 2012 to 1st October 2012
From 23rd February 2014 to 27th June 2014
Strength & affliction status for Mercury :-
~ Exaltation: 21.07% [Poor] / SAMA
~ Total 'Shadbala' (Six sources of strength): 1.14
~ Weakness due to 'Combustion': 0.00% [OK]
~ Affliction/ Benefic influences: -(31/525) = 6% Afflictive influences
# (Bnfc.influ: 0.00 Affl.influ: 31.36 NET: -31.36)
~ Ashtakvarga status in posited sign: 6e31
# Event triggering capacity of/ probability by Mercury: 60.00%
The Vimshottari dasas of other planets, which may also give matrimony, are
the Lagna Lord (Saturn) and 2nd Lord (Jupiter).
The Ascendant (Lagna) is our significator in the chart, our vehicle in
manifestation. It is the most important factor in the chart. Anything,
which is most important in our life, has direct or indirect link to our
first house. Being 7th from 7th house, it signifies 'Marriage of our
spouse', and therefore indicates native's own marriage indirectly.
The Second house has been called 'Kutumba-bhava' - family as a whole. Role
of the 2nd lord is also very important in timing of marriage because Second
house specifically signifies
'Self-created family' and family happiness. It
represents responsibility of family and relates to earning capacity and our
ability to provide for ourselves and our family members in life. One of the
meanings of the second house only indicated by Vedic astrology is the tenor
of the family life, including both the general tone of the family life and
disruptions to family life. Though marriage is primarily the concern of the
seventh house, the second house is also referred to for ascertaining the
time of the marriage.
The dasa periods of Lords of these two houses, Saturn and Jupiter, during
the marriageable age slot, are listed below: |
Vimshottari dasa-periods of Lagna-lord (Saturn):
The Vimshottari sub-periods ('Antardasha') of Saturn in your life, under main-periods ('Mahadasha') of different planets, between the marriageable
age duration of March 08, 2012 and March 08, 2017, will come during the
following dates:
Satu-Satu: Jun.28, 2015 to Jun.30, 2018
The sub-sub periods ('Pratyantardasa') of Saturn, under sub-periods of
various planets, as listed below, during the considered time duration, may
also provide marriage:
21st June 2012 to 14th August 2012
7th October 2013 to 23rd February 2014
Strength & affliction status for Saturn :-
~ Exaltation: 79.40% [Good] / SHTR
~ Total 'Shadbala' (Six sources of strength): 1.14
~ Weakness due to 'Combustion': 0.00% [OK]
~ Affliction/ Benefic influences: -(5/525) = 1% Afflictive influences
# (Bnfc.influ: 67.45 Affl.influ: 72.11 NET: -4.66)
~ Ashtakvarga status in posited sign: 5e36
# Event triggering capacity of/ probability by Saturn: 75.00%
Vimshottari dasa-periods of 2nd-lord (Jupiter):
The Vimshottari sub-periods ('Antardasha') of Jupiter in your life, under main-periods ('Mahadasha') of different planets, between the marriageable
age duration of March 08, 2012 and March 08, 2017, will come during the
following dates:
~ No sub-period(s) of Jupiter during the considered duration ~
The sub-sub periods ('Pratyantardasa') of Jupiter, under sub-periods of
various planets, as listed below, during the considered time duration, may
also provide marriage:
12th June 2013 to 7th October 2013
Strength & affliction status for Jupiter :-
~ Exaltation: 34.89% [Inadequate] / SWYM
~ Total 'Shadbala' (Six sources of strength): 0.93
~ Weakness due to 'Combustion': 0.00% [OK]
~ Affliction/ Benefic influences: -(111/525) = 21% Afflictive influences
# (Bnfc.influ: 0.00 Affl.influ: 111.20 NET: -111.2)
~ Ashtakvarga status in posited sign: 5i21
# Event triggering capacity of/ probability by Jupiter: 40.00%
Vimshottari periods of Venus, the natural significator for marriage:
Amongst nine planets, Venus is the natural significator or 'Naisargik
Karaka' for marriage as well as for the seventh house in our chart. This
can be understood as follows - as all nine planets are naturally given
authority over some or the other aspects of our life which is universal,
Venus is the natural representative of one's marriage and spouse.
The Vimshottari sub-periods ('Antardasha') of Venus in your life, under main-periods ('Mahadasha') of different planets, between the marriageable
age duration of March 08, 2012 and March 08, 2017, will come during the
following dates:
~ No sub-period(s) of Venus during the considered duration ~
The sub-sub periods ('Pratyantardasa') of Venus, under sub-periods of various planets, as listed below, during the considered time duration, may
also provide marriage:
21st October 2012 to 17th December 2012
17th August 2014 to 10th January 2015
Strength & affliction status for Venus :-
~ Exaltation: 58.89% [Fair] / MITR
~ Total 'Shadbala' (Six sources of strength): 1.26
~ Weakness due to 'Combustion': 0.00% [OK]
~ Affliction/ Benefic influences: -(45/525) = 9% Afflictive influences
# (Bnfc.influ: 0.00 Affl.influ: 45.22 NET: -45.22)
~ Ashtakvarga status in posited sign: 5e27
# Event triggering capacity of/ probability by Venus: 50.00%
Probable 'Time of marriage' as arrived through
Ashtakvarga method:
Ancient texts say that when Venus (natural significator of one's marriage)
transit the sign with the most number of ashtakvarga points in its
'Bhinnashtak', marriage can happen. The Venus has got maximum number of
points in sign Virgo in native's 'Shukraashtak'. Therefore, it's transit in
Virgo, during the considered marriageable period, may trigger matrimony.
Such transit dates are listed below:
From: October 24, 2012 To: November 16, 2012
From: August 12, 2013 To: September 05, 2013
From: September 25, 2014 To: October 18, 2014
From: November 03, 2015 To: November 29, 2015
From: August 25, 2016 To: September 18, 2016 |
In case of women, the above principle also applies to Jupiter, additionally. The Jupiter
signifies 'Husband' in a woman's chart. When
Jupiter transit the sign with the most number of ashtakvarga points in its
'Bhinnashtak', girl's marriage can happen. The Jupiter has got
maximum number of points in sign Libra in native's 'Guruvaashtak'. The periods when
Jupiter will transit Libra, are listed below:
... No transits during the considered duration ...
Among the above written various time periods, showing potential of getting the native married, those time periods have maximum probability of conferring matrimony which are confirmed by two or more astrological principles by overlap of their time periods each other completely or partially.
For example, one such period is:
From: August 12, 2013 To: September 05, 2013
Secondly, 'Event Triggering Capacity' (ETC) of concerned planet is also a major consideration. For example, chances of getting married in a period or transit of planet with ETC 75% will be much more than in comparison of the period/ transit of a planet with ETC 40% only. |
Useful Vedic-remedies:
If combinations for distant or denial of marriage are present in one's
horoscope, appropriate Vedic remedial measures should be taken. There are
various remedial measures given for solving marriage problems like delay in
marriage, divorce etc. Some of them are very tamasic like black magic and others give temporary results. It is clearly established that Dharma alone
protect the marriage. Therefore, the highest and surest remedy lies in
increasing Dharma. Bhagwan Vishnu sits in the ninth house of Dharma and
worshipping him with the Ashtaakshari mantra 'OM NAMO NARAYANAYA' or
meditating with the mantra 'OM TAT SAT' is the best remedy. In addition,
fasting on days ruled by Lord of ninth house (in Rasi Chart) would be
beneficial. |
Keep me updated with the developments.
God Bless your daughter.
Shyam S Kansal
(Vedic Astrology Counsellor) |
