
Marry'd in haste, we oft repent at leisure.


In-depth Horoscope compatibility reports
(Vedic-astrology based)

Astrology match making


horoscope matching


Astrology relationship compatibility



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Jyotish relationship compatibility

marriage compatibility analysis Consultations about Love, marriage and relationship related issues
Birth-chart compatibility analysis Consultations about compatibility related issues
Marriage relationship compatibility The Timing of Marriage - detailed report
Indian astrology marriage compatibility Check natal promises about your own "Quality of conjugal life"
Soul-mate compatibility astrology Are you "Mangali"? If yes, what's the exact "dosha" intensity?

boy girl compatibility reports

Horoscope   Janma kundli matching Compatibility
Love synastry check Ashtkoot compatibility
Couple Astro-Compatibility Mangal-dosha intensity comparison
Tewa matching Ashtakvarga compatibility of two Moons
Janma patri matching Compatibility between other important pillars of two charts
Jyotish Chart Comparison Multi-angle in-depth analysis of a matrimonial proposal
astrological compatibility Check for "Visha Kanya dosha" in prospective spouse's chart
horoscope compatibility "Best Time" for a matrimonial-interview
relationship matching astrology Marriage/ Married life related yogas in your chart
Birth chart matching Remedial measures for "Happy" married-life
match making horoscope Enhanced Relationship Analysis Report - real issues and problems
Matrimonial compatibility matching Astrological probabilities about your future spouse (Personality, career, direction, name syllable etc)
Relationship Synastry Analysis Astrology Vedic Muhurta fixation for marriage ceremonies
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Compability analysis based on Jyotish


Relationships are the source of our greatest joys and greatest woes. They are so complex and mysterious. Relationships that truly flourish are one of life's greatest treasures. As our relationship with our mate develops the road can be more or less rocky. A great relationship always has its high and lows created by the interaction you have with your partner.

Don't take compatibility lightly. Compatibility reports allow us to see our relationships more objectively. They tell us what expectations and styles of relating we bring to all our relationships. Compatibility reports give us objective insights into what drives our relationships. They describe our needs and how they are fulfilled or thwarted by our partner. They also give advice on how to deal with the difficult aspects that are a part of every relationship.

Be sure on marriage or compatibility to check more than the “kutas” (Ashtkoot compatibility), which represent the compatibility of the Moon Nakshatras primarily, and the Moon signs secondarily. That is nice, but not enough. There are many other things to look at. True Jyotish compatibility must be done with the larger picture.

With in-depth compatibility reports and chart analysis, you can finally make sense of why your partner acts and interacts the way he or she does. You may discover as well how you are different and alike in the most basic ways. After all, our feelings and reactions come from the most natural part of our being. Once you really understand another person: how they think, what their true feelings are and why they react the way they do, you possess a tool of powerful knowledge and healing ability.

All of our following reports are based on 
pure Vedic Jyotish principl
es only

Jyotish match making

Matching compatibility The "Ashtkoot analysis" is the traditional Vedic Jyotish method of relationship compatibility based upon the Moons of the couple determines their fundamental compatibility. It measures the flow of the life force, or energy, between the two people, whether harmonious or inharmonious.

horoscope matching for marriage

Match Making Astrology Checking the "Mangal-dosha" (or, "Kuja-dosha", or, "Bhauma-dosha") in a birth-chart is perhaps one of the most misunderstood area while measuring the marital compatibility. This report uses an unique formula, suggested by Dr. B.V. Raman, to measure the exact intensity of "Mangal-dosha", on a scale of 100 points for each of the concerned malefic planets causing the dosha.

Janampatri Milan

Marriage matching reports The Ashtakvarga system, devised by the great seers, accomplishes the complex task of handling the intricate web of matrix generated by interactive planetary positions, with admirable aesthetics and commendable ease. This system has a certain originality parallel of which is not found in any other system, anywhere else in the world. This relationship analysis makes extensive use of this system.

marriage compatibility test

Vedic Jyotish Synastry Going Beyond "Ashtakoot" for compatibility check. Several learned Jyotish scholars have started applying new Jyotish techniques to find the linkages between the other important pillars of two charts (besides the Moon), e.g., Ascendant, Sun and Venus. The Moon may be a very important planet, but it is obviously not everything.

vedic Match making

Astrology Synastry The natal-promises are pre-written in our horoscopes. The natal promises are independent of compatibility checks. Both of these two things are totally different. The "Comprehensive astrological analysis of a chart"  is basically meant for those who are also desirous  to have in-depth astrological investigation about the birth-chart of a person, who is under consideration as a prospective spouse (groom or bride). It provides insights into the strengths and the weaknesses, in the horoscope of the prospective spouse,  concerning his/her health, career, marital-life, prospects of progeny and several other vital areas. Also, the good and bad periods in coming 10 years in his/her life. nakshatra compatibility
Online Kundali Matching "Prasna Marga" states - 'If the couple loves each other, they can enter into wedlock, even if there is no agreement in other ways. This is very important in the matter of marriage. One who loves a girl sincerely, from his heart should marry her. Pure love is greater than any other virtue.

Jyotish compatibility marriage

Janma Patri milan