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Mantras - The Power of Sound in Vedic Astrology
Mantras are considered to be divine rhymes composed by the ancient Indian saints in the divine language of Sanskrit. When recited properly they protect human from different malefic effects of other evil elements.  

I have confidence in you because the lucky mantra which you gave for my friend, G.Mehra, worked and he is very happy now. It increased my belief in you.

Ajit V.

..United Arab Emirates

THANK YOU SO MUCH -- truly helpful and generous!

E. Vilga

 New York, U.S.A.

After reciting suggested mantra, I have (yesterday) been offered a job in a coal mine to start in 2 weeks - although tough work it will be very lucrative and restore my finances to levels I have not experienced in many years. It was most unexpected since I have no mine experience ... and it is remarkable how the Divinity has showered blessings upon me.

Because of my situation I do not have an altar or even a set home and I only chanted on the move ... so I was not sure if Lord Braspatee would still respect that (but I did try to chant constantly thousands of times a day).

Many many thanks Shyam !

Jean M.

Sydney, Australia


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About Shyam S Kansal




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