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Price: INR 2,111 |
Dear Amar Thakur
Thank you very much for trusting in my astrological services.
I have prepared this exhaustive "Astral
Gem Suitability" report for you on the
basis of your Vedic birth-chart calculated for the
following birth-data:
Born on : |
September 07, 1978 |
Birth time : |
7:48 hrs. (
in 24 hrs. format) |
Birth-place : |
Dharwar, India
075E01) |
Applicable Day Light Saving Time (DST) |
hrs. |
As per the above birth-data, your Vedic (sidereal) ascendant is
Virgo ('Kanya'), the Vedic Moon sign ('Rashi') is Libra ('Tula') and Janma-nakshatra (birth-star) is Swaati (pada-2). Please be reminded that do not confuse it with your tropical (Western) ascendant and tropical Moon-sign, which may be same or a sign higher (in your case, tropical ascendant is
Steeped in myths and legends, countless beliefs and fascinating tales are related about the mysterious powers of gems and precious stones. Since ancient times, gems and precious stones have been associated with the planets and continue to be credited with possessing power to bring luck and change the course of an individual's life. The rays emanated by suitable astral gems with their energy add comfort and serenity to our lives and create harmony both in the body as well as our aura, which create a healthy and conducive atmosphere. The result is that we gain positive results in every aspect of life: wealth, power, health and fame.
Every gemstone has the power to draw energy from its respective planet and
channelise it into the wearer's body. This property of a gemstone is helpful in exerting its influence in miraculous ways. A rightly recommended astral gem can lift you to new heights by bringing out the best in you. Your strong qualities such as diligence, patience, tenacity of purpose and an eye for detail can grow stronger if you wear a right Gem. In the professional sphere, a Gem or a
precious stone can help you to achieve breakthroughs which have topped your list of aspirations for a long time. In business, the right Gem can enable you to usher in and sustain a phase of expansion. Your capacity to visualize plans, which are responsive to market trends, can be enhanced manifold. Romantic involvement can become more intense. A right
astral-gem could hasten marriage or a meeting with a special someone, in addition to saving your marriage if it's heading for the rocks.
Overall, your run of success can gain power and pick up speed if you have a right astral gem, worn in the auspicious
Muhurta, after properly energizing it with recommended mantra and other rituals. And in the bargain, many of the weak areas in your life can be transformed into strengths. Each gem is a perennial source of a particular ray. These rays never become exhausted, even after years of use. They can cure maladies when medicines fail. |
For each person's chart, particular gemstones take on a positive or a negative attribute, according to that person's astrological constitution.
Planets, and the functions and issues they represent, can be strong, or weak according to a person's astrological chart. A skilled Jyotishi should
identify the karmic issues related to each planet, and once understood they can be ameliorated through gemstone prescription, specific to the person's
For Virgo ascendant, Mercury, the lord of ascendant and 10th house, is most benefic planet functionally. Venus, the 9th lord (Trikona lordship) and 2nd
lord is normally considered a functional benefic. Saturn, the 5th lord (Trikona Lordship) should be considered a benefic, however it is also 6th
Lord (Dusthana Lordship) simultaneously. Therefore, many learned astrology scholars do not confer status of functional benefic to Saturn and treat it
as a neutral planet.
Mars is 8th & 3rd lord. Sun is 12th lord. Both these planets (Mars & Sun) are highly malefic functionally for Virgo ascendant. Rest of the planets
can turn into benefics or malefics or neutral depending on how they are placed and how they are associated in a horoscope.
However, even the Lord of the 8th can give superb results if well placed, and even the Lord of the Lagna can give bad results, so there is nothing like some mandatory rule to be followed in this matter.
I am going to recommend you the astral gem representing the most
'Anukul' planet (i.e. the most favourable and benefic planet) in your chart that would help you in most of the important affairs. The
'Anukul planet' means a planet that is beneficially disposed either by being strong in own sign, posited in good house, ruler of houses which will bring positive results, posited with or aspected by natural benefics and lords of good houses, having good Ashtakvarga status, or otherwise, not malefically disposed nor inclined to produce evil influence.
A suitable gemstone can ensure focus and concentration, create wealth,
beget career gains and give you a reservoir of strength to counter the
ill-effects of malefic and adverse planetary periods. |
Here-in-below written is the general status of various planets in your birth-chart, like their lordship (whether they are lords of good or evil houses?), their posited status (whether they are posited in good or bad houses?). This is the first vital check before proceeding further to recommend you the suitable astral gem. |
(a) Trikonas Lordships (Most auspicious houses): |
trikonas, houses 1, 5, and 9, and their lords, are the most auspicious houses in the chart. The trikonas are
dharmasthanas. They bring spirituality, knowledge, goodness, generosity, wealth and fame, especially if they are well endowed. |
a. Lagna lord: Mercury [Posited in 12th house]
b: Fifth Lord: Saturn [Posited in 12th house]
c: Ninth lord: Venus [Posited in 2nd house]
(b) Kendras Lordships (Auspicious houses): |
kendras, or angular houses (1, 4, 7, and 10), and their lords, represent the pillars of the horoscope. They represent some of the most important and fundamental aspects of our lives - body and persona, home and mother, marriage and relationships, and career. The kendras and their lords are considered to be auspicious. |
a. Lagna lord: Mercury [Posited in 12th house]
b. Fourth lord: Jupiter [Posited in 11th house]
c. Seventh lord: Jupiter [Posited in 11th house]
d. Tenth lord: Mercury [Posited in 12th house]
(c) Trik Houses/ Dusthana Lordships (evil houses of suffering): |
Houses 6, 8 and 12 are considered to be the three evil houses of suffering or
dusthanas. These houses and their lords bring difficulties, suffering, loss, anxieties, worries, obstacles, disease, incarceration, impediments, enemies, lawsuits, accidents, injuries, surgeries, and death like experiences into our lives. The are said to be evil and malefic houses. The third house is a mild dusthana and even then only in some respects, but houses 6, 8 and 12 are extremely malefic. |
a. Sixth lord: Saturn [Posited in 12th house]
b. Eighth lord: Mars [Posited in 1st house]
c: Twelfth lord: Sun [Posited in 12th house]
(d) Trishadya Bhavas Lordships (malefic houses): |
This group of 3rd house, 6th house and 11th house represents the three evil factors i.e. desire, anger and greed respectively. These three houses in the Trishadaya group are entirely opposite to the most important houses for spiritual advancement i.e. the 9th house, 12th house and 5th houses respectively. The 11th house is the most powerful of the Trishadaya group as it is the last member of the group. |
a. Third lord: Mars [Posited in 1st house]
b. Sixth lord: Saturn [Posited in 12th house]
c. Eleventh lord: Moon [Posited in 2nd house]
(e) Marakasthanas Lordships (Killer houses): |
Houses 2 and 7 are marakas (killers). Houses 3 and 8 are houses of longevity, and since houses 2 and 7 are 12th to these houses, they cause a loss of longevity. Planets occupying or owning these houses cause death if the longevity of the individual is exhausted. If they operate before the time of death is promised, they can cause a disturbance of the health. |
a. Second lord: Venus [Posited in 2nd house]
b. Seventh lord: Jupiter [Posited in 11th house]
Other Lordships: |
a. Rasi lord (benefic): Venus [Posited in 2nd house]
Now, I will analyze the nine planets, individually, in detail, checking their exaltation, dignity, combustion,
shadbala, Natal Ashtakvarga status, benefic and afflictive aspects thereon etc., to finally arrive at
'Overall Functional
Beneficence' (OFB) values for all of the 9 planets. The comparison between these OFB values will finally make the base of my recommendation to you for the most suitable astral gem.
