
Marry'd in haste, we oft repent at leisure.


The Kuja-dosha (Mangal-dosha) intensity comparison
The horoscope compatibility related in-depth reports: Sample-2

Manglik dosha myths and facts


Mangli-boy, Mangli-girl


How to Remove Manglik Dosha?



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Manglik Dosha and remedies report Mangal-dosha case studies
Manglik Dosha and remedies report Technique to measure the exact intensity of "Mangal-dosha"

Bhauma dosha and problems in marriage

Horoscope   Effects of Mangal dosha Compatibility
Remedies of Kuja dosha Ashtkoot compatibility
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Manglik dosha or Mangal (Kuja) dosha is much talked about topic in Indian society and manglik dosha analysis is the integral part of the horoscope matching 
process before marriage. Manglik dosh causes delays and hurdles in marrieage. Remedies for Mangalik dosh and Mars can help solve these problems of marriage. 
Mangal dosha is a commonly found dosha. This dosha is also called Kuja dosha or Bhauma dosha. This dosha occurs when the placement of Mars in the horoscope 
is in certain houses that cause malefic influences. People, in whose natal chart Mars is placed inauspiciously, are called Mangliks.


Sample report

Price:  INR 500

Mangalik Dosha Effects and remedies of Mangal dosha

 The Kuja-dosha (Mangal-dosha) intensity comparison 
for Siddhant and Saloni

Compatibility reports

Salient features of this report:

Checking the "Mangal-dosha" (or, "Kuja-dosha", or, "Bhauma-dosha") in a birth-chart is perhaps one of the most misunderstood area while measuring the marital compatibility. One astrologer may find a chart having severe "Mangal-dosha" while another astrologer may declare the same chart clear of any "Mangal-dosha". A lay man, having no knowledge of Vedic astrology, finds himself in a dilemma - as to whom he should believe.

Late Dr. B.V. Raman, world-renowned astrologer, author of more than 100 books on Vedic astrology and former editor of the famous "Astrological Magazine", presented an unique formula to measure the exact intensity of "Mangal-dosha", on a scale of 100 points for each of the concerned malefic planets causing the dosha, in his books "Jaatak-Nirnay" and "How to judge a horoscope (vol. II)". Through this formula, maximum "Mangal-dosha" in a chart may reach up to 337.50 points.

Though, some of the astrologers (specially in Northern India) do not consider 2nd house while checking for "Mangal-dosha", but learned Dr. B.V. Raman and many other Jyotish scholars has strongly advocated to consider the 2nd house too. While, the 2nd house represents family and wealth on the one hand, it is also the "Marak-bhava" of self on the other hand. Through the principle of "BhaavatBhavam", it is also the 8th from 7th house and thus represents the age of the spouse. If Mars is posited in the 2nd house, it aspects the "Saubhaagya sthaan" or "Mangalya sthaan" of the wife through it's 7th aspect. Through it's 4th aspect, it afflicts the 5th house (house of progeny) and through it's 8th aspect, it afflicts the 9th, the most important house representing the destiny and "Dharma" of a person.

The following report is based on Dr. B.V. Raman's formula and hence considers the 2nd house also. It calculates "exact intensity" of "Mangal-dosha"/ "Kuja-dosha" in pure numerical terms in Rasi-charts (Lagna kundli) of both the persons and presents the detailed results in tabular form. Lesser the difference in net intensity of doshas in two charts, better it is.


Theoretically, The "Mangali-dosha"  (or, "Kuja-dosha", or, "Bhauma- dosha"), should not only be measured in Rasi-chart (Lagna kundli) but also in Moon-chart and Venus chart too. But, in practice, it becomes too complicated to adopt these calculations. The Rasi-chart has got the maximum importance in all matters and thus most of the astrologers considers Rasi chart only.

However, if you wish to get these tabulated calculations for Moon chart and Venus chart also, we may provide it at extra charge. You may write us for details.
Mangal-dosha intensity in Siddhant's chart:
'Kuja-dosha' net intensity in Lagna-chart of Siddhant Parashar
 Name    Posited   Dosha   In    Relation     Dosha   benefi-   Net dosha
 Malefics house    (Y/N)  Sign   with Sign  Intensity -cence%   Intensity
 Mars   : 10th      ...                        0.00                     
 Saturn :  8th      Yes     7    Mitra        52.50    30.77%      62.60
 Rahu   : 10th      ...                        0.00                     
 Ketu   :  4th      Yes     3    Sama         30.00                30.00
 Sun    :  3rd      ...                        0.00                     
                                              82.50                92.60
Out of the maximum possible intensity of Kuja-dosha (which is 337.50), the gross total of Kuja-dosha in Siddhant's chart is 82.50 (24.44%). However, after considering the inclined beneficence of concerned planets also, the net value of Kuja-dosha becomes 92.60 (27.44%). Siddhant's would-be-spouse should also have the equal (or, near equal) 'Net intensity' of Mangal(Kuja) dosha for prosperous and fortunate married life. Lesser the difference in two values, more better it will be for the married life. The allowed range of 'net intensity of Kuja-dosha' in the horoscope of Siddhant's prospective bride is between 69.45 and 92.60. The prospective bride's Kuja-dosha intensity should not be more than 92.60 in any case. 
Mangal-dosha intensity in Saloni's chart:
'Kuja-dosha' net intensity in Lagna-chart of Saloni Patel
 Name    Posited   Dosha   In    Relation     Dosha   benefi-   Net dosha
 Malefics house    (Y/N)  Sign   with Sign  Intensity -cence%   Intensity
 Mars   :  7th      Yes     4    Mitra        70.00    76.92%      51.15
 Saturn : 11th      ...                        0.00                     
 Rahu   : 10th      ...                        0.00                     
 Ketu   :  4th      Yes     1    Mitra        26.25                26.25
 Sun    :  6th      ...                        0.00                     
                                              96.25                77.40
Out of the maximum possible intensity of Kuja-dosha (which is 337.50), the gross total of Kuja-dosha in Saloni's chart is 96.25 (28.52%). However, after considering the inclined beneficence of concerned planets also, the net value of Kuja-dosha becomes 77.40 (22.93%). Saloni's would-be-spouse should also have the equal (or, near equal) 'Net intensity' of Mangal(Kuja) dosha for prosperous and fortunate married life. Lesser the difference in two values, more better it will be for the married life. The allowed range of 'net intensity of Kuja-dosha' in the horoscope of Saloni's prospective groom is between 77.40 and 96.75. The prospective groom's Kuja-dosha intensity should not be less than 77.40 in any case.
The Mangal-dosha intensity in both the charts is almost equal and within permissible ranges as mentioned above. The marriage between these two persons may be solemnized if other compatibility checks (like Ashtkoot compatibility) are also favorable.

A note at the end

Report prepared by:
Shyam S Kansal
(Vedic Astrologer)
