
Sarvatobhadra chakra is a chart that shows all-round well-being and all kinds of auspicious and inauspicious results with precision on daily basis. It is based on Swarodaya (and Swar Shastra Jyotish) and transits of planets in various Nakshatras. The knowledge of SBC was one of the most secretly guarded secrets by learned Maharishis.

Here-in-below is a sample report of Vedhas analysis of a day for a person through this most auspicious of all the chakras and charts.


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Sarvatobhadra Chakra Vedha Analysis of a day

Dear Sample Person

Thank you for trusting in my astrological services and providing me the opportunity to analyze your birth chart.

I have received the following information from you and have used the same as a basis for all the mathematical calculations for casting your horoscope.


Rajiv Gandhi

Date of birth:

20 August 1944

Time of birth:

08:11 hrs
(24 hrs. format)

Standard Time Zone

05:30 Hrs ahead of GMT

DST: 00:00 hrs

Place of birth:

Bombay, India
018N58'00; 072E49'59

As per the above birth-data, your Vedic (sidereal) ascendant is Leo ('Singh'), the Vedic Moon sign ('Rashi') is Leo ('Singh') and Janma-nakshatra (birth-star) is Poorva-Phalguni (pada-2). Please be reminded that do not confuse it with your tropical (Western) ascendant and tropical Moon-sign, which may be same or a sign higher (in this case, tropical ascendant is 'Virgo').

Note: In this chart, 'True positions' of Rahu & Ketu have been considered. It may differ some times from 'Mean positions', which are used by some astrologers and software.

Sarvatobhadra Chakra is called the Trailokya Deep which lights the all three Lokas and is the most auspicious of all the chakras and charts. Kavi Narpati recorded it in "Narpatijayacharya Swarodaya" in the 12th century. In the same book Kavi Narpati described Swar Shastra through 20 Swar chakras and detailed the method of their use for prediction. The knowledge of Swarodaya (and Swar Shastra Jyotish) was one of the most secretly guarded secrets, kept in the minds of the Maharishis. Kavi Narpati put them into Sanskrit shlokas in the 12th century for the first time.

Mantreswara's "Phala Deepika" is one of the "big five" works on Indian astrology (Jyotish), the most condensed book, clearcut in expression, yet covering a much wider field than other texts. There is a chapter allotted in this book to Nakshatra Gochara, Vedhas, Latta etc., viz. chapter XXVI. These are principal items in the Sarvatobhadra-chakra methodology. The mere fact that a highly condensed treatise as "Phala Deepika" has allotted half a chapter covering most of the rules and regulations of this chakra illustrates the importance attached to it by an authority like Mantreshwara.

Sarvatah means “everywhere” or “entirely”. Bhadra means “auspicious” or “well”. Sarvatobhadra chakra is a chart that shows all-round well-being and all kinds of auspicious and inauspicious results. Here-in-below is the analysis of your single day through Sarvatobhadra Chakra.

Sarvatobhadra Chakra Vedha Analysis for

21 May 1991

[A] Bird's Eye-view of Vedha status in your Sarvatobhadra chakra on concerned date

The Vaar, Tithi, Rasi, Lagna and Nakshatra of the native - are the five main elements (called "Panchak") of a Sarvatobhadra chart (SBC). Vaar means the day of Week when native was born. A Vaar starts at sunrise and continues till next sunrise. Tithi denotes difference between Sun and Moon's longitudes at the time of birth. Rasi means the sign in which the Moon was posited at the time of native's birth. Lagna means the Ascendant of the native and Nakshatra means the name of the constellation in which Moon was posited at the time of native's birth. These five elements has been marked in the above SBC figure in blue colour, as "V", "T", "Rs", "Lg" and "@" respectively.

The current transit of the 9 planets in 28 Nakshatras (including Abhijit Nakshatra), on concerned date, has been marked in outer most squares. These planets may cast Vedhas of three types: (a) Front vedha, (b) Left vedha, and (c) Right vedha. There are some conditions which determine that which planet will cast which type of vedha(s) on a particular day.

Vedhas by natural malefic planets (shown through Red lines) and conditional malefic planets (shown through Brown lines) cause negative results to the native on concerned date. On the other hand, Vedhas by natural benefic planets (shown through Green lines) causes positive results to the native.

