Introduction |
Price: INR 500 |
Salient features of this report: |
following report provides in-depth interpretive
text for each of the eight "Kootas" also,
besides the number of matched points in each of
the life-aspect represented by each of the "Koota".
It helps you in understanding the exact meaning of
the "numeric results of Asht-koot table" in
your marital life.
Further, this report also checks for suggested
rectifications of various "Doshas", as told
by our learned seers. If there are any "Doshas"
appearing in the concerned compatibility check
(like, "Nadi dosha" or "Bhrikoota dosha"),
but, at the same time, some of the astrological
conditions are also nullifying these "Doshas",
the following report will mention it in the
concluding part. Normally, what happens is that,
your neighborhood astrologer may find the "Dosha"
but fails to check for the nullifying conditions.
Most of the astrological softwares also does not
have facility to check the "Dosha"
rectifications. Only very learned and experienced Jyotishies have been found to check for the
rectifying conditions for the "Doshas".
The traditional Vedic Jyotish method of relationship
compatibility based upon the Moons of the couple
determines their fundamental compatibility. It measures the flow of the life force, or
energy, between the two people, whether harmonious
or inharmonious. This energy must flow from a
positive to a negative terminal, just like a
battery, for best results. Any obstructions to
this flow may create a loss of power and therefore
inertia, or a short circuit that may quickly heat
up and explode. Several of the Kutas (matchings)
measure to see if there is such an obstruction to
the flow of the couple's energies. Some of the
most important Kutas are 'Nadi', 'Bhrikuta',
and 'Yoni', in declining order. If any one of
these is afflicted will cause serious difficulties
within the relationship.
There may be an exception present that wards off
the great difficulties these can create; the
relationship will still have a failing, but one
that is workable. In addition to the flow of
energy, there must be high enough voltage. The
total points of eight of the Kutas determine this.
The higher the score the more similar the 'taste
buds'. This gives a greater capacity for a
compromise that allows both individuals to feel
fundamentally good about what they're getting.
Eighteen points is the average, twenty or greater
is ideal. If the matching of the Moons is adequate
the couple will have the capacity to relate in a
manner that allows the love to flow and for both
of them to grow in a positive way. Karmic and
behavioral factors will modify to which extent
they will fulfill this capacity. If the matching
of the Moons is inadequate the couple will find it
difficult to flow together; their very life force
will not harmonize well together. In this case
there is little that they can do, but to accept
the fact that their energies collide or miss each
other at times. They can consciously attempt to
create a better flow, but at times they will fall
back onto their natural, disruptive flow,
especially during times of stress or fatigue. |
Why the Moons? Because.... |
1. |
The Moon is the "Manas, Mind, in which lives the
Jiva: the
self, with Ahamkara, the Ego, the idea of
separate existence." -Sri Yukteswar. The
Moon, therefore, indicates the
compatibility of the two selves. |
2. |
The Moon is the social planet that lets people's energies
flow together. Whether the relationship
flows in such a manner as to create mutual
respect and increase in love, or whether
it flows in a manner that causes
disrespect and loss of love is largely
dependent upon the Moon. |
3. |
The Moon is the conditioned consciousness; what is most
comfortable, familiar and innate to the
individual. It is most important for those
living together and spending a great deal
of time with each other to be comfortable
with each other and to offer support to
one other. |