# Sun : Exaltation: 27.47% [Poor] Dignity: SWYM
Combustion: Not applicable
Natal Ashtakvarga status: 4i26 Shadbala: 1.59
~~ ~~
Benefic aspects : None
Afflictive aspects: Saturn, Mercury
Aspects net result: Bnfc: 0.00 Affl: 67.15 NET: -67.15
~~ ~~
House-lordship : L12
Conjunct with House-Lords: L01 L05 L06 L10
Aspects from House-Lords : None
~~ ~~
Posited Nakshatra: Poorva-Phalguni [Lord: Venus: L02,L09]
~~ ~~
Relation with Lagna-Lord: Natural # Friend
Compound # Neutral
~~ ~~
Overall functional beneficence: -121.06
# Moon : Exaltation: 11.52% [Worst] Dignity: SAMA
Combustion: No. [Diff. 51.70 dgr] 0.00%
Natal Ashtakvarga status: 6e26 Shadbala: 1.16
~~ ~~
Benefic aspects : Venus
Afflictive aspects: Saturn
Aspects net result: Bnfc: 39.44 Affl: 51.72 NET: -12.28
~~ ~~
House-lordship : L11
Conjunct with House-Lords: L02 L09
Aspects from House-Lords : L05 L06
~~ ~~
Posited Nakshatra: Swaati [Lord: Rahu: L01]
~~ ~~
Relation with Lagna-Lord: Natural # Enemy
Compound # Neutral
~~ ~~
Overall functional beneficence: -67.35
# Mars : Exaltation: 33.31% [Inadequate] Dignity: SHTR
Combustion: No. [Diff. 37.39 dgr] 0.00%
Natal Ashtakvarga status: 3e20 Shadbala: 0.98
~~ ~~
Benefic aspects : None
Afflictive aspects: Rahu, Ketu
Aspects net result: Bnfc: 0.00 Affl: 107.58 NET: -107.6
~~ ~~
House-lordship : L03,L08
Conjunct with House-Lords: None
Aspects from House-Lords : None
~~ ~~
Posited Nakshatra: Chitraa [Lord: Mars: L03,L08]
~~ ~~
Relation with Lagna-Lord: Natural # Neutral
Compound # Friend
~~ ~~
** CAUTION: Mars is in 'Mrityu-Bhaag'.
~~ ~~
Overall functional beneficence: -366.51
# Mercury: Exaltation: 76.54% [Good] Dignity: MITR
Combustion: No. [Diff. 17.78 dgr] 0.00%
Natal Ashtakvarga status: 4e26 Shadbala: 1.05
~~ ~~
Benefic aspects : None
Afflictive aspects: Saturn, Sun
Aspects net result: Bnfc: 0.00 Affl: 94.85 NET: -94.85
~~ ~~
House-lordship : L01,L10
Conjunct with House-Lords: L05 L06 L12
Aspects from House-Lords : None
~~ ~~
Posited Nakshatra: Maghaa [Lord: Ketu: L07]
~~ ~~
Relation with Lagna-Lord: Natural # Self
Compound # Self
~~ ~~
Overall functional beneficence: 63.91
# Jupiter: Exaltation: 99.02% [Excellent] Dignity: MITR
Combustion: No. [Diff. 43.79 dgr] 0.00%
Natal Ashtakvarga status: 5e28 Shadbala: 1.23
~~ ~~
Benefic aspects : None
Afflictive aspects: None
Aspects net result: Bnfc: 0.00 Affl: 0.00 NET: 0.00
~~ ~~
House-lordship : L04,L07
Conjunct with House-Lords: None
Aspects from House-Lords : None
~~ ~~
Posited Nakshatra: Pushyaa [Lord: Saturn: L05,L06]
~~ ~~
Relation with Lagna-Lord: Natural # Neutral
Compound # Friend
~~ ~~
Overall functional beneficence: 55.12
# Venus : Exaltation: 5.19% [Worst] Dignity: MLTK
Combustion: No. [Diff. 45.77 dgr] 0.00%
Natal Ashtakvarga status: 5i26 Shadbala: 1.37
~~ ~~
Benefic aspects : Moon
Afflictive aspects: Saturn
Aspects net result: Bnfc: 13.94 Affl: 51.72 NET: -37.78
~~ ~~
House-lordship : L02,L09
Conjunct with House-Lords: L11
Aspects from House-Lords : L05 L06
~~ ~~
Posited Nakshatra: Chitraa [Lord: Mars: L03,L08]
~~ ~~
Relation with Lagna-Lord: Natural # Friend
Compound # Great Friend
~~ ~~
Overall functional beneficence: -44.16
# Saturn : Exaltation: 62.08% [Fair] Dignity: SHTR
Combustion: Yes. [Diff. 8.82 dgr] 41.21%
Natal Ashtakvarga status: 4e26 Shadbala: 0.94
~~ ~~
Benefic aspects : None
Afflictive aspects: Sun, Mercury
Aspects net result: Bnfc: 0.00 Affl: 58.57 NET: -58.57
~~ ~~
House-lordship : L05,L06
Conjunct with House-Lords: L01 L10 L12
Aspects from House-Lords : None
~~ ~~
Posited Nakshatra: Maghaa [Lord: Ketu: L07]
~~ ~~
Relation with Lagna-Lord: Natural # Neutral
Compound # Enemy
~~ ~~
** CAUTION: Saturn is in 'Mrityu-Bhaag'.
~~ ~~
Overall functional beneficence: -220.24
# Rahu : Exaltation: 56.56% [Average] Dignity: SWAA
Combustion: Yes. [Diff. 12.64 dgr] 15.76%
Natal Ashtakvarga status: 4i20 Shadbala: 1.00
~~ ~~
Benefic aspects : None
Afflictive aspects: Mars, Ketu
Aspects net result: Bnfc: 0.00 Affl: 137.14 NET: -137.1
~~ ~~
House-lordship : L01 (posited house)
Conjunct with House-Lords: L03 L08
Aspects from House-Lords : None
~~ ~~
Posited Nakshatra: Uttara-Phalguni [Lord: Sun: L12]
~~ ~~
Relation with Lagna-Lord: Natural # Neutral
Compound # Friend
~~ ~~
Overall functional beneficence: -100.94
# Ketu : Exaltation: 56.56% [Average] Dignity: SAMA
Combustion: No. [Diff. 167.36 dgr] 0.00%
Natal Ashtakvarga status: 3i27 Shadbala: 1.00
~~ ~~
Benefic aspects : Jupiter
Afflictive aspects: Mars, Rahu
Aspects net result: Bnfc: 99.51 Affl: 137.14 NET: -37.63
~~ ~~
House-lordship : L07 (posited house)
Conjunct with House-Lords: None
Aspects from House-Lords : L03 L04 L07 L08
~~ ~~
Posited Nakshatra: Poorva-Bhadrapad [Lord: Jupiter: L04,L07]
~~ ~~
Relation with Lagna-Lord: Natural # Neutral
Compound # Enemy
~~ ~~
Overall functional beneficence: -192.43
Note: |
Two planets in this horoscope have
been found situated in 'Mrityu-bhaga'.
The term 'Mrityu-bhaga'(MB) would
literally mean a death inflicting
(planetary) station. In ancient
Jyotish texts, certain specified
points have been identified in each
sign where a given planet by its
location at that degree of the Zodiac
would fall in MB. Such a planet is
likely to produce adverse results.
