
Choosing the right Gemstone is more important
than wearing a gemstone


The Astral Gem Stones
Frequently Asked Questions


The Astral Gems



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A Testimonial

Dear Kansal ji, This is the most comprehensive Gemstone Recommendation Report that I have come across! Excellent work. Congratulations. You have a knack for drilling down the pile of information, making scientific analysis and reaching a fine conclusion. I am happy that you have chosen the 'Anukul' method, which is also recommended by me. The report is highly recommended. I will have no hesitation in scrapping my own report and replacing with yours.

R Rao, Mumbai
A well known Jyotishi and owner of a big astrology portal


Frequently Asked Questions

Can I wear other Gemstones also, along with the suggested gem stone?

1. You have suggested Red Coral. I already wear a Yellow Topaz ring on my right hand index finger and a Pearl talisman on my neck. Do I need to remove these already worn Gems & Talisman before wearing the suggested Red Coral?
2. Can I also wear the other gems, representing planets of whom are having positive  "Overall Functional Beneficence" in my horoscope?


In reply to your question, I would rather guide you to take following steps to determine yourself what you need to wear or what you should avoid wearing:

1. First of all check whether the already worn Gemstone (or the gem stone you wish to wear additionally)  is not in contradiction of the "Suggested Now To be Worn Gemstone".  The contradictory gem stones to your suggested gemstone - are already indicated in the sent report. You should not wear a contradictory gemstone.
2. If concerned gemstone is not contradictory to suggested gem, then, check what is the "Overall Functional Beneficence" (OFB) of representing planet of that gemstone in your birth-chart. Very detailed calculations are provided in the sent report for arriving at OFB values of each planet. Greater the positive OFB value of a planet, as much benefic it will remain to you. Avoid the gems of planets which have negative OFB values.
3. Talismans are much more potent astral instruments than the Gemstones alone. The quantum of their effect (positive and negative, both) is more when compared to gemstone's effect alone. Therefore, it needs to be worn even more judiciously. Talisman should be worn only if concerned planet passes above two tests.

Normally, I prefer to suggest only one gem at a time - and that is of planet having highest OFB.

However, if you wish, you may certainly wear other gems which represent planets have second highest and third highest positive "Overall Functional Beneficence"  in your chart.

But contradictory gemstones should not be worn together. Wearing contradictory stones may do more harm than good. Contradictory stones for your suggested stone are listed in the sent report. However if you will wear so many gemstones, it will be practically difficult for you to avoid some contradictory stones.

Therefore, my sincere advise is to wear only one stone at a time to avoid this confusing state.