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What eminent astrology scholars opine?

I am highly impressed by the use of Ashtakvarga in a very scientific and uniquely innovative way. This approach is certainly going to be a landmark in predictive astrology ...

Dr. K.S. Charak

M.S. (Surgery), F.R.C.S. (UK)
Editor- "Vedic Astrology" bi-monthly journal
Author of several excellent books on Vedic astrology
A world renowned Vedic astrologer

What our esteemed customers say?

I deeply believe in the science of Jyotish and in the Vedic Literature. After using Vjyotish the other day, I was surprised by the wealth of information that this software can offer. I actually was on the phone with my brother and I told him how great it is. .... I would like to thank you and your team for bringing Vjyotish to all those who seek real understanding of their lives.

Hudson Terrace, Sleepy Hollow
NY 10591, United States

Some notes of sincere appreciation !!

Dear Mr. Shyam, Thank you very much! As I started to study the program I realize that there is a lot of useful data. You have done a perfect job by making this computer tools for Jyotish interpretation. I never saw such a tool before.

Yekaterinburg, Russia
(Mail dated 1st March 2013).

Testimonials received at other portals

Receiving testimonials on own website is easier. We receive accolades even on other web-portals for Vjyotish. This is very rare !!

I downloaded Vjyotish-exl out of curiosity only. I thought it would be just another "free software" type. But I was wrong. Upon installation, I found that it has wealth of information inside it. I just still can't believe that it is the work of "one person" only - all alone. Normally, such huge electronic treatise on Vedic astrology can be written by a team of professional astrologers and programmers only. Marvelous indeed.

Raj Patel

Review written on zazi.com
on 7th August 2007

Feedbacks from users of Vjyotish

I tested the software ..... the indices do discriminate quite successfully in identifying the issues that could be at stake....... So I would say that the test of the software has been very positive in this test case. .... the software seems promising...... 

(Above are the excerpts from an email from a learned astrologer of U.K. who tested Vjyotish on a very traumatic event of her friend very comprehensively... read complete mail )

Nimmi Ragavan 

a learned Vedic astrologer
United Kingdom

Analysis of some known incidents

There are some astrological analyses available for known pleasant and un-pleasant incidents - accomplished through our unique astrology tool "Vjyotish". Click here to read




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