There is a separate MB point for each
planet in each sign.
A planet in MB invariably creates
hurdles and problems for the native
and dasa of such a planet normally
create upheavals in native's life. MB
is specially bad for health. Sometimes
it can even be fatal. A planet when
situated at this point - it affects
the house(s) he owns, he is posited
and the houses he aspects. The
significations of the planet concerned
are seriously compromised. Such planet
may create very negating and
challenging conditions for the native.
In your natal chart, the
maximum OFB value is 63.91, got by
other side, the minimum OFB value is
-366.51, got by MARS. Therefore, the
Mercury stands out as the best functional benefic planet for you while Mars
has been determined as the most damaging (functional malefic) planet in
your chart. The OFB values of all nine planets, in declining order, are as
follows: |
Merc: 63.91; Jupi: 55.12; Venu: -44.16; Moon: -67.35; Rahu: -100.94;
Sun : -121.06; Ketu: -192.43; Satu: -220.24; Mars: -366.51 |
** N O T E ** |
"Overall Functional
Beneficence" (OFB) values of various planets, shown above either as a positive number or as a negative number, is the result of consolidation and quantification of various key astrological factors. It is, in fact, much more than just considering the house lordships of the various planets. General practice among most of the neo-astrologers is to consider 'House Lordships' of planets only.
My algorithm takes into consideration most of the principles told by sage Parashara in 'Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra' and also the principles recommended in other important Jyotish Classics, by various renowned Jyotish scholars, for determining the functional nature of different planets. Further, the importance of various considered astrological factors have been calibrated very carefully -- as told in ancient Vedic Jyotish texts. This is the reason that, at times, some less used, but very important, Jyotish factors may be found over-shadowing the net result obtained through the normally used Parashari principles to determine the beneficence of a planet. For example, (a) if a planet has very low
Ashtakvarga points in its posited sign, (b) the posited sign itself is also weak in Sarvaashtak and (c) the concerned planet is also placed in a non-contributor's kakshya -- its beneficence will go down considerably, though it may be Lagna lord or 9th Lord. Similarly, if a planet is posited in
'Mrityu-bhaag', this fact will cause considerable decline in planet's beneficence.
Normally, the OFB values around zero should be considered as 'Average beneficence', while increasing negative OFB values here denote increasing malefic nature of the concerned planets in your chart. Same way, higher OFB positive values indicate higher benefic nature of the planets concerned.
If you are willing to go in details of astrological factors considered by me to arrive at these
'OFB values', you may visit following page of my website: |
(a) JANMA-RATNA (Birth/Life-stone): |
The gem for the lagna lord is a good stone to wear at all times. It gives health, vitality, general success and
wellbeing. Wearing it supports all other areas of life. Your lagna lord is the
Mercury, therefore wearing the Mercury's stone will be beneficial. The stones for the Mercury are :
('Panna'). The gem for the Mercury is best set in
Silver/Gold/Bronze(Peetal). If a ring, it should be worn on the Little finger
('Kanishthika'), which is the 4th and last finger after thumb. Begin to wear it on a Wednesday. The emerald (or it's substitutes) should be worn in
'Sandhya-kaal' or 'Gau dhuli vela', i.e. before dinner. It would be excellent Muhurta to wear this ring if Moon is transiting in either
Ashlesha, Jyeshtha or Revati Nakshatra on a Wednesday. The alternate (somewhat cheaper) astral-gems for Mercury are -
Peridot, green tourmaline,
diopside, green jade, tsavorite and other natural green gems of flawless quality. You should recite following mantra to purify & energize Mercury's gem stone:
" Om Aim Bum Budhaya Namah "
You should normally not wear Pearl or moonstone with the gem of Mercury, unless prescribed by a learned
Jyotishi. These are inimical or incompatible to your
'Janma-ratna'. |
(b) PUNYA-RATNA (Lucky-Stone): |
The gem for the fifth lord is particularly lucky, while also being good for creative energy, and children.
If you are seeking a child or improving your relationship with your child, you should
wear gem stone of fifth lord. This gem will also improve your romantic
life. Your fifth lord is
Saturn, therefore wearing Saturn's stone will be beneficial. The stones for the Saturn are :
Blue Sapphire
('Neelam'). The gem for the Saturn is best set in Iron/Silver. If a ring, it should be worn on the Middle finger
('Madhyama'), which is the 2nd finger after thumb. Begin to wear it on a Saturday. The blue sapphire (or it's substitutes) should be worn when darkness has extended completely during the night (i.e. between 23:00 hrs. to 02:00 AM). It would be excellent Muhurta to wear this ring if Moon is transiting in either
Pushya, Anuradha or Uttara-bhadrapada Nakshatra on a Saturday. The alternate (somewhat cheaper) astral-gems for Saturn are - Aquamarine, blue
spinel, tanzanite, indicolite, iolite, amethyst and other blue to violet gems with transparent clarity. You should recite following mantra to purify & energize Saturn's gem stone:
" Om Hlim Sham Shanaye Namah "
You should normally not wear Ruby, Coral, Yellow Sapphire with the gem of Saturn, unless prescribed by a learned
Jyotishi. These are inimical or incompatible to your
'Punya-ratna'. |
(c) BHAGYA-RATNA (Fortune-stone): |
The gem for the ninth lord particularly brings fortune. Your ninth lord is
Venus, therefore wearing Venus's stone will be beneficial. The stones for the Venus are :
Diamond ('Heera'). The gem for the Venus is best set in
Silver/ Platinum. If a ring, it should be worn on the Little finger
('Kanishthika') - which is the 4th and last finger after thumb. Begin to wear it on a Friday. The diamond (or it's substitutes) should be worn in night (after dinner). It can be worn at any time during the whole night after dinner. It would be excellent Muhurta to wear this ring if Moon is transiting in either
Bharani, Poorvashadha
or Poorva-phalguni Nakshatra on a Friday. The alternate (somewhat cheaper) astral-gems for Venus are - White quartz, zircons,
goshenites, white topaz, white sapphires and other colorless gemstones with clear transparency. You should recite following mantra to purify & energize Venus's gem stone:
" Om Klim Shum Shukraya Namah "
You should normally not wear Ruby, Coral, Yellow Sapphire with the gem of Venus, unless prescribed by a learned
Jyotishi. These are inimical or incompatible to your
'Bhagya-ratna'. |
Now, I will tell about the gems which may be worn when a very specific
prime objective is to be attained. However, you should also remember that
these gems may not be suitable for living a 'Balanced life' and may harm
other vital life aspects simultaneously. Therefore, following
recommendations should be followed in extreme necessity cases only.
