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"Currently I own two wonderful jyotish softwares but they do not offer the predictive power that you are developing with Stock Compass and Vjyotish - I believe you are the one computer jyotish pioneer in this matter and I look forward to a long relationship with you. "

Swami Sadashiva Tirtha

The only bookmark on astrology you'll ever need

New York, USA
Author of "Ayurveda Encyclopedia"

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F.A.Q.- Astrological concepts and techniques related [01]


What astrological factors are considered by a Vjyotish index?

“Vjyotish” is a concept and method of drawing a net astrological conclusion in precise numerical terms, called as 'net astrological effect', by mathematically quantifying various key astrological parameters. My method quantifies the benefic and malefic influences of each planet in precise unambiguous figures and combines the effects of different planets and houses and can integrate the effects of various planets with respect to each other. The program integrates natal promises of various planets in a horoscope with their transit status. Several established Vedic astrology principles are simultaneously integrated to gauge the exact benefic and malefic effects of each planet in natal horoscope as well as in their daily transit.

My basic thought behind the program has remained that every factor is making a planet and houses either better or worse. The actual core of the program is controlled by "weightages" only. The program quantifies the authority of the nine planets over twelve houses due to various portfolios (of varying caliber) got by them in relation to these houses. The more authority a planet has got to influence a house, the more it will deliver to the house from its natal promises, at appropriate moments (dasa and transits – including “Sade-Sati”). Almost all major and minor factors (approx. 13 in total), in proportionate ratios of their importance, have been taken into consideration to calibrate this authority to gauge the planet's overall direct and indirect influences on the Houses.

To sum up, if we take an example where only a single planet and a single House is involved, then the Vjyotish index, thus, represents the intention of the planet towards that House at a particular moment, it's capability of producing the intended results and it's authority of delivering the results on that moment. I believe that no planet is inclined to deliver either only good results or only bad results always towards a house. The program identifies the "trigger" factors, which decides whether the good or bad results of a planet towards a House will be delivered on a particular point of a time.

Yes, one thing more to add. Vjyotish does not check or consider any traditional "Yoga" in a horoscope. I have been getting quite satisfactory results without them, therefore, I never thought of adding "Yogas" also - because it will make my already quite complex algorithm even more complex and may distort the results with slight mistake.

It though considers some divisional charts (like Navamsa and Dasamsa) and some special Lagnas (like Indu Lagna) while drawing indexes of money matters, career etc.

 Please feel free to write its author if there are any other queries.

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