General consultation sample-1
To help you ask your questions

Here in below is given a real consultation provided to one of Shyam's client.
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feedback of the client is also annexed.

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has been suppressed for privacy reasons.

General Consultation Sample - 1

10 Questions

Rs.  2,400  (INR)
$ 57 USD (approx)

Dear jm

Thank you very much for showing faith in me for astrological consultation. I know, you are going to take some very vital decisions of your life, based on my advice, therefore I have tried to provide you answers to best of my ability. Here follows the answer to your various questions.

Best Career - what would be my best career path - job type as indicated by my astrological profile? I am presently working as a geologist but love the arts, painting, philosophy, acting, writing, film.

The career related to mines is governed by Saturn. Your astrological signatures indicate that you would not have “job-satisfaction” as a geologist. The 8th house is of “mines” or anything “underground”. Saturn is highly ill-inclined towards your 8th house. This combination alone shows that you are not meant to be a “geologist”. Further, Saturn is having very low ashtakvarga points in your 2nd house (the house of wealth) and your 10th house (the house of profession). You would not be able to earn a handsome amount needed for a comfortable living through a Saturn related profession.

You have written that you love arts, painting, acting etc. All of these activities come under the domain of Venus. Venus is very well inclined towards your 9th (luck, destiny), 11th (fulfillment of aspirations) and 5th houses. It is average in inclination towards your 2nd house (wealth). Thus, you may comfortably move into films or arts related career.

You may also choose a Jupiter related career which would undoubtedly be the best career for you. Jupiter is personified as a minister, preceptor, judge and linked with treasury. The nature of Jupiter is generous. It signifies the fields of top political and administrative positions, teaching, law, financial institutions and advisory roles, judges, bankers, teachers, astrologers, management experts, administrators.

Best Location - I still do not feel that Australia is home. Is it possible to indicate the ideal location for a person to reside from a birth chart? The south west of France attracts me (as unlikely as it sounds!).

Directional strengths and the cardinal directions of various planets in your horoscope [calculated as per Fixed Zodiac System (Sthirachakra) applied in Jyotish classic "Prashnamarg"], are as follows:

              Sign   |  Planet  | 
             Strength| benf.val | Planets posited
EAST       : 14.021% |    0.00  |
SOUTH-EAST : 10.682% |    0.00  |
SOUTH      : 11.128% |  163.44  |Moon, Rahu
SOUTH-WEST : 14.688% |    0.00  |
WEST       : 16.024% |    0.00  |
NORTH-WEST : 15.134% |    0.00  |
NORTH      :  8.457% | -371.61  |
NORTH-EAST : 10.237% |    0.00  |

1. The greater the sign strength of a direction, better it will be.
2. The average sign strength of a direction is (100/8=) 12.5%.
3. Directions having lower sign strength from 12.5% should be avoided.
4. The strong directions will yield prosperity.
5. If benefic planets are also associated with such a direction, the prosperity knows no bounds. The net planetary benefic value accumulated through posited planets has been shown under column 'Planet benf.val'.
6. The directions should be considered from 'Birth-place'.

As you may see in above chart that West, North-West, South-West and East are strong directions for you, respectively, in declining order,

Australia is in “South-East” of Portugal and it is very weak in directional strength (only 10.682 against the average of 12.5 points). I think, you would be most comfortable in exact West direction of your birth-place.

I note that the Sun and Venus have relatively poor indications in my chart - since these Divinities assist success in this world could you indicate how best I could improve the influence of these divinities in my life? Should I chant mantras?

Instead of chanting Mantras of Sun and Venus, you should opt for Yagyas (charities) related to these divinities.

Fasting is a form of Yagya. If you are strong and healthy, you can have a light fast on Sunday to balance Sun, nourishing yourself only on a broth of Wheat (which corresponds to Surya). Beware of egotism, practice selflessness, detachment, pay regular respect to and do good deeds towards your father (no matter how your relationship with him is). Offer "Jal" (water), mixed with "Roli" and "Gur", to Sun in a copper vessel, every morning.

To balance Venus, direct your charitable nature towards ladies, any kind of artists (painters, musicians, singers, dancers, actors, writers, poets, etc.), dealers of beauty (perfumes, sweets, silks, flowers, etc.), marriage workers or counselors, any cause for womanhood. Beware of overindulgence with sex, foods, fashion, money and gems. Stay mindful of the inner values of life and be respectful of your spouse.

Should I also recite mantras for Mars and Rahu given their relative strength in my chart?

Yes, you can recite. It would be helpful because both these planets are highly benefic in your chart.

Does my chart indicate the best yoga or spiritual discipline for self-realization in this life? I do feel a mystical internal urge but have no idea with my present lifestyle how to attain greater consciousness. There are no external Gurus here and my internal guidance is not clear now.

The Ninth is the house of dharma, "the law of one's nature", or "the principle of one's being". The Ninth house shows our prime values, principles, and ideals in life. It is the house of religion, philosophy, and law, and indicates our spiritual and ethical disposition.  As such, it relates to the deeper and more philosophical side of the mind and our capacity for abstract thinking.
In your chart, Jupiter itself is the lord of 9th house. In the higher sense Jupiter is the divine grace, which can fulfill all of our needs without our seeking. He gives religious merit and spiritual beneficence. Further, Jupiter’s beneficence towards 9th house in Ashtakvarga is also on higher side (64%). Thus, I would say that you have a strong astrological combination in your chart for spiritual discipline. You can achieve it.

