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The native is the son of my
younger brother. His Full
name is "Dushyant
According to Vedic
Astrology, his name letter
or Namakshara
came out to be as "Daa".
While deciding his name,
his parents were met with
choice between two names -
"Daksh" or "Dushyant".
BUT they, without
realizing the importance
of the
phonetics of the name,
chose the child's name to
be as "Dushyant".
Since childhood, the
native has been performing
very badly in his studies.
Birth-date: |
27th November, 1990 |
Birth-time: |
7:30 hrs |
Birth-place: |
Agra, India |
The astrological
beneficence of various primary root
numbers in native's horoscope, based
on Vedic Jyotish principles, were as follows: |
Root numbers |
Category |
Beneficence percentage |
3 |
Excellent |
[85.71% to 100%] |
7 |
Excellent |
[85.71% to 100% ] |
2 |
Good |
[71.42% to 85.71%] |
1 |
Good |
[71.42% to 85.71%] |
5 |
Good |
[71.42% to 85.71%] |
6 |
Fair |
[57.13% to 71.42%] |
4 |
Average |
[42.84% to 57.13%] |
9 |
Inadequate |
[28.55% to 42.84%] |
8 |
Worst |
[00.00% to 14.28%] |
There are seven categories
of beneficence for nine primary root
numbers - "Excellent",
"Good", "Fair",
"Average", "Inadequate",
"Poor" and "Worst",
depending upon the
percentage of
How the astrological beneficence is
calculated? |
In native's horoscope,
none of the nine primary numbers
falls into category "poor".
The "Three"
is categorized as "Excellent"
and "Eight"
as the "worst". |
Primary root-number calculations: |
FName: DUSHYANT [Alphabet count: 8]
46351154 = 29 = 2
MName: KANSAL [Alphabet count: 6]
215313 = 15 = 6 [ 8 = 8 ]
LName: [Blank] [Alphabet count: 0]
= 0 = 0
# The primary root number for this spelling is 8 (EIGHT).
The root number 8 (Eight) has
been denoted as the "worst"
in above astrological
beneficence table and native's
returning EIGHT as the primary
root number |
41235 = 15 = 6
MName: [Blank]
= 0 = 0 [ 12 = 3 ]
215313 = 15 = 6
# The primary root number for this spelling is 3 (THREE).
Note: The root number 3
(Three) has been denoted as "Excellent" in above
astrological beneficence table. |
The phonetics having the utmost harmony &
not in harmony with
native's birth star: |
Under Vedic system, every letter or syllable
is said to confirm to a definite pattern of
sound ('Dhwani'). Vedic astrology
suggests that certain patterns of sound are
more in harmony with the instance of your
birth. Letters or syllable with friendly
vibrations may be used for purposes such as
choosing native's own name, naming native's
business, a product, naming native's house
and even pets. |
Letters having the utmost harmony with the native's birth star:
'Ku', 'Ghaa', 'Jna/Ang', 'Chhaa'
[As pronounced in: Kulsum, Ghazi, Angkorvat, Chhatarpur]
'Ru', 'Ray', 'Ro', 'Taa'
[As pronounced in: Rudolph, Raymond, Romilla, Tatiya]
'Go', 'Saa', 'See', 'Soo'
[As pronounced in: Gopal, Sarika, Seattle, Suzuki]
'Say', 'So', 'Daa', 'Dee'
[As pronounced in: Sewagram, Somalia, Datia, Deesa]
'Ke', 'Ko', 'Haa', 'Hee'
[As pronounced in: Keti, Komilla, Hawai, Hissar]
'Tee', 'Too', 'Tey', 'To'
[As pronounced in: Teista, Tulsa, Tejpur, Toledo]
Note: You can see that the
syllable "Daa" is one among the
group of syllables having the
utmost harmony with the native's
birth star. His alternative name
started with "Daa" [DAKSH
Letters which are passive and not in harmony with your
birth star:
'O', 'Va', 'Vee', 'Vu'
[As pronounced in: Ottawa, Vazir, Vipul, Vuyyuru]
'Poo', 'Shaa', 'Adan/Naa', 'Tthaa'
[As pronounced in: Poornima, Shatkona, ......, Thakurdwara]
'Khee', 'Khu', 'Khey', 'Kho'
[As pronounced in: Khilkapur, Khurja, Khetrapal, Khomeni]
'Lee', 'Loo', 'Ley', 'Lo'
[As pronounced in: Leicester, Lubbock, Leh, Lorain]
'Mo', 'Ttaa', 'Ttee', 'Ttoo'
[As pronounced in: Monrovia, Tauton, Teaneck, Turin]
'Bhoo', 'Dhaa', 'Phaa', 'Ddhhaa'
[As pronounced in: Bhupati, Dharwar, Phalguni, Dhosha]
'De', 'Do', 'Chaa', 'Chee'
[As pronounced in: Dewas, Dodge, Charles, Chitra]
'Ddee', 'Ddoo', 'Day', 'Ddo'
[As pronounced in: Deerborn, Dungarpur, Dayton, Dover]
'No', 'Yaa', 'Yee', 'Yu'
[As pronounced in: Norfolk, Yamaha, Yield, Yuma]
Note: You can see that the
syllable "Ddoo" is among the
group of syllables not in
harmony with the native's birth
star. His own name starts with "Ddoo" [DUSHYANT
Note: |
calculate the primary root
numbers for various
spellings of the name(s),
you can
download Vjyotish.
It's 'Astro Tools &
Utilities' section
contains a free utility
program through which you
can calculate primary root
numbers yourself, for any
name or spelling, in the
above shown format. Click
on the adjacent logo to
download. |
Find the
important parameters
for personal growth |