
A golden key in the hands of man


The mystique "Pancha-pakshi" system
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"Panch-pakshi" based "Special reports"

The Matrimonial-interview report
Minute-wise comparative strengths of 5 birds.
Minute-wise Friend and Enemy strength comparison of single bird
Strength comparison for a pair of any two birds for given duration.
Which is the strongest bird during various time-slots within a day?
Probable winner in Horse-races?
Using "Panch-pakshi" for gambing and casinos.
Predicting results of sporting events.
More such "Special-reports" ....


Frequently Asked Questions 

Is your software calculating stellar bird's activities wrongly?


Aswath Ganapathi <aswath641@yahoo.co.in> wrote:

I am very much interested in panch pakshi sastra. You have given an example of panch pakshi calculations in which you have quoted film actor Amitabh Bachchan's stellar bird's activities for 17th August 2007 (Friday). 

His birth star is Swaati and his stellar bird is crow. But you have done mistakes in calculations of bird's activities.  You have shown the activities for Crow on a bright half Friday  as under:


But, in fact, it should have been as:

Only on Saturday,  the sequence as written by you will be effective.

SO PLEASE CORRECT this mistake and let me inform you that don't think we are fools.


Dear Mr. Ganapathi

It is my pleasure to have a knowledgeable visitor on my website.

As you have mentioned, the sample page on my website shows a single day report of Mr. Amitabh Bachchan for 17th August 2007 (Friday). Mr. Bachchan;s stellar bird is "Crow" as he was born in "Swaati" nakshatra during bright-half of the Moon.

There is only one book available in English, on "Panch-pakshi shastra" and that is written by Dr. U.S. Pulippani - titled "Biorhythms of Natal Moon". I do not know Tamil, therefore, I have not read any literature on this subject available in Tamil.

17th August 2007 (Friday) was the in bright-half of the Moon. I have checked it again. In the table, provided on page 91 of above mentioned book, the activities of crow for Friday (day-time), bright-half, are given as " Death-Eating-Walking-Ruling-Sleeping". My program also has calculated it similarly and shown as such on concerned web-page.

If the concerned book has published the table wrong, then, I may be wrong. If you have any other "authentic source" from where I can get accurate information, I would be obliged to incorporate necessary corrections in my program.

I would always welcome critical assessment of my work on "Panch-pakshi" from learned persons like you.

Kind regards,
Shyam S. Kansal