Otherwise, I would advise you to follow my specific recommendation of
suitable astral gem, which has been described in next section of this
report with full details. |
If your priority is family happiness, livelihood or facial beauty,
wear the gemstone of Venus, the lord of Second house. The stone(s) for
Venus are : Diamond ('Heera'). The alternate gemstones for Venus are -
White quartz, zircons, goshenites, white topaz, white sapphires and other
colorless gemstones with clear transparency. You should not wear Ruby,
Coral, Yellow Sapphire with the gem of Venus. |
If your priority is courage and boldness or writing and communicative
capabilities or happiness of co-borns, wear the gemstone of Mars, the lord
of Third house. The stone(s) for Mars are : Natural Coral ('Moonga'). The
alternate gemstones for Mars are - Cornelian, chalcedony, jasper and other
pink to red ocher coloured gems. You should not wear Diamond, Gomed, Blue
Sapphire with the gem of Mars. |
If your priority is mother's welfare, home and happiness, peace of
mind, rest and relaxation, acquisition of land and property, education, or
popularity on public level, wear the gemstone of Jupiter, the lord of
Fourth house. The stone(s) for Jupiter are : Natural yellow sapphire
('Pukhraaj'); Imperial topaz. The alternate gemstones for Jupiter are -
Citrine, yellow tourmaline, heliodar. You should not wear Diamond, Blue
Sapphire with the gem of Jupiter. |
If your priority is increasing the capacity for more efforts and to do
great labours, defeating enemies, increasing your tolerance for facing
opposition, difficulties and obstacles in life, wear the gemstone of
Saturn, the lord of Sixth house. The stone(s) for Saturn are : Blue
Sapphire ('Neelam'). The alternate gemstones for Saturn are - Aquamarine,
blue spinel, tanzanite, indicolite, iolite, amethyst and other blue to
violet gems with transparent clarity. You should not wear Ruby, Coral,
Yellow Sapphire with the gem of Saturn. |
If your priority is happiness in marriage, quality of conjugal life,
making long-term committed relationship, business partnerships, trade and
speculation or strategic alliances, wear the gemstone of Jupiter, the lord
of Seventh house. The stone(s) for Jupiter are : Natural yellow sapphire
('Pukhraaj'); Imperial topaz. The alternate gemstones for Jupiter are -
Citrine, yellow tourmaline, heliodar. You should not wear Diamond, Blue
Sapphire with the gem of Jupiter. |
If your priority is research or invention, wealth through inheritance
or legacy, unearned or hidden wealth, occult studies or proficiency in
Tantric type Yoga practices, wear the gemstone of Mars, the lord of Eighth
house. The stone(s) for Mars are : Natural Coral ('Moonga'). The alternate
gemstones for Mars are - Cornelian, chalcedony, jasper and other pink to
red ocher coloured gems. You should not wear Diamond, Gomed, Blue Sapphire
with the gem of Mars. |
If your priority is 'Karma' (Action)- showing your effect upon the
world through career or vocation; or professional achievements, honour,
recognition, and prestige; or political, social or worldly power, wear the
gemstone of Mercury, the lord of Tenth house. The stone(s) for Mercury are
: Emerald ('Panna'). The alternate gemstones for Mercury are - Peridot,
green tourmaline, diopside, green jade, tsavorite and other natural green
gems of flawless quality. You should not wear Pearl or moonstone with the
gem of Mercury. |
If your priority is material gains, income, achieving goals,
realization of desires, aspirations, wishes and ambitions or if you wish to
increase your friend circle, wear the gemstone of Moon, the lord of
Eleventh house. The stone(s) for Moon are : Natural Pearl ('Moti'). The
alternate gemstones for Moon are - Moon-stone. You should not wear Gomed
with the gem of Moon. |
If your priority is secret bed pleasures, passion, expenditures on
luxuries, foreign journeys, foreign education or residing in foreign lands,
wear the gemstone of Sun , the lord of Twelfth house. The stone(s) for Sun
are : Natural Ruby ('Maanikya'). The alternate gemstones for Sun are - Red
spinel, red garnet, rubellite, rhodolite and other natural pink or red gems
with crystal clear transparency. You should not wear Diamond, Blue
Saphhire, Gomed with the gem of Sun . |
After comparing the above calculated
'Overall Functional
(OFB) values of various planets in your birth chart, and also simultaneously keeping in my mind your current basic purpose of wearing the astral gem, I come to the conclusion that the best suitable astral-gem
(Jyotish-Gem) for you will be
('PANNA')'. It represents the planet
Great Indian mathematician and astrologer of the yore, Varahmihir has
written profusely about this gemstone in his famous treatise
'Brihat-samhita'. It has been described by the name
'Marakat' or 'Marakatamani' or 'Harinmani'. In Persian it is known as Jarmurad, in
Bengali, Paannaa, in Kannada Paachichalai. In Gujrat it is called Peeloo.
Columbia is generally recognized as the source of the world's finest
quality emeralds, both in the past and the present. The earliest known
source of emerald was near the Red Sea in Egypt. Russia has been another
important source of emeralds in the past. Another important source of
superb quality emeralds, usually only of small size, is Sandawana in
Zimbabwe. Very few exceed one carat in size. Brazil has become the main
producer of medium to high quality emeralds. Producers of medium quality
emerald are Afghanistan, Madagascar, Pakistan and Nigeria.
However, origin of the gem does not matter in terms of the results it
gives. What matters is that the gemstone has to be of Jyotish Quality. If a
Gem has qualified to be Jyotish Quality, it shall give results regardless
of the origin.
It is also important to note that gemstone enhancements are very common
these days. These include synthetic replication of gems, heating,
irradiation and coloring of precious stones. These so-called 'enhancements'
destroy the natural energy of the stones. It is imperative that the gems
used for astrological purposes must be natural, untreated by heat to
improve it’s brilliancy or have their colours enhanced, killed of it’s
auric rays by irradiation. All gem stones will lose their inherent nature
when such treatments are done. Therefore, it is strongly suggested that you
should buy your gem from a qualified gemologist.
BEWARE: Avoid heavily treated emeralds. Some experts can determine the
level of the treatment as minor, moderate or heavy. Minor treatment is OK.
Be very careful of hidden cracks that can affect the durability of the
emerald during setting, and after while wearing, especially in the corners.
Do not buy Emeralds with black inclusions. All emeralds are 'oiled' with
oil or synthetic resins. Look for the clearest clarity and buy from someone
you can trust.
Note: |
Jyotish Quality = Gem Quality + Free from
Treatment + Free from any kind of flaws listed
in the sacred texts.
Where Gem Quality means that a Gem excels on the
all 4C’s of Cut, Color, Clarity and Carat
weight. |
Ancient Vedic scriptures say: |
"Anyone possessing a fine, flawless
quality emerald of any of these shades of
green is blessed with great good fortune." |
-(Ref. Garuda Purana: Chapter 71) |
"But the fine emeralds of these areas
possess mystical powers, even to
neutralize the poison of a king cobra." |
-(Ref. Garuda Purana: Chapter 71) |
"Emeralds should be mounted in yellow
gold, and worn, both by the doctor and
patient, during the treatment of any
disease, especially those caused by poison
or an imbalance of the bodyís vital airs." |
-(Ref. Garuda Purana: Chapter 71) |
"Among all gems, fine, flawless quality
jade has the greatest ability to remove
negative karmic reactions." |
-(Ref. Garuda Purana: Chapter 79) |
The alternate/substitute astral-gems: |
If the cost of good quality Emerald ('Panna'), the
primary gem of Mercury, is a deterrent, you may start
wearing the top quality semi-precious gemstones ('Upratnas')
for Mercury as an alternate. It is always better to wear
something than nothing at all, given that quality is taken
into consideration first and foremost. When you are able
to afford a Jyotish quality primary gemstone, you may
replace the secondary stone ('Upratna') with a more
expensive primary stone. Upratnas are effective and they
provide good results provided they are 'Gem quality' and
'Jyotish Quality'. If Not, Then no results. Upratnas
create miracles and are a fantastic starting point for Gem
Therapy. Though they deliver results comparatively slow
but the important part is that they get the job done.
