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Vjyotish analysis of known incidents

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"Currently I own two wonderful jyotish softwares but they do not offer the predictive power that you are developing with Stock Compass and Vjyotish - I believe you are the one computer jyotish pioneer in this matter and I look forward to a long relationship with you. "

Swami Sadashiva Tirtha

New York, USA
Author of "Ayurveda Encyclopedia"

Here is one more Vjyotish analysis of an actual incident taken from my record. The person concerned is either well-known to me as my family member, friend, relative, colleague, client, neighbor etc. or the birth-data and incident details has been noted from Jyotish e-list discussions,  astrological journals etc. The data source has been indicated below the birth-data.

Person's birth data: 

[Horoscope code: X1009]

Date of incident: 2nd August 2003


Lokendra Babu


The native is the brother of a famous jeweler of Khurja (a town near Delhi). He has huge real-estate in Mathura city. The local criminals were demanding protection money from him. Due to his refusal to concede to their demands, they shot him in the stomach on 2nd August 2003. However, he survived his injuries.

Date of birth

15th January 1962

Time of birth (24 hr. format)

05:00 hrs.

Time zone

05:30 hrs. [ahead of GMT]

Place of birth

Mathura (U.P.)



Geo-graphical coordinates

077E41; 027N30

[Data source: The person's original horoscope. The person is the brother of my jeweler client from Khurja.]
The incident is discussed here with the consent of the person concerned.


My experience with the analysis of several hundred such incidents have been that Vjyotish indices suddenly display high negativity when some traumatic event is in the offing with the person concerned. Same way, reverse is true for positive events -- Vjyotish indices display high positive values. You may read a detailed discussion on "How to interpret the Vjyotish indices" to understand the concept better. One should specially mark those dates which are making bottoms or tops in the index. Actual date of incident may some time differ from the index indicated dates by one or two days.

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Screen shot of Vjyotish index of aggregate net astrological effects

Other related Vjyotish indexes, which showed almost similar astrological patterns on the date of incident:

Index code

Vjyotish index title



Obstacles index

From 16th July 2003 till 11th August 2003, obstacles index shows extremely high negative values. This period had to be full of various unexpected obstacles from various quarters.


Prosperity index

Prosperity index is fairly positive till 29th July. But suddenly, on 30th July it goes negative and remains negative till 15th August. It gave an indication of decreasing prosperity (which was due to high expenditures on treatment of fatal injuries).


Index of mental elation & depression

This index was negative whole of the July month and mid August - with very few positive patches in between. It indicated that native may be under depression (and he must be under depression due to continued threats from the criminals).


Index of fear of robberies / arson/ loot

This index was almost negative since the start of July 2003. It was extremely negative on 7th/8th July -- but no untoward incident occurred. Next bottom by this index was made on 3rd Aug. 2003 -- and this time native was not so lucky.


Index of danger from fire/ weapon/ poison

This index was highly negative between 16th July and 15th Aug. 2003. BUT the maximum negativity was on 3rd, 4th and 5th August. Vjyotish erred by one day in identifying the incident as the incident occurred on 2nd August.


The longevity index

This index also made bottoms on 7th/8th July; 30th/31st July and 3rd/4th August. These dates were clearly not very good as far the native's longevity was concerned.

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You can test the above incident yourself. Ask us for the Vjyotish data files for this horoscope. Please quote the horoscope code (written above with the birth data).

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