Choose your correct phonetic name with the help of Vedic Astro-Numerology


INR 5,000
$ 100 USD

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Names do have a definite bearing on one's life-path. Letters carry their own energy patterns. Each alphabet of our name carries a vibration, and can reveal a lot about the persons inherent talents, challenges and opportunities. Each alphabet in a word has a planetary ruler-ship and can be represented by a Kabbalistic numeric equivalent.

Vedic Astro-Numerology is the study of the planetary ruler-ship through nine primary numbers. It is based on the vibratory resonance of each number. Vedic Astro-Numerology is a sacred study as it enables us to look deeply into the wheel of karma and adjust our attitude and behavior in the world. Absolutely everything is based on etheric vibration, the higher the frequency, the more force it contains. This analysis will help you in choosing a name that assures you success in your personal and professional life. The report would be completely based on Vedic astrology (Jyotish) principles. It would suggest you certain patterns of sound which are more in harmony with the instance of your birth.

This analysis will help you in deciding a phonetic name that agrees and concords harmoniously with the intricacies of your Vedic birth-chart. It considers much more than your birth-nakshatra, moon sign, sun sign and Western numerology parameters. Have the right name to become unbeatable, successful both at love and work.

Kindly fill the following form very carefully and re-check it before submitting it to us.
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Birth details


First Last

Your name has no bearing while casting a horoscope. Therefore, you may write any of your name (birth-name or currently popular name) 

Gender:       Male   Female

Date of Birth:

For example, if you were born on 28th January 1954
write it here as 28-01-1954

Time of Birth:

Give it as your country's / state's "Standard Time

Hrs. (in 24 hrs. clock mode)

For example, if your time of birth is 5:00 a.m. write it here as 05:00 hrs., but if your time of birth is 5:00 p.m. write it here as 17:00 hrs.

Place of birth:




If your place of birth is a small place, please tell us the name of a nearby well-known place. Otherwise, you may leave it blank.
[not mandatory]

Contact details

Primary email:

Alternate email:



Various possible spellings of your name

Please write various possible spellings of your name, separated by a comma. The primary root numbers, calculated for various spellings of the name(s), submitted by you in this form, would be sent with your report. However, if you need more such calculations for other names or spellings in future, you may do it yourself with the help of "Vjyotish-exl". Please download 'Vjyotish-exl'  from this site. It's 'Free Astro- utilities' section contains a small utility through which you may calculate primary root numbers yourself in future, for any name or spelling.  

Charges for the service and payment options

Charges for the service Indian Rupees:   INR 5,000 [ $ 100 USD ]

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If you experience any problems - please contact us immediately.

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I understand that features/predictions in horoscopes are indicative which may be treated with discretion and astrology can only provide potential and contingencies as a matter of opinion and this site does not guarantee any of its forecasts and disclaims any responsibility for consequences resulting from decisions based on such predictions.

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