In secondary gemstones, your first choice should be a good
quality Green Tourmaline. The second choice should be a
Peridot. The third choice should be a diopside, green jade
or tsavorite. As an alternate, you may also wear other
natural green gems of flawless quality. |
Planetary herbs as alternates to suggested gem: |
You may also use the root of
Vidhara (as called in North India) or the root
of Achyranthes aspera (Apamarga/ Chirchita/ Latjira/ Onga/ Prickly
Chaff-flower) in place of Mercury's gem. This method also provides you an
opportunity to try the efficacy of suggested gem without purchasing the
costly gem itself in the first place. If the herb suits you, then you may
buy a good quality gem from an authentic gem dealer.
Take the root about one inch long and thick as of your finger. Wash it with
Ganga-jal or other holy river's water or fresh water and put
roli sindur kumkum on the root, offer dhoop deep and recite 11 rosaries of Mercury
mantra and wear it in your neck or hand in a cloth of green colour on a
Wednesday. |
Other objects as alternates: |
Those people who can not find the planetary herbs mentioned above and also
cannot afford even the alternate/substitute gemstone due to financial
constraints, then they may keep the objects of Mercury, in their pocket,
like Moong, piece of bronze, pens and pencils ..(wrapped in green cloth).
Some percentage of benefic effects of Mercury's grace can still be obtained
in this manner. |
Contradictory gems: |
Mutually inimical gemstones should not be worn together. You should
normally not wear Pearl or moonstone along with Emerald
('Panna'), unless prescribed by a learned Jyotishi for a very specific purpose. These are
inimical or incompatible to your prescribed gem(s). If worn for a specific
purpose, even then, it should be for a specific period and after the goal
is achieved, these contradictory gems should not be worn. |
Required weight, Colour, Clarity and Shape of the gem: |
The minimum prescribed weight is 400 mg for moderate quality Emerald
('Panna'). A lesser weight gem will also work equally well if it is of
better quality.
'Ratti' is the unit to measure weight of gemstone in India. Traditional
astrologers still recommend gemstones in 'Ratti' for wearing purpose.
'Standard Ratti' has the weight of 120 mg. as compared to 'Big
Ratti' of 180 mg.
Some scholars say that we must wear gemstone as per our body weight.
Normally it is in the ratio of 1:10. It means one 'Standard
ratti' for every 10 kg of own body weight. The very expensive gem stone, like Diamond,
are however excluded from this rule. Wearing a bigger size gemstone may
inversely effect native’s fate and lesser size may create very less impact.
However, I would also like to mention here that recommendation just on the
basis of body weight is a myth and not described in any sacred text. Even a
1-2 carat gemstone of good cut, color and clarity will give positive and
good results. Generally gemstones above 2 carats satisfying the above
conditions will give the best results.
One carat is equal to 1/5 of a gram (200 milligrams or 0.20 gram). Carat
weight is sometimes also expressed in cents or points. 100 points/ 100
cents are equivalent to 1 carat. Hence 57 points means 0.57 carats.
Colour: Should be slightly bluish or yellowish green. Deeper green is more
powerful but do not sacrifice clarity for colour.
Clarity: Emeralds are the most heavily flawed Jyotish gemstone. Emeralds
are designated type-3 in clarity, the only Jyotish gemstone in this class.
Chromium, the mineral that makes emeralds green also makes them flawed.
Therefore, it is very, very difficult to find nearly eye flawless emeralds,
but these are the best for Jyotish. The rule is clarity first, then as much
colour as your budget will allow. Emeralds with top clarity and light
colour are far better than those with more inclusions and darker colour.
Clarity first and foremost! Buy the clearest emeralds possible. Called
'crystal' in the trade, super clean emeralds from Colombia and Brazil are
acceptable, as are some Zambian emeralds, if not too dark in the crystal.
The gem can be of any shape. The results will not vary due to gem's shape.
Go for a shape and cut which appeals to you most.
Generally it is always best to purchase the best quality gemstones that you can afford. The stones of lesser potency have been found to work very well and are less costly, though they need to be worn in a larger size in order to give the same strength of effects.
If you ask, which is more effective - a lower weight gemstone with a higher
price per carat or a higher weight gem with a lower price per carat? My
suggestion would be to go for a lower weight gemstone with a higher price
per carat. It will be more effective as it will be better quality on all 4
C’s of cut, color, clarity and carat weight.
When choosing a gemstone, consult a good gemologist
and buy gems from a recognized gemstone mart. The correct scientific method is to rely on the specific gravity test and the refractive index test. Artificial and fake gems serve no purpose except ornamentation and will not create the desired results of the original gem.
Metal of the ring: |
When gems are to be worn, each gem is required to be set in a particular
metal that it resonates with. The gems of Mercury should be set in a ring
made of Silver or Gold or Bronze (an alloy of copper and tin) or Brass (an
alloy of copper and zinc).
Note: The gems of Mercury may also be placed for a period of time in
receptacles/ vessels made of Silver or Gold or
Bronze (an alloy of copper and tin) or Brass (an alloy of copper and zinc) to produce gem enhanced
water. As water is a natural conductor of electrolytes, it is a perfect
medium to convey the healing power of the gems. Drinking this water daily,
specially during the 'Hora of Mercury' is highly recommended. |
In which finger, the ring should be worn? |
Vedic Astrology lays down very strict rules for
the finger on which a Gemstone can be worn. The
Emerald ('Panna') ring should be worn in
Little finger ("Kanishthika"), which is the
4th and last finger after thumb. Like the Universe
the human body is made up of 5 elements. In the
case of the hand the little finger represents
WATER element.
It is necessary that the gem must remain in direct contact with the body. So, when getting the ring made from a
jeweler, make sure that the design is such that the stone touches the skin when you wear the ring. Also,
its surface must be open to receive the rays. The rays should be able to pass through the gemstone, into your body, and no metal should block their path.
Gems should generally be worn on the right hand for men and the left hand for women. |
When the ring should be worn? |
One should always consecrate a astrology gemstone ring or pendant and wear
it in the most potent time frame selected according to vedic astrology. The
gems for Mercury should be worn on a Wednesday after
'Prana Pratishtha' (consecration). It would be excellent Muhurta to wear this ring if Moon is
transiting in either Ashlesha, Jyeshtha or
Revati Nakshatra on a Wednesday.
If these constellations do not occur at the time required and it is
important to wear the Mercury's gem then wear it on any
Shukla Paksha (waxing moon period) Wednesday in the
Hora of Mercury. It would also be a very good Muhurta to wear this gem if Moon is in Gemini ('Mithuna') or
Virgo ('Kanya') sign [the signs owned by Mercury] on a
To obtain the full benefic effects of the astral
gem, it's ring should be made and worn while Moon
is waxing ('Shukla-paksha') on the
specified day & time. Wearing it in one of
the above three specified Nakshatras will enhance
the benefic effects of the gem.
The emerald (or it's substitutes) should be worn
in "Sandhya-kaal" or "Gaudhuli vela",
i.e. before dinner. But during this time duration
also, select a good "Chaughadiya" for more
precision. The ‘Amrit’, ‘Shubh’ and
‘Laabh’ are Good (favourable)
Chaughadiyas. However, avoid 'Rahu-kaal'
even if it is otherwise a good Chaughadia.
It will make chances of your getting success in
your desired object even more brighter.
