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"Currently I own two wonderful jyotish softwares but they do not offer the predictive power that you are developing with Stock Compass and Vjyotish - I believe you are the one computer jyotish pioneer in this matter and I look forward to a long relationship with you. "

Swami Sadashiva Tirtha

New York, USA
Author of "Ayurveda Encyclopedia"

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What various Vjyotish indexes reflect?

Indexes of miscellaneous negative aspects and events

This is a list of Vjyotish indexes for several unfortunate events which might be encountered during the course of your life-span. Being aware of these factors, you have the option to choose the strategic steps and take corrective action to minimize the impact of such events.

Saturn is the divine magistrate and the great preserver of law and order, who will punish us the moment we deviate from our ordained life script. And how cruel can be the punishment! Saturn can represent death and the destroyer of all the things that we hold dear to us. Saturn will take away the dearest one from our life without notice, can turn the king into a pauper within a moment.

Please remember that, while viewing these indexes of negativity of your life, the positive index values indicate the possibility of 'not happening' of such an incident. It indicates that stellar influences are auspiciousness, and therefore, chances of unfortunate happenings are minimal. The negativity in index values will enhance the chances of such incidents.

The following specific indexes are available in Vjyotish under this head:

01. Index of misfortunes in general
02. Index of unnecessary expenditures
03. Index of fear of controversy
04. Index of fear of false allegations, defamation & humiliation
05. Index of fear of demotion and decline
06. Index of fear of strike on fame
07. Fear of treason/betrayal/deception/ fraud
08. Fear from fire/electricity
09. Fear from water
10. Fear of food poisoning/defective food or drink
11. Fear of theft
12. Fear of robberies/ arson/ loot
13. Fear of accidents
14. Fear of disputes
15. Fear of violent quarrel
16. Fear of punishments
17. Fear of confinement/imprisonment
18. Fear of kidnapping for ransom
19. Fear of sting of poisonous insect
20. Danger from aquatic/ horned animals
21. Danger from quadruped
22. Danger from serpent/
23. Danger from fire/ weapon/ poison
24. Sufferings equivalent to death
25. Burden of debts


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