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Stock market forecasts

Stock Compass

Features & facilities

An unique personalized astrological planner & guide for keeping your head above water in the stock markets.

Rarely would an astrological report generate such curiosity, awe and anticipation like the Stock Compass. And justifiably so. After all, there's unlikely to be another high performance astrology-report with such brilliance and passion. It  incorporates several tools and personalized reports for those who wish to use this astral science for their financial decisions. It really doesn't matter that what your level of experience is, amateur or professional. Any investor can hone up and fine tune his planning ability, re-orient his strategies and re-allocate his resources, with it's help.

Stock compass provides you basically three types of reports:

1. Horoscope based static reports
2. Horoscope based dynamic reports
3. Financial astrology related tools and analytical reports

Horoscope based static reports

The reports based only on your birth chart has been called "static reports". The results and interpretation of these reports are applicable for whole of your life-span, and therefore, are "static" in nature. These results does not get altered due to planetary transit status. These reports basically tries to measure natal strength, promises and inclinations of various signifying planets and houses in your birth-chart.

Stock suitability

Whether the natal chart of a corporate entity is in astral harmony with your's? Match your horoscope with that of more than a thousand horoscopes, of most of the prominent companies, in program database. Buy only those stocks whose natal chart harmonizes with your own natal chart. To determine this harmony of a particular stock, with your own natal chart, we have employed established principles of Vedic astrology, used since ages in India.

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Other static reports

Shortlist the companies astrologically compatible

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Astrologically suitable industry sectors for you

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Your horoscope based calculations and charts

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Horoscope based dynamic reports

These reports are based on your birth chart as well as current planetary transit status. The results and interpretation of these reports are applicable for a particular time period only, and therefore, are "dynamic" in nature. These reports basically tries to measure natal strength, promises and inclinations of various signifying planets and houses in your birth-chart and how these promises are going to fructify during a particular period.

Your date wise Vjyotish indexes 

These graphical reports lets you find out your day's composite astral profile, relevant to the stock markets. You can assess your 'astrological net-effect' of the day, your sense of judgment, the steadiness of your mental faculties, how beneficially you will be able to bargain a deal, how the financial gains, sudden fortunes and windfall gains are indicated in your horoscope, during the day.  

You can also find out - Whether the day is suitable for speculative actions? How suitable various Industry sectors are on a day? How suitable companies of 'Names', 'Size' & 'Health' will remain?  Is the day suitable for 'Buying' or 'Selling' ?


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Other dynamic reports

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Financial astrology related tools and analytical reports

This section of Stock Compass is useful for well-versed students of financial astrology. It is earnestly hoped that sincere students will be encouraged to carry on further research in the much neglected field of Astro-Economics, with the help of these tools and reports. 

It is a complimentary section in Stock Compass.  You may just download the program and use all these reports and tools without any obligation.

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