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"I tested the software ..... the indices do discriminate quite successfully in identifying the issues that could be at stake....... So I would say that the test of the software has been very positive in this test case. .... the software seems promising......"

Nimmi Ragavan (United Kingdom)

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Real life incidents and the Vjyotish indexes

VJyotish indexes are extremely important tool that can manage your future and your life. It depicts your astrological autograph from birth to the end of your life. According to Vedic astrology, your life in this world is the sum total of the effects of your Karma from all your past lives and the effects of your Karma in this life.

In any person's lifetime, we experience the effects of two types of Karma--our 'Past Karma' that we inherit from our previous lives and our 'Present Karma', one that we perform in this life by our own choice and will power. What we inherit from our previous lives is the net balance of good and bad deeds, which we call our destiny.

Our Karma in this life begins immediately after our birth, from the moment we utter our first cry and take the first breath. As human life is God’s highest creation, God in His infinite mercy has bestowed us with higher faculties, a will to shape our own future and destiny and moral sense to discriminate between good and evil. In making everyday choices, we shape and participate in creating our Present Karma. These indices will help you in understanding this better and help you shape your Karma, as Vedic astrology truly believes that human beings are unique creations of God as only human beings can shape their destiny through their will and effort.

The VJyotish indexes are the projected balance sheet of one's life. Vedic astrology captures this balance sheet from one's birth details. By analyzing Vjyotish indexes, one can gauge the rise and fall of various life aspects and change the negative trends of his/her horoscope. This accounting system is perfect as only God can make it, where every debit and credit entry is recorded, so every good deed in this world will negate negative trends from the past. We, after considerable research into ancient Vedic astrology and with the help of information technology, are too happy to present some real life incidents, which depict the rise and fall of different aspects of concerned native's life in the form of a projected balance sheet.

This is our first humble effort to strip off astrology from all its alchemy and magical image to its proper place as any other modern liberal science and make astrology relevant for the new millennium. It will change the way; you look at yourself, your life and the world around you.

Scott (Apollo) of Wellington, New Zealand is a specialist in Horse-racing astrology for over 40 years. He tested Vjyotish for his past casino wins and losses. The accuracy rate of predictions was 80%.

See details..

Diana, Princess of Wales, died in Paris on 31st Aug.'97 due to a car accident. Her Vjyotish index of longevity showed negativity since 15th Aug.'97 onwards. Exactly on 31st August'97, it had the maximum negative values. Vjyotish analysis of her horoscope also shows that different aspects in one's life do not always follow the same pattern at a particular moment of time.

View how various indices differed

We have published many more astrological analyses for known incidents - accomplished through our unique astrology tool "Vjyotish". The incidents have been indexed under various heads (like: "Pleasant incidents"; "Traumatic incidents"; "Historic incidences of global importance", etc.). 

View these analyses

Vjyotish is being used by thousands of people, since last several years, located around the globe. We continually receive feedbacks about the results from them. A selected few have been published with due permissions from concerned persons. 

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Many of the user's prefer not to send their specific feedbacks, with incident details. But, still they write their frank opinion about the usefulness and concept of Vjyotish. It gives us a clue that how they value Vjyotish.

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And at last, why don't you try it on a past incident of your own life.

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