Available Financial
astrology tools |
It is a complimentary section. You
may just download it and use.
This section of
Stock Compass is useful for well-versed students of financial
astrology. It is
earnestly hoped that sincere students will be
encouraged to carry on further research in the
much neglected field of Astro-Economics, with the
help of following tools and reports.
speculum (Matrix of longitude
difference) between
transiting planets |
you can create a matrix of planetary
longitude difference between all planets for
each date falling between two permissible
dates by the program. The matrix shows
planetary longitudes of the required date,
difference in longitudes between planets in
numeric terms and the major aspects formed
between them (Conjunction, Square, Trine,
Opposition, Semi-square, Sextile,
Sesquiquadrate, quincunx). These aspects, if
forming, are shown through legends (CNJ, SQU,
TRN, SXT etc.).
You can opt to use "Sayana"
ephemeries or the "Niryana"
ephemeries (which are obtained after
deducting Ayanamsa of that date from "Sayana"
planetary longitudes). In case, you opt to
use "Niryana" longitudes, the
program will use "Chirapakshiya
ayanamsa" for calculating "Niryana"
The reports can be viewed on screen or can
be saved as a text file for printing. |
speculum between transiting planets and the
natal horoscope of a company
Here, you
can create a matrix of planetary longitude
difference between all transiting planets
and the natal planets of a company, for each
date falling between two permissible dates
by the program. The company can be chosen as
per options detailed below. The matrix shows
longitudes of the transiting planets on
required date and the major aspects formed
between the transiting planets and the natal
planets (Conjunction, Square, Trine,
Opposition, Semi-square, Sextile,
Sesquiquadrate, quincunx). These aspects, if
forming, are shown through legends (CNJ, SQU,
TRN, SXT etc.).
For this report, "Sayana" natal
horoscope and transit longitudes are used.
The reports can be viewed on screen or can
be saved as a text file for printing. |
of available corporate charts |
Daily ephemeries
You can have date-wise planetary positions for all the 12 planets,
including Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. The 'True' position of Rahu
& Ketu are shown (instead of 'Mean' position shown in most of the
ephemeroids). All calculations are as per Vedic Astrology methods
using 'Chitrapakshiya Ayanamsa'. The 'Tithi', planetary longitudes
up to 'Seconds', motion (direct or retrograde) and the nakshatras
currently being transited by planets are also shown,
If using personalized program, it also shows the astrological
interpretation (whether good or bad for you) of these
planetary transits into various Nakshatras, in the form of 'Green' or 'Red'
bars, based on some very intricate Ashtakvarga calculations.
These interpretations are horoscope specific. If you are viewing
ephemeris for the exemplar birth-data, ignore these
charts of thousands of companies |
When you download "Stock Compass", you get
thousands of natal charts of various prominent
companies, collected from very authentic sources. This
precious database comes to you totally free-of-cost. |