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Suitability of various directions for you

(Report sample from "Vjyotish-exl")


     Sample Lady
                                                 The directional suitability

     'DIRECTIONAL STRENGTHS' and the cardinal directions of various planets in
     your horoscope are as follows:

                      Strength   Planets posited
         EAST       : 13.576% |  Venus
         SOUTH-EAST : 12.018% |  Sun, Mercury
         SOUTH      : 11.573% |  Mars, Rahu
         SOUTH-WEST : 12.908% |                                         
         WEST       : 13.798% |                                         
         NORTH-WEST : 11.573% |                                         
         NORTH      : 11.128% |  Moon, Jupiter, Saturn, Ketu
         NORTH-EAST : 13.353% |                                         

     (The above directional strengths have been calculated as per Fixed Zodiac
     System [Sthirachakra] as applied in Jyotish classic 'Prashnamarg')

     1. The greater the strength of a direction, better it will be.
     2. The average strength of a direction is (100/8=) 12.5% . 
     3. Directions having lower strength from 12.5% should be avoided.
     4. The strong directions will yield prosperity.
     5. The directions should be considered from 'Birth-place'.
     6. If benefic planets are also associated with such a direction, the
     prosperity knows no bounds.

     Prashnamarga method should be used for 'Things of permanent nature', such
     - Acquiring permanent property, lands etc.
     - One's own house, compound, locality (such as Village or Town)
     - Completion of any undertaking of a long standing or permanent nature.


Reports in Vjyotish


