the Vjyotish indices sacrosanct?
answer is NO.
you can change the indexes or your future through your own
efforts and your Karma in this life. This is the precise
lesson in Vedic astrology. According to us, the indexes
related to your fortune and sudden-gains (windfall)
probably cannot be changed, because they are directly
the results of Karma in your past lives.
own Karma and efforts in this life can change all the other
Indexes. In Vedic Astrology, we consider that there are three
groups of people in this world.
a. |
people in this world, by their own efforts and Karma,
are capable of making some changes in their indexes,
at some period in their life, in this life itself. The
Vjyotish Indexes will be most beneficial for them.
b. |
smaller section of people in this world does not make
any effort, and their life will follow only these
indexes. We feel that these indexes are not very
useful for them.
c. |
a much smaller section of people in this world can, by
their own conscious efforts, create complete new
indexes for themselves. Truly, they are the masters of
their own destiny. These are the people who bring
about changes in this world. For them, these indexes
or graphs are redundant because they already know the