eight men-years, abundance of innovative
ideas, and above all, the passion. Only such wealth of investments
could create an astrological experience so rich, rare and
unique. Here is a product designed to take your expectations to
a new high.
the wealth of evidence at hand. It's a system created in
R&D room supported by knowledgeable astrologers and vast
collection of Vedic
Jyotish books. Its calculation algorithms have been
progressively refined after repeated tests on the real life
incidents. Its performance perfected through constant
feed-backs from its users.
But then, only an extravagance of astrological expertise and
passion for excellence could culminate in something so
evolved. The
VJyotish. Its incredibly accurate calculations,
reassuring guiding features, luxurious graphic format and the
supreme irony of its meagre
costs, are all geared towards
altering your views on astrology. Look forward to it.
would an astrological report generate such curiosity, awe and
anticipation like the all new VJyotish.
And justifiably so. After all, there's unlikely to be another
high performance Jyotish-report with such brilliance and
passion. Featuring an amazingly long list of areas of one's
life, which it is capable of analyzing on daily basis, with sheer cerebrum burning power.
Incorporating the 'Ashtakvarga'
planetary strengths, their inter-personal relations, their
transits through various sensitive points in a horoscope, the
operating "Vimsottari
dasa" and much more with stunning integration of
all these to churn out the magical figures for the Vjyotish
features unmatched by any astrological software till date. All perfected
and tested on various real-life incidents so that it takes
every imperfection of the real world in its stride.