The squares, in which "V", "T", "Rs", "Lg" and "@" are written, in above shown SBC chart, should be observed carefully. If one or more Red Line(s) or Brown Line(s) passes through these squares, it will cause malefic vedhas. Similarly, if one or more Green line(s) passes through these squares, it will cause benefic vedhas. Benefic vedhas bring auspicious results to the native and malefic vedhas causes inauspicious results.

If any of these five squares receive vedhas of both types (shown by Red line/ Brown Line & Green line) simultaneously, results will be average. If more of these five squares receive malefic vedhas (Red lines or Brown Lines) only, results will be inauspicious. Similarly, If more of these five squares receive benefic vedhas (Green lines) only, results will be highly auspicious.

Important Note: It has been mentioned in Sarvatobhadra Chakra literature by our learned seers that (a) if on a given day, all five elements of the "Panchaka" receive only malefic vedhas, and is devoid of nullifying benefic vedhas, or, (b) any single element, out of the five elements of the "Panchaka", receives two or more malefic vedhas from different directions, and that element is devoid of a benefic vedha,   - that day may be highly inauspicious for the native, in all important aspects of life, including health and longevity. The native should remain extremely careful on such a day.

[B] Vedha details for important elements of Sarvatobhadra chakra

Besides the above mentioned five elements (the Vaar, Tithi, Rasi, Lagna and Nakshatra of the native), there are two more very important elements which are Swara (syllable) based. These are Varna (Consonant) and Swar (Vowel) of the native's popular name.

The above shown table [B] presents the Vedha details for all of these seven elements of Sarvatobhadra chakra on a given date. It must be remembered that each malefic or benefic vedha does not carry equal weight. There are many prescribed conditions which determine the exact impact of vedha in numerical terms. The above table [B] quantifies all malefic and benefic vedhas for each of these 7 elements individually according to their applicable numeric weight and finally shows the net result.

If the Net result is positive (shown in Blue), that day would be lucky and auspicious for the native. Greater the positive value, better the day would be. On the contrary, if the Net result is negative (shown in Red), that day would may remain unlucky for the native. Greater the negative value, higher the inauspiciousness would be.

[C] Vedha status of "Janmaadi-Karmaadi" Nakshatras

The table [C] shows the Vedha status of "Janmaadi-Karmaadi" Nakshatras of the native on a given day. These nakshatras are determined from the position of natal Moon in the horoscope. Native's Moon nakshatra is taken as reference point. The first nakshatra, in which Moon was posited at the time of birth, is called "Janma Nakshatra". The 10th Nakshatra from Moon is called "Karma Nakshatra", 19th from Moon is called "Aadhan nakshatra" and so on. All "Janmaadi-Karmaadi" Nakshatras for the native have been shown in the table [C]. The Abhijit nakshatra is also taken into consideration while counting.

The benefic and malefic vedha status for all these "Janmaadi-Karmaadi" nakshatras have been shown beneath each of them. The Shubh (auspicious) vedhas have been shown in blue colour and the Ashubh (inauspicious) vedhas have been shown in red colour. What type of inauspicious results may be produced by malefic vedhas to these nakshatra, have been clearly specified below each of them individually. If, simultaneously, benefic vedhas are also occurring, inauspicious results will get nullified in proportionate manner. If several malefic vedhas are occurring to any of these nakshatra, and it is devoid of a benefic vedha, the concerned inauspicious results may be more prominent.
(i) If table [B] is showing a high negative Net value, i.e. below -2.0, consider that day as a bad day for you in general. It will be difficult for you to succeed in your financial activities also. Therefore, take due care if you invest in stock, commodity or forex markets.
(ii) If table [C] shows several malefic vedhas to your "Sanghaatik Nakshatra" (16th from your Moon nakshatra), and it is devoid of benefic vedhas to counter the effect of malefic vedhas, you should expect financial losses. Therefore, on such days, you should be very careful in your financial matters.
To know more about 'Sarvatobhadra Chakra', please visit following page on our website:

May Almighty's Grace shine on you !!

Shyam S Kansal                 

(Vedic Astrology Counsellor)



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Webinar Recording:
Introduction and Importance
of Sarvatobhadra Chakra