Note: |
I realize that finding/calculating the above told auspicious Muhurtas for wearing the recommended Gem is a time consuming exercise in itself. Therefore, I can prepare an exhaustive "Astral-Gem Wearing Muhurta report" which will list the auspicious Muhurtas,
fulfilling most of the essential conditions, for
wearing recommended gemstone during next 3 months. All muhurtas will be calculated for your current location. A sample of this report is available
for viewing at following page:
The duration of effectiveness of the gem: |
Each gem is a perennial source of a particular ray. These rays never become exhausted, even after years of use. However, ring metal needs periodic change. The 'period requiring metal change' varies according to studded gem. The ring with Emerald
('Panna') will remain effective for 3 years after wearing it. Thereafter, the metal of the ring needs to be changed. |
What you need to do to fully energize the gem: |
Consecrate and energize your gemstone properly with the correct procedure
and rituals. To derive the best effects of a gem, begin to wear it after
cleansing it in fresh milk and rinsing it in purified water (Ganga water,
if available) or rose water. The best way is to immerse the gem in fresh
(unboiled) milk for one hour on a Wednesday and thereafter keep it in rose
water until the next Wednesday chosen for putting it on.
Then, hold and concentrate on the gem. Perform the mantra given, minimum
108 times. Before wearing a gem, light the lamp and incense stick and
meditate on your God. After wearing the ring you should give alms of the
items belonging to Mercury such as - Moong, Glucose, Ivory, Camphor, Fruit,
Ghee, Bronze, Green cloth. |
The Vedic Mantra to be recited: |
While wearing the astral-gem, recite following
Name and Shakti Mantra for Mercury:
Om Aim Bum Budhaya Namah
The above is the special name (nama) mantra
for the Mercury as preceded by it's Shakti
or power mantra. It can be used to connect with
the planetary deity and to energize all the higher
powers of the Mercury. The word 'Aim' in
above mantra denotes Vachana Shakti, the
power of articulation, calling, guiding and
The following mantras are also considered very
good for planet Mercury. You may opt to recite one
of the following mantra if you find it
comparatively easy to remember.
Om braam breem braum sah budhaya namah
Om bum budhaaya namah |
Mantra recitation method and timing: |
The mantras are chanted on japa beads of
108 beads per string. They are similar to
The Mercury's mantra may be recited 9,000 times
within 21 days and puja performed with various
flowers. Begin recitation on a Wednesday during
the bright half of the Moon.
Presence of 'Vishnu yantra' at the place of recitation may help you in achieving the desired results faster. While reciting any of the above mentioned
Mantra(s), you may also keep following numeric yantra of Mercury, nearby to make mantra even more effective.
| 9 | 4 | 11 |
| 10 | 8 | 6 |
| 5 | 12 | 7 |
Numeric Yantra for
Lord Mercury
(Shri Buddha) |
The Yantra (mathemetical square) for Mercury is based on the number four. The sub-total is twenty-four and the total is seventy-two.
Some people have this intellectual formula engraved on a metal plate (of Gold) and either wear it on their person (as a necklace etc.) or keep it on their personal altar or prayer (puja) table. Possible positive effects may also come from drawing this formula on a piece of paper or in sacrificial sand in conjunction with other remedial practices.
If possible (for example, if writing this Yantra on a piece of paper), the mathematical square should be drawn on a background showing the shape of 'an arrow pointing up and left'. This shape is represented by Lord Mercury. The square itself may be filled with Green colour and then numerical formula may be written on this coloured back-ground.
Mantra chanting posture: |
A Mantra is manifestation of God in the form of those sounds. Mantras must be chanted or recited with unwavering devotion and motivation. Chanting them as a matter-of-course deprives them of power and is practically useless from the point of view of conscious growth, evolution and effect.
It is best to find a quiet time and place to chant the mantra. Better to chant attentively for 5 minutes, fully concentrating on the mantra, than to chant for an hour when the mind and senses are too disturbed by unnecessary stimuli. Bathe, then create a spiritually conducive atmosphere by lighting incense and doing some deep breathing to relax the mind and body. If chanting mantras for spiritual liberation, sit facing the north and if the mantras are for fulfillment of material desires, sit facing the east. Sit down cross-legged, if possible, but if this is difficult simply find a comfortable position that can be maintained for at least a short while. Its no good getting into a 'lotus post' if your mind is screaming from the physical discomfort. However, if this pose is comfortable, there is no better position for meditation. |
Which primary
'Tantric Chakra' will specially get stimulated: |
It is not just a coincidence that there are not only 7 primary
Tantric chakras and 7 basic colours, but also 7 basic planets according to Vedic
astrology and traditional Indian medicine! The 'KURMA PURANA' states that
the seven planets are to be seen as condensations of the seven cosmic rays.
And the greatest condensation of the cosmic rays is in gems.
Each planet is also represented by a cosmic colour, as each planet
represents a 'Tantric Chakra', and the gemstone corresponding to the
respective planet is believed to stimulate the corresponding chakra by
harnessing the corresponding cosmic colour! How fascinating is the world of
ancient Vedic wisdom!
Wearing of Emerald ('Panna') will stimulate your
'Anahata Chakra'. The Anahata chakra is positioned in the central channel in the spine at the
heart region, with its kshetram or superficial activation site actually in
the heart region between the two breasts. Anahata is considered the seat of
the Jivatman, and Para Shakti. In the Upanishads, this is described as
being like a tiny flame that resided inside the heart. Anahata is so called
because it is in this place that sages hear that sound (Anahata –
Shabda) which comes without the striking of any two things together. It is
associated with the element of air, the sense of touch, and with actions of
the hands.
Anahata is associated with the ability to make decisions outside of the
realm of karma. In Anahata, one is making decisions, 'following your
heart', based upon one's higher self, and not from the unfulfilled emotions
and desires of lower nature. As such, it is known as the heart
chakra. It is also associated with love and compassion, charity to others, and forms
of psychic healing.
The Vedic horoscope based gem therapy can be effectively used for the
optimization of the mind, body and soul. It can work wonders in a person’s
life and can help in optimizing materialistic, emotional and spiritual
desires! |
For ensuring maximum Grace of Mercury, propiate it's Nakshatra Lord: |
In your birth-chart, the Mercury is posited in
Maghaa nakshatra. The lord of Maghaa is
Ketu. For getting maximum and continuous grace of Mercury, through it's gem stone, propiating it's Nakshatra Lord is recommended. Magha is ruled by the
'Pitris' or the Family Ancestors. You should recite following Mantra to propiate and to seek blessings of ruling deity of Mercury's
Nakshatra, Maghaa. |
'Om Pitrubhyo
Namah' - to be recited 108 times. |
Hold the ring/ bracelet (with gem of Mercury studded in it), worn by you, in your folded hands for few minutes and recite the above Mantra 108 times daily while concentrating on the astral gem. It will ensure the continuous blessings of Nakshatra-deity to your gem, which in return will be empowered enough to do the anticipated good in your life. If, for any reason, you can not do it on daily basis, then atleast, on each Tuesday you should do it.
According to Hindu astrology, some trees or plants are associated with each Nakshatra and worshiping their Nakshatra tree is believed to bring positive influence in life. The ancient scripture of Ayurveda - 'Rasraj Mahodadhi' also lists these Nakshatra trees. The 'Deity Vriksha' (Deity's tree) for Maghaa nakshatra is Wad/ Vata [Ficus Bengalensis]. The 'Kshema Vriksha' for Maghaa nakshatra (the tree which brings well-being and welfare for matters governed by this nakshatra) are Ritha [Spindus Trifoliatus], Chameli/ Juhi/ Mogra/ Jaai [Jasminum Auriculatum], Ambashtha [Oxalis corniculata].