I have a subtle sense of a particular destiny that might be possible for me but have no sense of greater purpose - would my natal chart indicate such a life purpose or destiny at all? There is a constant shamanic urge within me but I can not see how or if this might be a path - I should like to achieve my life potential.

There is a very clear indication in your chart about it. Your 5th house is very strong in “Sarvaashtakvarga”. It is the house of creativity in general. On a higher level, it shows creative  intelligence, our capacity for original thinking. Along similar lines, it indicates our capacity to give good advice and  to counsel others. In this regard it is important for lawyers and politicians. Generally, it is the most important house for judging our level of intelligence, as opposed to mere intellect, a factor which is not considered relative to this house in Western astrology.

On the spiritual level, 5th is the house of the "ISHTA DEVATA" (The chosen deity we worship in life) and indicates our aspirations. It shows our devotion, the truth which is our guiding star. Like the Ninth house, it is a house of grace and, even more so than the Ninth, it is a house of good karma and shows the resources and merits (or lack of them) we bring into life, our blessing and curses. It is the house of mantra and shows our proficiency in using our words and thoughts with spiritual power.

I suddenly feel a real urge to achieve success and wealth - would you be able to advise which Divinity would best suit this purpose according to my chart - Tara and Sri Yantra feel good to me but it would be good to have confirmation. Venus also looks like a giver of abundance and I was wondering if the poor aspect of Venus in my chart would adversely affect my ability to achieve success?

In your chart, Jupiter is the best “Wealth giver”. He is highly benefic towards your 2nd house (house of wealth), 9th house (house of destiny), the 5th house (alternate house of luck), the 11th house (house of fulfillment of desires) and the 10th House (the ‘Karma’ bhava). There is no doubt about it.

Venus is not so bad in your chart, as far as wealth is concerned. You may also concentrate on careers signified by Venus, such as films, singing, performing arts etc..

Is Parad mercury something that is compatible with my astrolgical makeup?

Parad Mercury  is regarded as the sperm (seed) of Lord Shiva and in Ayurveda it as a flowing metalloid (fluid metal). Ancient Vedas has considered Parad as the most pure and auspicious metal which not only has religious importance but medical importance too. Parad benefits have be proved beneficial from Astrological as well as Scientific.

It is said in Brahma Purana that he who worships parad idols devotedly, whether one is male or female, Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaishya or Shudra gets full wordly pleasures, and at last attains supreme destination (salvation). During life span they get glory, honor, high office, name and fame, sons, grandsons and learning. 

Yes, it is compatible with your astrological signatures.

Occasionally I feel streaks of anger and rage - it feels like Mars striking me - could see if this darker energy is indicated in my chart and what I can do to neutralise this energy.

Mars posited in 7th house is directly aspecting your Lagna and Lagna lord, both. High influence of Mars is the cause of this anger. However, I don’t see any danger from this Mars influence because Mars is very well inclined towards your Lagna in Ashtakvarga. This is a “positive energy”.

The only thing is, that you can not tolerate injustice or un-necessary provocation. Once provoked, you are hard to be cooled off.  Don’t try to “neutralize” this positive energy. Just beware of hasty decisions, quick temper, one pointed views and arrogance. Maintain good relationships with your brothers and sisters to receive grace of Mars.

The last question is just a general one dealing with Health - if my chart indicates any particular diet or regime I should undertake for best health.

Saturn, Venus and Sun related fruits and vegetables should be avoided, as far as possible.

Saturn’s taste is “sour’. Thus try to avoid eatables which are “sour” in nature.

In Jyotish classics, all types of “Kand” (like potato) are assigned to Venus.  Flavoured foods and drinks (like flavoured milk) would also harm your health.

Sun’s main significations are concerned with timber etc. None of the normally eaten fruits or vegetables are assigned to Sun.

Rest of the diet is perfectly ok for your health. The best inclined planet towards your 1st house is Mars. If you are a non-vegetarian, red-meat would be the best diet for you.


Keep me updated with the developments.

God Bless you.

Shyam S. Kansal




Client's feedback

This is amazing!!! It clarifies so many issues that have upset me for years ....
Thank you so much for your answers ... my God, if only I could have had these answers at age 16 my life might have been somewhat easier!
I am so grateful to you for this advice ... it will have a profound influence on the next step .. I have not felt very well since I took up the geologist position (weakness, flu, even strange vomiting) and with your explanation it is all so much clearer! I will disengage from this profession as soon as my contract allows.
I am amazed and will be in touch soon I feel to further obtain your guidance in due course - please let me know what range of other consultancy you may offer.
You have also given me great hope to strive for enlightenment and will therefore pursue a Vedic yogic path (asana, pranayama, mantra) as soon as I am able to leave geology and live in the city again - I will purify myself in the hope that the Guru (in whatever form) will guide me to the next spiritual path.
Praise be to your great astrological art! God willing it will help me obtain success and peace, thank you again!
Gratefully and respectfully with great thanks,





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