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No Astrologer would ever be so presumptuous as to claim an understanding of every aspect of this spiritual study. We are all on a path of becoming something better than we were when we arrived. We have attempted to make available to our visitors the science of traditional Vedic norms. It is a serious attempt at helping our readers in whatever little we can.

We hope, you understand that features and predictions in horoscope are indicative, which may be treated with discretion. Astrology can only provide potential and contingencies as a matter of opinion and we do not guarantee any of its forecasts and disclaims any responsibility for consequences resulting from decisions based on such predictions.

Team - howisyourdaytoday.com

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The astrology programs has been made with great importance to accuracy. However, it must be noted that difference of opinion exists in Ayanamsa, method of calculation of various charts and interpretations among noted ancient and modern astrology scholars. No warranties are given or implied regarding the accuracy of the data presented. Please use the data with this caution.
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