Try to find any one of the above mentioned trees in your nearby surroundings. Get digged some earth from around its roots and keep it safe in a small earthen pot at your own home. Also try to collect some fallen leaves, seed, dried bark pieces of concerned tree. Remember, you should NOT HARM the tree for collecting it's parts. Collect those parts only whichever are easily available. Now, mix these tree parts also within the digged earth. This will become the 'Nakshatra-pot' for Maghaa constellation. If you have space in your home, you may also plant a sapling of the tree in a planter. Then, this planter will become the 'Nakshatra-pot'. Burying your gemstone in this 'Nakshatra pot' is a very effective way to rejuvenate and recharge it periodically. Leave it burried for 24 hours within this pot. This procedure will wash off the negative energies and recharge it with healing energy activating the gemstone's essential qualities by the blessings of it's own natal nakshatra in your birth-chart. |
The periods when Jyotish gem of Mercury would be
most effective: |
The positive effect of wearing Emerald ('Panna')
(or it's substitutes) would be felt by you almost
every day but it's maximum effect would be felt
during the planetary main or sub-periods ('Vimshottari
dasas'/ 'Antardasas') of Mercury, when
Mercury would be controlling most of your
life-aspects. According to Vedic astrology,
theoretical life of an individual is taken to be
120 years and this entire life span is divided
into different main periods ('Mahadasas')
of planets and within this main period, there are
sub-periods ('Antardasas') of all the
planets and then each sub-period can be further
divided into sub-sub-periods ('Pratyantar dasas')
of planets. This follows a predetermined sequence,
but the starting point of which period at the time
of birth is determined by the longitude of Moon at
the time of birth. This concept is unique to Vedic
The Vimshottari sub-periods ('Antardasha')
of Mercury in your life, under main-periods ('Mahadasha')
of different planets, will come during the
following dates: |
Rahu-Merc: Jan.31, 1979 to Aug.20, 1981 (for 932
Jupi-Merc: Oct.20, 1993 to Jan.26, 1996 (for 828
Satu-Merc: Feb.22, 2008 to Nov.01, 2010 (for 984
Merc-Merc: Feb.18, 2024 to Jul.16, 2026 (for 879
Ketu-Merc: Feb.28, 2047 to Feb.17, 2048 (for 355
Venu-Merc: Feb.24, 2064 to Dec.25, 2066 (for 1035
Sun -Merc: Dec.12, 2071 to Oct.18, 2072 (for 311
Moon-Merc: Dec.23, 2079 to May.24, 2081 (for 518
Mars-Merc: Aug.22, 2087 to Aug.19, 2088 (for 363
days) |
The main period (Mahadasa) of Mercury would
be between 18 February 2024 and 17 February 2041,
for 17 yrs. |
The stone must be worn either on the appropriate finger as a ring or a bracelet or on the upper arm as a bangle, but never as a pendant around the neck as pendants swing and do not maintain skin contact which lessen the power of the stone. Most important is that the Gem is set so as to touch the skin. |
Since gemstones are vibrational energy, they can be affected by energetic impurities that they are intended to release. These unbalanced energies can be assimilated by gemstones as they are handled, shipped and used daily. To clear these disharmonious energies and restore gemstones to peak performance, cleanse gemstones regularly so they may serve at their highest capacity. Cleanse them at least two times a week. |
Handle gemstones with care. They are natural creations from the earth and are fragile. If dropped on hard surfaces, they may scratch, fracture or break. |
For travel, wear gemstones and keep them from being exposed to airport security X-rays. If you can’t wear them, ask for hand inspections. (Keep gemstones away from x-rays in dentists’ offices and hospitals.) |
Avoid keeping gemstones near strong electromagnetic fields (computers, televisions,
cell-phones) unless you’re using them specifically for protection against EMFs and then cleanse them much more often. |
Take off gemstone jewelry in chlorinated swimming pools or hot tubs. The chlorine is not good for gemstones. Softer gemstones like Calcite and Carnelian can disintegrate over time. |
For cleansing your gem stone, you may use - (1) A teaspoon of Sea Salt in a glass bowl of cool water, or, (2) Fresh un-boiled cow milk, or, (3) Flower water made with the petals of flowers, such as rose, soaked for for 24 hours. Place the gemstones in any of the above three mediums. Allow them to soak for 24 hours to rejuvenate and restore them. This procedure washes off negative energies and recharges them with healing energy activating the gemstone's essential qualities. However do NOT use this technique for softer Mica and crystalline stones. In the case of more fragile gemstones, fill a bowl with rose petals instead and place your gem stones on the bed of petals. |
To recharge your gem stones, place them outdoors if possible (second best choice is a window with bright exposure) for 24 hours during full Moon nights. Full moon clears, energizes and thoroughly revitalizes natural gemstones. Burying your gemstones in the ground is another good way to cleanse and recharge them. Leave them for 24 hours within the Earth but make sure you mark the spot you buried them. Another powerful technique for rejuvenating your loose gemstones (and cleansing them) is to place them in a natural stream of water from a waterfall, ocean, stream or creek. Leave the gemstones in water for up to 20 minutes but be sure to secure them adequately. USE FOR LOOSE GEMSTONES ONLY not jewelry as the salts and minerals can corrode string, clasps, etc. |
Frequent removal of the gemstone ring should be avoided. A gem has
worked hard to bring up the positive vibration within us. As soon as we
remove it, those vibration goes back to the base line and then the gem
works hard again to bring it back. So you should never remove vedic
gemstones from your body. One should remove the gemstone only when
visiting a funeral or a cremation ground for someone’s last rights. |
You should not let other people wear your gemstone. This should be
avoided at all costs. Your gemstone has been energized in your name and
birth star and is attuned to your body energies and destiny. Let other
people see and appreciate your gemstone but do not let them wear your
gemstone. |
Do not visit hospitals, cemetery or morgue or any other similar place
with the Gemstone on your body. [Take bath before wearing them again]. |
True Astral Talisman (Kavacha) for you: |
A true 'Kavacha' or 'Talisman' is not only the gem, which represents the
earth element. A real Astral Talisman is composed of all 5 elements, i.e.,
gem for earth, herb for water, metal for fire, symbol for air, and cosmic
number for space. This process of 'Pancha-amrita' astral talisman making is
the most bona fide. Even the Western alchemists are known to use herbs as
the 'water' ingredient in an Astral Talismans. These herbs have been
ritually turned into 'bhasma' or sanctified ashes. Therefore, one may
understand that the gem alone is not the complete kavacha
or talisman, the gems are only for one of five elements, viz., earth.
*-- The main 'Bhasma-herb':
The main 'Bhasma-herb' for Mercury is Achyranthes aspera (Apamarga/
Chirchita/ Latjira/ Onga/ Prickly Chaff-flower). When this herb is
transformed into ashes or Bhasma, it is referred to as 'Apamarga-bhasma'.
This process of transforming a herb into 'Bhasma' is a very specialized
process and should be undertaken by a well qualified Ayurvedacharya only
for adequate results. You may keep a piece of recommended gemstone
surrounded by this planetary herb bhasma (sacred ash) in a sealed tube or
tiny metallic container made of Silver or Gold or Bronze(an alloy of copper
and tin) or Brass (an alloy of copper and zinc). The Numeric Yantra for
Lord Mercury, which has already been detailed above, should be inscribed on
a foil of Silver or Gold or Bronze(an alloy of copper and tin) or Brass (an
alloy of copper and zinc) and kept with gemstone and herbal bhasma within
the talisman container. It will add the Space element ('Aakash-tatwa') to
the talisman.
