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Explanations of various Vjyotish indexes

[ 12 ]

Is there any indication of wind falls 
during the day?

Though windfall is usually associated with gain, here this term is used to signify both unexpected gains and losses through such events that are not expected, strike suddenly and seem to be unavoidable.


The positive index value signifies unexpected material gains through inheritance or legacy, lost or hidden wealth, or unearned easy gains in gambling, speculation and lotteries.


The negative index value signifies the reverse - all type of calamities and losses in speculation & gambling, defeat or insult, severe mental sorrow, hindrances, disgrace and loss of material.


Though, 'Index of Sudden gains' have some common significations, 'Windfall Index' incorporates more 'element of surprise' in it.

Read explanations of other Vjyotish indexes
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08
09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

* What are Vjyotish indexes
* Background and technical explanation 
* The actual look and feel of the Vjyotish indexes
* How to interpret the VJyotish indexes 

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