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Astral-Gem prescription
Vedic mantra prescription
Eventful years of life
Directional suitability
Naming phonetically correct
Matrimonial compatibility
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Lotto Lucky days


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Thank you for your interest in the many exciting advertising opportunities offered by "howisyourdaytoday.com". Our web site has many loyal customers who come day after day to receive our vedic astrology based predictive reports.

To know more about an advertising program that meets your company's needs, please write us at following mail addresses, or contact us.

If your advertisement is in synchronization with our website's basic theme and financial remunerations are adequate, we would be happy to link with you.

Very subtle and discrete links:

Some of our advertisers don't want prominent banners and links. Their logic behind is that people aren't interested in clicking on the promotional links. In fact they even don't call it "Advertising" in literal sense. They come to us during a link building campaign for themselves or their clients. The online gaming industry is one such sector.

Advertisers choose a page on our website and propose to add few words or a single text line to already present text on the chosen page. The added text will only be a maximum of couple of lines and will be very subtle and discrete.

For such discreet text yearly advertisement tariff is USD $ 50 per page rank.

Thus, if our page rank is 3  - the rate would be USD $ 150 per year for that page. Currently, our following pages are given rank- 3:


If the page rank is 2 - the rate would be USD $ 100 per year for that page. Currently, our following pages are given rank- 2:


If the page rank is 1 - the rate would be USD $ 50 per year for that page. Currently, our following pages are given rank- 1:


There may be a few more ranked pages, but we are not aware about them at the moment.


How Does Google PageRank Work?

We have identified some web-pages on our own website which have "Page-rank" above zero - some of them having page rank 2 or above. The heart of Google search algorithm is PageRank, a system for ranking web pages. Following PageRank Tools will query and return the Google PageRank values for submitted URL from various Google datacenters.





Normally,  we do not prefer to put links for less than a year. However, if we have to, the rates are 60% of the above quoted annual rates for six months. Six months is the minimum period.