To add the remaining element, The Air, you should get inscribed the symbol
of Mercury on the back side of same metal foil on which Numeric Yantra has
been written. The Mercury is symbolized as 'an arrow pointing up and left'.
This will become your personal Talisman ('Kavach') composed of all 5
elements. This Planetary Bhasma Talisman may be worn as a pendant or tied
to your arm, in addition to wearing of the recommended gemstone, for more
enhanced positive results. It may also be worn alone, i.e. without gemstone
Details of this planetary herb may be found at following location:
A suitable herbal bhasma for an individual resonates in harmony with the
innate rhythm of the individual. It is a medium to channelize the vibration
that can unfold the positive potential of cosmic forces in to the
individual’s life. Apart from unlocking the doors of fortune, the herbal
bhasma also acts as a protective shield against ill effects of negative
energy. The energy emanated by suitable herbs add comfort and serenity to
our lives and create harmony both in the body as well as our aura, which
create a healthy and conducive atmosphere.
The result is that we gain positive results in every aspect of life:
wealth, power, health and fame. Many of the weak areas in our life can be
transformed into strengths. The herb can cure maladies when medicines fail.
A suitable herbal bhasma can ensure focus and concentration, create wealth,
beget career gains and give you a reservoir of strength to counter the
ill-effects of malefic and adverse planetary periods.
To derive the best effects of a herb or its bhasma or its talisman, you
should consecrate and energize your bhasma-talisman properly with the
correct procedure and rituals as mentioned above in this report for the
astral gem.
Trying the suggested gem stone: |
Wearing an Astro gemstone has usually been a process of fear & hope for
most of the people. Therefore, you may go through a trial period of 3 days
to ascertain whether the suggested gemstone is suiting you or not, before
wearing it permanently.
I have mentioned earlier in this report about the planetary herbs as
alternates to suggested gem. This method also provides you an opportunity
to try the efficacy of suggested gem without purchasing the costly gem
itself in the first place. If the herb suits you, then you may buy a good
quality gem from an authentic gem dealer.
The best way would be to try the gem by taping it to your finger or putting
it under your pillow for three days. The observance of negative or positive
effect would specify the utility of the concerned gem. If any serious
negative effect takes place, like financial losses, minor accident,
headache and pain in abdomen, the native must automatically put off the
stone without much delay.
However, you should also remember that no gemstone starts giving effects
before they are energized & worn with right methodology. Gemstones have an
aura which merges with wearer’s aura & creates either a peaceful or
restless environment during the trial period. That’s it. However people
tend to associate the good or bad occurrences during the trial period with
the gemstone; this may be nothing but co-incidence.
You should not look for some flashy experience. These things rarely happen
to any of us. Trying a gemstone before wearing it will normally give peace
or restlessness & nothing else; this might help you to decide if the
gemstone suits you or not.
Sometimes what also happens is that the wearing a new gemstone means
wearing something extra on you which wasn’t a part of you before, so
obviously there will be some kind of change and time would be required to
adjust to it. It wouldn’t mean that it is not suiting you. So be a little
patient & mentally don’t start relating every bit to it.
But if you understand the predicted results of that particular gemstone,
such as improving your income, and after you tape it to your finger you get
a phone call out of the blue from someone wanting to repay an old debt,
obviously that's a good sign. So, you have a subtle awareness of the
desired result.
In my experience, more than half the time people don't notice anything
definite. That's okay. You can't have subtle experiences on demand. |
Rudraksha for warding off the evil effects of most malefic planet: |
Till now, I discussed about the 'Best planet' of your horoscope and suggested Gemstones, Yantra, Planetary Herbs, Astral Talisman etc. for the same to amplify its good effects. Now, I will suggest you remedy for suppressing the ill effects of most malefic planet in your horoscope.
As I have already told you above, while discussing 'Overall Functional Beneficence' (OFB) values of various planets, that
MARS is the most harmful planet for you. It's harmful effects can be suppressed by wearing appropriate 'Rudraksha'. To derive the best effects of a Rudraksha, you should consecrate and energize your recommended Rudraksha properly with the correct Mantra as mentioned below.
Rudra is a name of Shiva and Aksha means eye or 'Eye of Shiva'. The seeds of this tree are naturally available on Earth for the well-being and blessing of mankind. Lines or natural grooves down the sides of Rudraksha seeds divide the 'mukh' or faces and thus alter the powers... There are 38 varieties of Rudrakshas in total available in upto 21 mukhis or faces. Not all are available.
Rudraksha seed is botanically known as Elaeocarpus Ganitrus seed. It has both medicinal and divine properties which have with stood the test since ancient times. It is said in the Vedic scriptures that only one who has the blessings of God is able to obtain and wear this divine bead.
Padma Purana Chapter 57, Sloka 38-39:
"If a man wears a Rudraksha seed, Siva's auspicious power, such a one is always honored and appreciated by higher beings due to their great religious merit (punya).
Srimad Devi Bhagavatam 11th Canto, Chap. III. Lord Vishnu said,
"A man wearing fourteen mukhi Rudraksa becomes highly auspicious, like Lord Shiva. Anyone who wears even one Rudraksha seed is always admired like priests and Gods and can attain
You may wear Tri Mukhi (Three faced) Rudraksha. It represents planet Mars
(the most malefic planet in your birth chart). It is a rare Rudraksha. You
should energize it by chanting following mantra 108 times on Tuesday before
wearing it.
"Om Tri Vaktrasya Om Klim
You may also wear Dasha Mukhi (Ten faced) Rudraksha. The 'Dash-Mukhi'
Rudraksha is recommended for pacifying the nine Jyotish planets (Nava-graha
shanti). It helps to acquire the mercy and protection of Lord Vishnu in all
His Ten Incarnations. It is a rare Rudraksha. You should energize it by
chanting following mantra 108 times on Sunday before wearing it.
"Om Aksham Dash Vaktrasya Om Hrim
Namah" |
End note: |
I have examined your birth-chart from many
perspectives before making pronouncements on how
your 'Prarabdha Karma' will manifest in
this lifetime and when the effects will be felt.
It is not that I quickly saw Mercury's position in
your birth chart and made a pronouncement. I have
tried to gauge the 'beneficence' of Mercury from
various angles before recommending the above
gemstone to increase benefic influences in your
chart. It is true that sometimes increasing a
benefic influence may help to overshadow a
negative one coming from another quarter, but a
bad influence can never be lessened nor curtailed
by using the gem for the planet producing it.
A WORD OF CAUTION: Remember, a gem is only a means to end – and not the end – of sorrows, obstructions, etc. Do not believe anyone who says that all your problems will come to an end after you start wearing a lucky gem. Just as astrology is the torchlight to truth, and not the truth in itself (which is for you to seek with your own effort), gems can be a valuable aid to life, but not the ultimate solution.
Yes, gems usually do work - if worn with proper rituals and devotion. You
should remember that you can not purchase luck from a jewellery shop. To
inoculate proper strength, proper rituals are very essential. Gems should
be worn in specified finger, in specified metal during appropriate Muhurta
only. Otherwise your 'Gem' is merely a stone. |
I will really appreciate your feedbacks in future about the effects felt by you due to adopting my recommendation of wearing Emerald ('Panna'). Keep me updated with the developments.
Get ready to harness the power of the planets to get your luck working for you. May Mercury's grace shine on you !!