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Asterism transit results for planets (base "Ashtakvarga")

(Report sample from "Vjyotish-exl")

"Ashtakvarga" method of Vedic Astrology prescribes a system to ascertain the benefic or malefic results produced to a person due to the transit of nine planets through various "Nakshatras". The zodiac of 360 degrees is divided into 27 equal segments of 13.33 degrees and each such segment is called a 'Nakshatra' in Vedic Astrology. The "Sarvaashtak" totals of various signs are summed, counting from Ascendant to the position of various planets in natal chart (both signs included). This sum is multiplied by 7 and the product is divided by 27. The remainder of this division shows the number of asterism ("Nakshatra"), counted from the first asterism "Ashwini".

The concerned "Nakshatra" itself or its trines (the 10th and 19th Nakshatras counted from the concerned Nakshatra), when transited by malefics (Mars, Saturn, Rahu, Ketu and Sun) brings misfortune and other afflictions to the native. Vice versa to it, when such asterisms are transited by benefics (Jupiter, Venus, Moon and Mercury) positive results are produced.

This report shows green horizontal bars for positive results and red horizontal bars for negative results. The length of these bars shows the quantum of the expected results. If on a particular day, several planets are transiting with red bars, you should remain cautious. Please remember that these results are horoscope specific and should be used by you only.

Reports in Vjyotish


